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The Cornish and Devon Post during WW1

During World War One the newspaper was the only way of obtaining any news on the War’s progress and for Launceston the Cornish and Devon Post was of significant importance relaying the weekly news, both international and local. Here are a few extracts from the paper, with great thanks to Jim Edwards, over the Wars duration:
Trigg Major Magazine: 1913: Trewen July –
marriage: June 16th. Stephen Henry Stratton, Sierra Leone & Frances C Allen, Pipers Pool.
Trewen September 1813: ‘Our best wishes to Mr and Mrs Stratton, who will shortly be leaving for Sierra Leone. Mrs Stratton, who will be much missed, was for some years Mistress of the Piper’s Pool School, and has just resigned her post on her marriage.
St. Stephens, October 1813: Revd J Nunns: “We hear from Miss Nunns that her brother has been placed by Bishop Furse in charge of Whitback, a coal mining village about 80 miles East of Johannesburg. It has the largest coal mine in the world, having an output of 2,000 tons a day. Most of the manual work is done by Kaffirs, but there is a white population of about 1,200.”
Boyton – November 1913: marriage; Thomas Cowling of Cape Town, South Africa, to Emily Vodden Cowling, of Bennacott, Boyton.
St Stephen’s – August 1913: Cornish & Devon Post, 31 October, 1914: Launceston News: With the Canadian’s; Among the most recent arrivals from Canada are Ptes. Claude and Ernest Jones, sons of Mr Charles Henry Jones, of Tredydon, and formerly of Wooda. Both had been residing in Toronto and prior to the outbreak of war, were in the Volunteer Force there. Pte Charles Jones, whilst in Canada, was a member of the 9th Mississauga Horse; as soon as war broke out he volunteered for the Front, and arrived with the first batch of Canadians recently, having transferred to the Infantry. He had served five years in Toronto. He is in the printing trade and his employer has gladly consented to keep his job open. Pte Ernest Jones had been a Volunteer Territorial in the 10th Royal Grenadiers.
Letter to Editor: In response to an appeal by FM Roberts, of Berkhamstead, of October 29th, to the Reserves Cavalry Regiments 6,000 saddles have been sent by sportsmen, and more are promised.
November 7th, 1914: Launcestonians, who have emigrated to other parts of the country, are doing their share in the great crisis. Mr Fred Stacey, son of Mr and Mrs J Stacey, The Walk, Launceston, has joined the Cornish Territorials. He was residing at Bude. Mr Stanley Jordan, son of Cpl. and Mrs Jordan of Race Hill, has undertaken the duty at Hastings of Special Constable.
Launceston News: The convent has been sold to the Dominican Nuns, South Africa, who will shortly be taking possession, it is not known quite when. The Sisters at present in occupation are reduced to five, namely – Sisters Gabriel Moy [Mother Superior], John Berchmons, Elizabeth, Ambrose and Thomas Aquinas. Their services are wanted as soon as possible at Cherbourg, where their Order [Sisters of Charity of Jesus and Mary] have two houses, in one of which 100 orphans and 45 old women are cared for, and in the other 50 orphans.
In this latter, which is a commodious building, 400 wounded soldiers are under treatment. The Order has 55 Sisters at Cherbourg.
Our Guests From Belgium: The Mayor [Alderman E Hicks] and the Mayoress [his wife], accompanied by Mrs Williams and Mrs TC Reed, have been to Exeter to choose from the distribution centre, which refugees would be cared for in Launceston. In all, twenty two were chosen and arrived by train on Friday. After many adventures, they are now at their journey’s end, and in their temporary houses.
Belgian refugees are now at Launceston, Bude, Port Isaac, Polzeath. Twenty-two were selected at Exeter by the Mayoress and Sister John Berchmons of St Joseph’s Convent, and Mrs TC Reed, who were brought by train on behalf of the Royal and Loyal Borough.
Seven of the party that arrived early in the week, are being entertained at St Joseph’s Convent, namely: Madame Donnay, Madame Tengels, both from Antwerp, Mademoiselle Wauthor, Ostend, and a family named Pitois, consisting of a mother and four children – Philomel [16], Julia [14], Joseph [10], and Melanue [8]. The father, a carpenter, died six years ago. This family witnessed some of the terrors of the attack on Malines. Mde Donnay left Antwerp at midnight, when the bombardment opened and walked for sixteen hours. She was going to take a train, but before she could do so, the train was struck by a shell, four being killed and several wounded. Among the refugees are an Antwerp policeman named Meuleman, and his wife and two daughters – Julia [16], and Bertha [11], who are staying at Mr and Mrs Cartwrights, the Ferns, St Stephens Hill.
