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Many sources have been used in compiling this website, from the local paper archives held at Launceston Library to books written over time. Much of the bulk of the work has been compiled by Jim Edwards, but I also wish to thank the late Joan Rendell, and John Neale for the work they have put into their books, which have proven invaluable in helping put together certain aspects of the website. Then we have Steve Dymond who has provided many images of the old A30, and Nick Hairs who likewise has been an important contributor of images. Also, a great deal of information has been obtained from the work of the nineteenth-century writers and historians, Richard Peter and his son Otho plus Richard Robbins and his son Sir Alfred Robbins. Much of the information has also been gleaned from the various authors of the Cornish and Devon Post, with the microfiche copies being available from the Launceston Library. Then there is the wonderful archive of material from that little ‘gem’ of a museum at Lawrence House, Castle Street which has provided many of the images seen on the site. Lastly, I would like to thank all the people that have joined the affiliated Facebook group of Launceston Then who have shared their memories and images. All this has made Launceston Then a magical trip down memory lane and hopefully a point of reference for anyone wishing to know more about the vast history of this wonderful town situated as it is on the Cornish border with Devon. Launceston, the gateway to Cornwall.

Others that have helped in the research for this website:

Stanley Tout

Elise Langdon-Neuner

Chris Hicks

Chris Gynn

The following are also to be thanked for their kind donations which has enabled the purchase of a NAS drive to which all the Launceston Then images, files and website backups are now saved, running a second back up in the system as a fail-safe. The funds have also allowed for the purchase of a portable scanner which will give the ability to provide mobile scanning of photos and documents.

Stanley Tout, Mark Davey, Roy Williams, Paul Wickens, Moira Wilding, Gary Keat, Alan Knight, Const Wade, Mike Wallington, Linda Medland, Dave Cottrell, Gemma Hicks, Ruth Bawden, Charles Mills, Clare Goodman, Pam Parnell, Don Berryman, Gail Micher, Trudy Bailey, Anne, Bickle, Margaret Saunter, Sheila Swift, Rosemarie Lane, Gareth Lancaster, Jackie Harrison, Rebecca Cavey, S. Goodwin, Carol West, Jemma Perry, Peter Grant, Angus Stewart, Jacqueline Knight, Mary Cole, Alan Creber, Ken Parnall, Graham Parnell, Joanna Pescod, Ian Harvey, Bernie Robbins, Angie Trayler, David Perry, John O’Mahoney, Liz Clarkson, Jonathon Hairs, Mark Gregory, Colin Gregory, Lynda Harvey, Iris Lindsay, Katrina Matlin, Margaret Parnell, Andrea Boxall, Jane O’Mahoney, Ann Blatchford, Elaine Thomas, Gary Lashbrook, Hils Whale, Rob Berryman, Patricia Beaver, Liz Eagle, Peter Crispin, Simon Harris, Judith Cayzer, Liz Lowe, Russell Chidley, Christina Stanmore, Ray Boyd, Tarry Barriball, Jeremy Harries, Ruth Martin, Paul Morehead and Andrea McPhedran. There were also 14 anonymous donations made.


Photographs used on this web site have been obtained from a variety of sources. Those obtained directly from the original photographer or a picture library have been duly acknowledged, but some may have been acquired on the open market and, despite attempts at tracing their origin, many of these inevitably remain anonymous. These are usually credited to the ‘collection’ of the contributor. If through no fault of our own, photographs or images have been used without due credit or acknowledgement, then apologies are offered. If anyone believes this to be the case, then please let us know and the necessary credit will be added at the earliest opportunity.
Roger Pyke (Website Designer and Administrator). Contact

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