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War Memorial Dedication Wreaths


The Wreaths
On the 21st of October 1921 Launceston unveiled its War memorial at a dedication service. There was an abundance of wreaths and below are the messages left.
In loving memory of Jack; In remembrance of Claude Tucker, from Uncle and Aunt, Landue cottage; In loving memory of Truman, Stanley, Dick and Fred Brighton from all at Parkhill farm, St. Stephens; In ever loving memory of W. H. Adams, from his loving wife and children; In ever loving memory of our dear Cecil, from Mother and all; In loving memory of Lewis (Pte. L. Cole) from Cecil; In proud and loving memory of my darling Daddy, Sergt. Douglas Cavey, from Stewart and Mum; In loving remembrance of F. Bennett, from wife and children; In loving memory of Frank Doidge, from his sorrowing mother, brothers and sisters, 9 Broad street; To Will, in loving memory from Mother and all, Monks park, Launceston; In affectionate remembrance of our dear boy, F. B. Clarke, Mother and Gran; In loving memory of our dear son and brother, Sergt. Douglas Cavey, R.A.M.C, Father and Mother, sisters and brothers; In loving remembrance of Pte. Charles Davey, from loving mother, Father, and family; In ever loving memory of dear cousin Tom, from Uncle, Auntie and Cousins, 32, Dunmere Villa; To dear Lewis Cole, in loving remembrance, Mr. And Mrs. Walter Dawe, Emily and Gladys; To the memory of Claude and Leslie Tucker, from their sorrowing Mother, brother and sister; In loving memory of my dear brother, Stanley Bartlett, from his sister and brother, Mr. And Mrs. Causeley; In loving memory of dear Jack, from his Mother and all the family; In affectionate remembrance of my dear husband, F. Lethbridge, from his loving wife and children; In ever affectionate remembrance of our fallen parishioners, from St. Thomas Church; In remembrance of my Uncle, Sergt. J. Fitze, A. Burge; In memory of Sergt. J. Fitze, the first from this town who fell in the Great War, from his brothers and sisters; In remembrance of my Uncle Claude and Leslie Tucker, from Norman; In proud and loving memory of our dear nephew, Douglas Cavey, Auntie Pollie and Auntie Kate; In affectionate remembrance of S. Marks, from Mother and Father, brothers and sisters; In loving memory of dear Daddy, and Uncle Chid and Dick, from Joyce; In memory, from the Sunday School and Congregation of the Wesleyan Church; From “one whose sons came back”; W. J. Gimblett, In loving memory from mother, sister and brother; In loving memory of Bertram C. Murton, from Father, Mother and sister; In proud thankfulness and with loving remembrance, especially for Harriet Dorothy Margaret Thompson, from the Red Cross,V.A. Detachment, No. 18, Cornwall; The Independent Order of Rechabites, In loving remembrance of the members who died in the Great War for liberty and freedom; In affectionate remembrance from Jack, Rose and Ethel Joyce; to our dear Freddie (Buglar Wicks), from Father and Mother; Fond remembrance of my loving Daddy, dear Uncle Dick and Uncle George, from Goi; In loving memory of our darling Dad, Pte, G. H. Hill, from Cyril, Ivy, Phyllis, Sid, 16 St. Thomas Hill; Of dear Bob, from Mother and Girlie; In memory of the fallen of the Great War, in grateful remembrance from Dr. And Mrs. Thompson; From Loyal Unity Lodge, I.O.O.F., M.U., In ever lasting memory of our brothers who paid the supreme sacrifice in the Great War; A.O. Foresters Court Northumberland, in sincere and honoured memory of our dear departed brothers; In loving memory of dear Tom, from Mother, Charlie, Bill, George and Lucy; In loving memory of George E. Oxenham, from Father, Mother and family; In loving and sweet memory of dear Rob, from Eric; From the members of the Launceston Constitutional Club; In sweetest memory of Jack Morton, from his loving sisters; In loving memory of my dear brothers, Charles and Richard Medland, from A. J. Climo; From the St. Thomas Road U. M. Church, to the glory of God and in honour of the noble dead; To the glory of God and in honoured memory of the men of Tower St. U. M. Church, who laid down their lives in the Great War; In loving memory of dear Ernie and Claude, beloved sons of C. H. Jones, from Father, sisters and brothers; In loving memory of my dear husband, John Northmore, Ide and Ernie; A token of remembrance of Leslie Tucker, Uncle Aunt and Cousins, Wrixhill; In ever loving memory of my dear son, T. Sleeman, from Mother; In loving remembrance of Arthur (Boysie) Whitford, from Father, Mother, brothers and sisters; From 1st Launceston Boy Scouts; In loving memory of my dear husband, c. A. Phelps, from his wife and children; In loving memory of Uncle Edgar and Uncle Sidney, from Harriet, Cicely, and Rundle; In loving memory of dear Daddy, S. W. Thomas, from his little Perring; The Officers, N. C. O.s and Men of the Launceston detachment 5th D. C. L. I.; In loving memory of H. Starr, from his sorrowing wife; In ever loving memory of Claude and George, from Mother, sisters, and brothers; In ever loving memory of Harold, from Mother, Father, Charlie, Ernie, Winnie and Elsie; To the cherished memory of our dear soldier boy, Pte. William J. Savage, School House, St. Giles; To the glorious remembrance of Gunner L. K. H. Tucker; In loving memory of our comrades from the P. S. A. Brotherhood; In ever loving memory of Horace Robert Westlake, from Mother, brother and sister; In loving remembrance from Mr. And Mrs. Treleaven; From the members of the St. Mary Magdalene Men’s Bible Class; To our glorious dead, in proud and loving memory of our dearest Mervyn; In memory of my dearest husband, T. H. Pellatt; In loving remembrance of our dear Stanley (Sillifant), from sorrowing Father, Mother and sisters; From the Launceston Town Council, in grateful memoriam; To the members of the Hearts of Oak Friendly Society; In loving memory from the Baptist Church Congregation; In affectionate remembrance from Mr. And Mrs. John Hill and family, Tredydan Rd.; In tender remembrance of G. T. Brendon, from father, brother and sisters; In ever tender memory of our fallen Comrades, “Lest we forget”, the Launceston Branch of the British Legion; To our brother members of the A. O. F., And of our Brother John Colwill, a native of Launceston, a member of Court “Dunheved”, the oldest friendly society at Launceston; In loving memory of dear Lewis (Pte. L. Cole), from Father and Mother; To the immortal honour of those from this town who gave their lives for King and Country in the Great War, from the War Memorial Committee; In loving remembrance of Wm. Henry Adams, from Father, sisters and brother; In loving memory of Dudley c. D. Bennett, from his father, Mother and sister; To Will, from Mother and all at Monks Park, Launceston; In loving memory of Archie Cudlipp, from Father, Mother, and sisters.

Visits: 87