Congratulations to Captain Grylls, RA., AOD., who has just been promoted. He is the son of Mr and Mrs C G R Gerveys Grylls, of Trenuth, Dunheved Road, Launceston.
Letter: Received from Sapper Walters, son of Mr Walters, postman, Exeter St, is a letter to Mr J Salt, who is on the Post Office staff. Sapper Walters is in the 12th Coy, Royal Engineers, 6th Div, Engineer Force.
Mt J Johns, of Alexandria Terrace, Launceston, has just had word indirectly, that his eldest son, Cpl. Farrier Arthur Johns, of the Life Guards, ahs been seriously wounded at the Front, and is now lying in hospital at Cork, Ireland.
Trooper S Mason, of the 2nd. Life Guards, son of Mr and Mrs G Mason, Little Athill, Egloskerry, has returned from the Front, where he was wounded in the left leg, just above the ankle. At the time of writing the bullet had not been extracted. He is now in hospital at Wandsworth Common, London.
St MM, Dec 1915: Marriage- George Nigel Spry to Elizabeth Medland, Nov. 8th.
Lawhitton: Edgar Vosper, of Bamham, at Gallipoli, dd. by dysentery. Thomas Coombe, of Bamham, is the first man to die due to the war, from Lawhitton.
September 5th: HMS Partridge, light cruiser, built 1904, blown to pieces by a mine.
November 14: Battle off Chile Coast – British losses – first November: Good Hope, Monmouth, Glasgow, met Scharnhorst, Gneisenhau, Leipzig, Dresden.
Photo of Sapper C Hoskin, Mounted Linesman, RE., November 14th, page 4.
A Hero of HMS Monmouth, Frederick Sercombe, CPO, Bude.
Post & News, December 5th, 1914: Launceston Shoeing-Smith. Home From The Front.
Invalided from the Army, shoeing-Smith Alfred Vosper, son of Mr and Mrs Vosper, of Northgate Street, Launceston, arrived home this week. He left home on October 12th, last, and after a little over a week at Woolwich, was sent across to France, being drafted to the 2nd. Div. 35th. Co. A.S.C.. Bailliud was reached by train, and later Poperinghe, where he slept in an engine shed, with about 70 others, on a bed of straw. The next morning they proceeded to Ypres, where the shoeing of horses was undertaken by day, and in the evening assistance was given to the men taking ammunition to the trenches, returning to their positions for sleep. Very often severe fighting would be in progress whist the ammunition waggons were being taken up, and on one occasion a shell struck a waggon behind Shoeing-Smith Vosper, knocking it all to pieces, killing the driver and a horse when it exploded. Two attempts were made by the Germans to break through whilst Mr Vosper was near the trenches. A number did actually get through, but they never returned to their lines – they were either killed or captured. One day the French marched through with 500 German prisoners. The scouting aeroplanes made pretty pictures as viewed from below, and the daring of the men was extraordinary, the scouting carried on whilst shells were bursting all around them.
The plight of the Belgian refugees was simply terrible, remarks Mr Vosper. Scores were to be met with every day, tramping from the battle area. On one occasion an old woman of about eighty was seen, being pushed along in a small cart by her son, who was himself grey-headed, whilst all their parcels and clothes were packed o the top of the old lady. The roads, which were like ploughed fields, were full of men, women and children with cycles, to which to which were attached their sole worldly belongings, tied in small parcels, their owners not knowing where to go. Babies were seen seated in small boxes on wheels used as a substitute for perambulators. In the 35th standing camp, many refugees passed their time, coming down at intervals when the kind-hearted soldiers saw that they did not want of food, going without themselves rather than the unfortunate people should be short.
The weather has made a great change whilst Mr Vosper was there, turning from dry days and cold nights to heavy rain and snow and bitter nights. The Indians, who are doing such good work, appear to stand the weather well. A number of the soldiers were sent back to hospital, suffering from rheumatism. Mr Vosper was invalided back, and received his discharge early this week.
A letter has been received by Mr Ball, of Westgate Street, from Mr Will Veal, No. 34752, ASC, 8th. Field Bakery, 4th Base, Expeditionary Force, France. Mr Veal, who for some twelve months had been head man in Mr Ball’s bakery, enlisted in the Army Service Corps, September 11th, and was there and then called up for service, baker being in great demand. After a short time of training on Salisbury Plain, he was sent to the Front. About a month ago Mr Ball had a postcard from his former employee announcing that he was in France. Mr Veal’s father is a Launceston man, who has a tailoring business at Ottery St Mary. His grand-father will be remembered by not a few townsmen as a member of Launceston Volunteer Band. The letter, which is undated, but was received Wednesday morning, is as follows:- Dear Mr Ball – Just a few lines to let you know I have not forgotten Launceston. I was sorry to leave you as I did, but at the time I felt it my duty to enlist. I do not regret it. We have to rough it a bit out here, as we are under canvas; and last week we had some severe frost. Our water was frozen, so you could imagine how cold it is after being used to a feather bed. It is surprising what good bread is turned out from the field ovens, as everything is done in tents with a brazier under to keep the dough warm.
I must thank you for taking the trouble to send my box and things home, as I know you must have been hard pressed for a time just then. Kindly remember me to your family and Mrs Ball.
I am enjoying good health, which is a blessing, as a good many of our fellows are in hospital and some attending. I trust you are keeping well and business is steadily increasing.
Last week I saw some chaps come down from the firing lines frost bitten. Two of them told me they had been in the trenches for three days. Their feet and hands were awful to look at.
I trust you are thinking about your Christmas cakes and things now. I don’t expect to make any myself this Christmas. Yours faithfully; Will Veal.
Wounded in Action: Lt Grylls, youngest son of Mr and Mrs GR Gervys Grylls, of Trenuth, Dunheved Road. [more on page six]
Cornish & Devon Post: 12th December, 1914. War Items: Among the December addition to the Navy List are two flotilla leaders, Botha and Tipperary.
On Friday, whilst a cylinder weighing about half a ton was being conveyed from explosive works at Gravesend, it exploded, and was blown through an advertisement hoarding, and travelled about fifty yards beyond. There was no loss of life, but houses in the vicinity were wrecked.
“Like brooks” is the description given of the German trenches. The men remain in them for about two days then have one day’s rest.
The Kaizer is reported to have returned to Berlin for a short stay.
It is not true that Lord Kitchener was in France last week.
King George has sent forty braces of pheasants for the wounded at Exeter.
An Army’s Components. Details of Organisation: French and German:
1 Army Corps = 2 Divisions. 1 Division = 2 Brigades.
1 Brigade = 2 Regiments. 1 Regiment = 3 Battalions.
In addition, each division is allocated a certain amount of artillery, cavalry, engineers, ambulances and transports.
The British division consist of the same number of battalions, but is organised as follows:
1 Division = 3 brigades. 1 Brigade = 4 Battalions. Our allotment of divisional troops, i.e. artillery, engineers, etc., is laid down in “War Establishments.”
A Battalion numbers approximately 1,000 men.
Launceston News: December 12th, 1914. Mr William Ough, formerly sergeant of the Band of the Royal Marine Light Infantry, bandmaster of the Devonport Detachment of the 2nd Volunteer 8th Devon Regiment, and for several years landlord of the London Inn, Church Street, Launceston, died at Stonehouse Royal Naval Hospital, Wednesday last. He met with an injury to a toe a few weeks ago, and his death is the result of complications following the injury. He leaves a son and two daughters. Mr Ough was Fifty-four years of age.
AN EXCITING CHASE. Dog Makes Off With Two Hams. An amusing [to all but those directly concerned] occurred at Launceston on Wednesday. Early in the afternoon a dog, a retriever, might have been seen tearing along Westgate Street with a ham in its mouth. Despite the weight, it made marvellously good pace, closely followed by members of staff of The Star Supply Stores, Broad Street. The dog kept well to the front, however, and was still heading when the top of the old sheep market was reached. Here its course was diverted by a roadman brandishing a tool, and it made off through the market, turning the corner in the Guildhall Square and going along the Western Road, still well in advance of its pursuers. Outside the East Cornwall Garage the dog received a fright – and dropped the ham, making good its escape.
Great was the surprise of the staff of the Star Supply Co., however, on their return, for the dog, after dropping the first ham, had immediately raced back to the shop and made off with another ham. This time it was not allowed to get so far, but was stopped in Broad STREET Square, and once more deprived of a meal it struggled so hard to obtain.
Post Card From The Front: Motor-Driver T Parson, A.S.C., at the Front, son of Mr and Mrs Marwood Parsons, Race Hill, Launceston, has sent an official post card to Mr AC Clewes, of Race Hill. From the card nearly everything is erased except “I am still quite well. I have not heard from you lately.” The card bears his signature and is stamped as being passed by the censor.
Home From The Front. Trooper Mason Recovering. Quite a number of persons were waiting last Friday to give Trooper RS Mason [who was wounded at the Front], a hearty welcome, when he arrived home at Little Athill, St Stephens. Trooper Mason, who is in the 2nd Life Guards, was driven to his house by Dr. FT Thompson. Although a little lame, Trooper Mason is in good health and spirits, and expects to go again to the Front on January 2nd next. All our readers will join us in wishing Trooper Mason a good recovery and a safe return when his duty is done.
December 12th edition: Letters From India. Baking For The Troops. Mr Charles Uren, son of Mr and Mrs William Uren, Southgate, Launceston, writing from Dunheved Cottage, Fowey, says it is very busy baking bread for the troops. Turning out about 200 loaves per night. It is expected to work up to 300 per night.
War Items: More than 200 men were killed or injured in the recent German troop train accident.
Pte F Nailor, of Sandhurst, Berkshire, was wounded at the front, and was at his home when the postman brought a letter the War Officer reporting that he was Killed in Action on November 1st. Nailor will return to his Regiment shortly.
LAUNCESTON NEWS: Mr Leslie Treleaven has been given a commission in the 3rd Battalion, DCLI; as a 2nd Lieutenant he will shortly be leaving for Falmouth.
2nd Lt. Humphrey Grylls, of the South Wales Borderers [son of Mr and Mrs CR Gerveys Grylls, Trenuth, Dunheved Road], who was wounded at the Front recently has now returned to his home.
Mr Frank Walters, on of Mr W H Walters, who has just left for India with a contingent of the 4th DCLI, has been promoted to the rank of Sergeant. The men, among several Launcestonians, has a good send off from Newquay. They sailed from Southhampton on Sunday last.
January, 1914: St Mary Magdalen – The Rev MT Hainsselin, R.N. We were very glad to have Mr Hainsselin’s help for nearly all the Sundays during December. He has now to take up his appointment as Chaplain to H.M.S. Ajax, a Super Dreadnought, and expects to be at sea for 12 months of more.
Egloskerry 1914: May. Since our last month’s notes were in the printer’s hands, the idea of building a new Church Room has been abandoned, the Schoolroom having been kindly offered to the committee by GR Vowler, Esq. for the sum of £125. free of conveyance. The contract was signed on April 18th., and a deposit of £25. paid to Messrs. Peter & Son – the balance to be met by June 24th.
Some alterations and repairs are needed, the cost of which, together with the provision of seating, will amount to about £50. Of the total amount required, £74 is already in hand or promised [including, with the sanction of Messrs Barclays Bank in the name of the Vicar and Churchwardens], and further subscriptions will be thankfully received. EGB Lethbridge, Esq., Tregeare, has kindly consented to act as Treasurer of the Fund.
North Hill: The sad death of Mr Claude Mitchell, who enlisted in the Territorial Forces four years ago, who has been engaged in trench digging on the East Coast, caught a very terrible cold and died of pneumonia in the Military Hospital at Newcastle.
Broadwood: February 1915: Waiting for news of Frank Barnett, who is at the front.
Broadwood: L/Cpl Frank Burnett has laid down his life for his friends; his father and mother received the news from the War Office that Frank Died in Action on 18th Dec. He was in the Scots Guards. Our sympathy goes out to the father and mother of three sons in the Army – the youngest, Froude – is recovering from frost-bite.
7 Nov 1914: Lezant: Roll of Honour Navy: C Bridgman, on Gibraltar. FJ Dawe, on Doris. W Hodge, on Nyad. J Lee, on Collingwood. W Lee, on Indefatigable. TA Goodman and N Spurr, Yeomanry. J Hocken, Territorials. W Short, ASC. Fred Jeffery and Richard Maddaver, Kitchener’s Army. Samuel L Abbot, Duke of Connaught’s Rifles. Robert Holgate Cardwell, Mounted Rifles, South Africa.
North Petherwin: Corporal K Gubbin is at the Front.
Pte Frank Burnett, Scots Guards, writing to his sister, Mrs Newberry, at Ashwater, regarding his involvement in a great battle, but he is fine.
Local Roll of Honour: Fred Stacey, DCLI [Territorial]; Kitchener’s Army – FG Hendy;
M Littlejohns; JC Ellery – all of Lifton.
Engineer Lt. Malan, son of the Rev. AH Malan, vicar of Altarnun, is in the Royal Navy.
Trigg Major Ruridecanal Magazine:
December 1914 – Lawhitton: Thomas Coombes is the first of the Lawhitton contingent of His Majesty’ Forces to obtain a place on the highest “Roll of Honour” – the Roll which receives the names of those who have given their lives for their King & Country. We have a few details of the Naval battle in which the “Monmouth” [Thomas Coombe’s ship] and the “Good Hope” were sunk. All we know is that they were outclassed by the German Squadron, and that their crews fought bravely, as British sailors would, to the last.
Note; HMS Monmouth and HMS Good Hope; Monmouth was the lead ship of a class of armoured cruisers of 9,800 tons. They were sunk in the Battle of Coronel in 1914. Built in 1901; armed with 14 – 6 inch quick-firing guns – served in the China Station 1906-1913; sent to Reserve Fleet in January 1914: sent to 4th Cruiser Squadron (West Indian Squadron – Admiral Christopher Cradock. The Battle of Coronel, off the coast of Chile, 1 November, 1914; outdated, inexperienced crew, quickly overwhelmed, Monmouth was hit by a *.2 inch shell from SMS Gneisenau, which penetrated the thin armour of the forward gun-turret causing a huge fire and great damage forward; more serious hits and put out of action. The Gneisenau then turned its attention to the Good Hope. The Monmouth was then attacked by the newly arrived light cruiser SMS Nurmberg [Kapitan zur See Karl von Schonberg] which fired seventy-five 4.1 inch shells at close range. Monmouth and Good Hope were both sunk with a combined loss of 1,570 lives.
No survivors from either ship. {Jim Edwards}.
Vicar of Lawhitton reading a letter: 13 Nov 1914:– “On behalf of the 67 wounded soldiers, both British and Belgian, now in this hospital, I have great pleasure in sending their grateful thanks to the parishioners of Lawhitton for the most generous contributions sent for their benefit, consisting of 10 lbs of butter, 63 eggs, 7 fowls, a cake, and a good quantity of apples and pears, all of which have arrived safely this morning. In addition to this, I also thankfully acknowledge the receipt of £1. 2s. 10d, in money. : Sydney M Quannel, Secretary.
WW1 Horses: 8 August, 1914, Post & News. Horses Commandeered. Yesterday [Thursday] in response to requests from an official, several tradesmen of the town and farmers and others from the district paraded horses, with their harness, in the Cattle Market at Launceston, when an official selected those fit for army purposes.
Eight artillery men from Salisbury Plain made the journey to Launceston, Wednesday, in connection with the commandeering of horses. They had been in the train over 12 hours without food and the Mayoress of Launceston [Mrs E Hicks] kindly gave them a spread in the Castle Temperance Hotel.
It is stated that 60 horses were accepted at Launceston. Mr Vickery assisted the officials. A fair market price will be paid for each horse taken over – objections as to — to County court later.
At the meeting of the Launceston Board of Guardians, Saturday, it was decided to allow the Government the use of part of the House for accommodating destitute aliens and Germans who had been landed from ships captured.
A communication was first read from Falmouth in which was a resolution that had been passed at a joint meeting of Falmouth Town Council and Board of Guardians, which protested against the landing of hundreds of aliens from the captured German liners at Falmouth by order of the Commissioners of Customs without making any provision for their proper supervision, housing, maintenance and clothing, and called upon the Government to arrange to at once take charge of such aliens, and to provide for any further landing at Falmouth or elsewhere, suggestions were set forth requesting that a concentration camp, obsolete warship or other suitable place might be found for detaining those destitute aliens that were already in the workhouse –

Trigg Major Mag. 1916. St Mary Magdalene: Death. Medland: Richard, son of Edwin and Grace Medland, Old Nursery, Wooda.
Post & News. 25 July 1914: Launceston Man at Bisley. Sgt C Medland, C Coy, 5th DCLI.
“ “ 17 Oct 1914: Volunteered for Foreign Service: Sgt C Medland, Territorials; Darrel F S Vowler, Major, M M G Corps [Captain 2nd Bn. Sherwood Forresters, son of Frank & Ellen Vowler] d. 28 Feb. 1919. Served in Great War, aged 24 years.

17 November 1914: ** Miss E Peter, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs *AP Peter, of Bodmeyric, Holsworthy, left for Oxford to nurse sick and wounded servicemen.
Kelly’s Directory 1914: Francis Simcoe Vowler, Edymead House, Tavistock Road, Launceston.
C & D Post, 1st Jan 1944: Francis Simcoe Vowler, Efymead House, Tavistock Road, Launceston, who died 8th October 1943: his Will Proved by John Creed Vowler, 4 Collingwood Road, South Kensington, and Gerald Peter, Launceston, solicitor, on December 4th, 1943, in the odmin Division Probate Registry.
Cornish & Devon Post, 3rd. October, 1914: ADVERTISEMENT.
Armourers, Carpenters, 188 to 28.
Fitters & Turners [for E.R.As & Electrical Artificers], 21 to 25.
Apply: Naval Recruiting Office, New Passage Hill, Devonport.
British Naval Disaster – Official Statement – Struck whilst Saving Men.
The Number of Saved – Government Press Bureau, London. September 25th.
The Secretary of the Admiralty Authorises This Official Statement.
The facts of the affair cannot be better conveyed to the public than by the attached reports of the senior officers, who have survived or landed in England.
The sinking of the Aboukir, was, of course, an ordinary hazard of patrolling duty. The Hague and Cressy however were sunk because they proceeded to the assistance of their consort, and remained with engines stopped endeavouring to save life, thus presenting an easy and certain target to further such attacks.
The natural promptings of humanity have in this case led to heavy losses which would have been avoided by a strict adherence to military consideration. Modern naval war is presenting us with so many new and strange situations that an error of judgement of this character is pardonable. But it has been necessary to point out for the future guidance of Her Majesty’s ships that the conditions that prevail when one vessel of a squadron is, in fact in a minefield, or is exposed to submarine attack, are analogous to those which occur in an action, and that the rule of leaving disabled ships to their own resources is applicable, so far at any rate, as large vessels are concerned. No act of humanity, whether it friend or foe, should lead to neglect of proper precautions and disposition, of war, and no measures can be taken to save life which prejudice the military situation. Small craft of all kinds should, however, be directed by wireless to close the damaged ship with all speed. The loss of nearly 60 officers and fourteen hundred men would not have been grudged if it had been brought about by gunfire in an open action, but it is peculiarly distressing under conditions which prevailed. The absence of any of the ardour and excitement of an engagement did not, however, prevent a display of discipline, cheerful courage, and ready self-sacrifice among all ranks exposed to the ordeal.
The duty on which the vessels were engaged was an essential part of the arrangements by which the control of the seas, and the safety of this country are maintained, and the lives lost as usefully, as unnecessarily, and as gloriously devoted to the requirements of Her Majesty’s service as if the loss had been incurred in a general action.
In view of the certainty of this character occurring from time to time, it is important that this point of view should be thoroughly appreciated. The loss of three cruisers, apart from the loss of life, is of small naval significance. Although they were large and powerful ships, they belonged to a class of cruiser whose speeds have been surpassed by many of the enemy’s battleships. Before the war it had been decided that no more money should be spent in repairing any of this class, and that they should make their way to the sale list as soon as serious defects become manifest.
Commander Nicholson’s Report. “Sir – I have the honour to submit the following report:-
On the morning of the 22nd September, whilst on patrol duty, the Aboukir was at about 6.25 am. on the starboard beam. The Hague and Cressy closed and took up position. . . . As soon as it was seen that the Aboukir was in danger of sinking, all boats were sent away from the Cressy, and a picket boat was hoisted out without steam up. When the cutters of all the Aboukir’s men were returning to the Cressy, the Hague was struck, apparently under aft 9.2 magazine, as a very heavy explosion took place. Immediately after the first explosion, almost directly after the Hague was hit, we observed a periscope on out port bow about 300 yards off. Fire was immediately opened, and the engines put a full speed ahead with the intention of ramming her down. Our gunner [Mr Dogherty] positively asserts that he hit the periscope, and that the submarine sank, an officer standing alongside the gunner thinks that the shell struck only floating timber, of which there was much about, but it was evident the impression of the men on deck, who cheered and clapped heartily that the submarine has been hit. This submarine did not fire a torpedo at the Cressy. Captain Johnson then manoeuvred the ship so as to render assistance to the crews of the Hague and Aboukir. About five minutes later another periscope was seen or our starboard quarter. Fire was opened – – the track of the torpedo she fired at a range of five or six hundred yards, was plainly visible, and it struck us starboard side, just before the bridge. The ship listed about ten degrees to starboard, and remained steady. Time 7,15 am. — –
A second torpedo fired by the same submarine missed and passed about 20 feet astern.
About a quarter of an hour after the first torpedo had hit, a third torpedo fired from a submarine just before the starboard beam, hit us in No. 5 boiler room. Time 7.20. The ship began to heel rapidly, and finally turned keel up, remaining so for about 20 minutes, before finally she sank at 7.55 am. A large number of men were saved by the casting adrift of a pattern of three target – – – The second torpedo, which sank the Cressy, passed over the sinking hull of the Aboukir, narrowly missing it. The conduct of the crew was excellent throughout.
Commander Norton’s Story: Report by Commander H Norton, RN, late of HMS Hague.
“Sirs; Between 6.15 and 6.30 am, HMS Aboukir was struck. The Hague closed the Aboukir, and I received orders to hoist out the launch, turn out and prepare all boats and unlash all timber on the upper deck. The two lifeboats were sent to the Aboukir, but before the launch could get away the Hague was struck on the starboard side amidships, by the two torpedoes at intervals of about ten to twenty seconds, the ship at once began to heel to starboard – – -.
I went by Captain Nicholson’s orders, to ascertain the damage in the engine rooms. An Artificer Engineer informed me that the water was over the engine-room gratings. While I was endeavouring to return to the bridge, the water burst open the starboard entry port doors, and the ship heeled rapidly. I told the port battery to jump overboard as the launch was close alongside, and soon afterwards the ship lurched heavily to starboard – – -.
I was picked up by a cutter from the Hague. Finally, about 10 am., when we could find no more men in the water, we were picked up by HMS Lucifer, which proceeded to the Titan, and took off from her all our men except about twenty, who were too ill to be removed. A Lowestoft trawler and the two Dutch ships, Flora and Titan, were extraordinarily kind, clothing and feeding our men. My boat’s crew, consisting of mainly RNR men, pulled and behaved remarkably well. I particularly wish to mention Petty Officer Fist-Class Halton who, by encouraging the men in the water near me, undoubtedly saved many lives. Lt Cmder Phillips Wolley, after hoisting out the launch, asked me if he should try to hoist another boat, and endeavoured to do so, the last I saw of him was on the after bridge doing well. Lt Talland, was picked up by a launch, got up a cutter’s crew, and saved many lives, as did Midshipman Cartelet in the Cressy gig. Lt Chichester turned out the whaler very quickly. A Dutch sailing trawler sailed close by, but went off without rendering any assistance, though we signalled to her from the Hague to close after we were struck.
The Aboukir appeared to take about 35 minutes to sink, floating bottom up for about five minutes – – – . The Hague turned turtle very quickly, in about five minutes, and floated bottom up for some minutes – – -. All the men in the Hague behaved extraordinarily well, obeying orders even when in the water – swimming for their lives, and I witnessed many cases of self-sacrifice and gallantry. Faringstone, AB. RFR, HMS Hague, jumped overboard from the launch to make room for others, and would not avail himself of assistance until all the men nearby were all picked up. He was in the water about half an hour. There was no panic of any sort, the men taking off their clothes as ordered, and falling in with hammock and wood.
Captain Nicholson, in our other cutter, as usual, was perfectly cool, and rescued a large number of men. I last saw him alongside Flora. Engineer Commander Stokes, I believe, was in the engine-room to the last, and Engineer Lieutenant-Commander Frederick got steam on the boat and worked it in five minutes.
I have the honour to submit that I may be appointed to another ship as soon as I can get a kitt.”

The Admiralty late Friday, issued, though the Press Bureau, a list of men saved in the recent Naval disaster as follows: From the Hague – 352; Aboukir – 235; Cressy – 188.
5th Sep 1914: Richard James Lobb, son of Captain & Mrs Frank Lobb, Killed on HMS Highflyer off the West Coast of Africa: The cruiser Kaizer Wilhelm der Grosse, sunk. August 26th The only fatality being Richard James Lobb; Mr Edward Charles, son-in-law of Mr and Mrs Hawkey of Delabole also on the Amphion when it struck a mine.
HMS Pegasus damaged: Zanzibar 25 Killed, 80 wounded out of company of 234: 16 Sep 1914.
On 10th September 1914 Embden captured 6 British ships: Indus, Lovat, Killilie, Diplomat, Trabbock, Kabanga.
The British Auxiliary Cruiser Carmania, Captain Noel Grant, RN, in action 14 September, of East Coast of South America was against the German Armed Merchant Cruiser supposed to be Cap Trafalgar or Beolin, mounting eight 4” guns, five pom poms. The action lasted one hour and forty-five minutes, when the German ship capsized and sank, her survivors being rescued by an empty collier. Nine crewmen were killed on the Carmania and five severely injured and twenty-one wounded. No officers injured.
HMS Cumberland attacked with Infernal Machine: HMS Cumberland, Captain Cyril TM Fuller, RN, reports from the Cameroon River, that a German steamboat, on the night of 14 September, attempted to sink HMS Gunboat, Dwarf, Comdr. Frederick EK Strong, RN., with an infernal machine in the bows. The attempt failed and the steamboat, with one prisoner, was captured.
A further resort was received from HMS Cumberland to-day, states that two German launches, one carrying explosive machines, were destroyed, the enemy’s losses being one white man killed, and three white men and two natives taken prisoners.
The Pegasus, light cruiser, 2,135 tons, and 7,00 hp. was re-commissioned at Devonport, in March 1914. She had a speed of 20 knots and carried eight 4”, and three 3 pounder guns. She was built at Jarrow in 1899, at a cost of £135,000. Her antagonist, the Konigsberg, is a third-class cruiser of 3,500 tons, and 13,200 hp., with a speed of 23 ½ knots. She was built at Kiel in 1907. She carried ten 4.1” and eight 2.1” guns, and her compliment number 322.
The Carmania, which has sunk a German armed merchant cruiser, is the well-known Cunard liner commanded by Capt James Burr, RN, which rendered such gallant service on the occasion of the disastrous fire on the steamship Volturno. Captain Burr, according to the current “Navy List”, is still sailing his vessel as commander, under Captain Noel Grant.
The Gunboat Dwarf, is a vessel of 720 tons, and 1,300 hp. She carries two 4” and four 12 pounder guns.
3 October 1914: Launceston man Driver Avery, has had his horse shot from under him.
Driver J Avery, 23rd Battery RFA, who was in the Battle of Mons, was an ex-Army man, and left Launceston on August 5th to join his former regiment, the Royal Field Artillery – he previously had served a term of five years, retiring with good conduct and exemplary character. Driver Avery was previously the caretaker of the Launceston Sewage Works. He is the son of Mr John Avery, of Iveyhouse, Broadwood.
Post & News, October 10th 1914: Experiences of the Chaplain of HMS Cressy; Rev. George Collier.
[Last week Rev. George H Collier, MA., assistant curate All Saints, Babbacombe, was married to Miss Langdon, daughter of Mr and Mrs Langdon, of Kensey, Launceston.]
To collect from library; page Two.
Five members of the Army Reserve, left Launceston on Monday morning for home service: Messrs. WH Buckley, WHJ Logg, C Cudlipp, A Hicks, and C Jones. They proceeded to Bodmin to join a company attached to the 4th DCLI, under Captain Hutchins, their destination being Dorchester. The duty assigned to them is to guard the German prisoners. Mr B Petts, ex-Territorial of the Launceston PSA Brotherhood, who left Launceston for America, eighteen months ago, came home to volunteer for the Armed Forces.
Sympathy will be felt with Pte Frank Hicks, of Dawes House, and his relatives in his illness. Pte Hicks, who served his apprenticeship for the Cornish & Devon Post, was residing in Liskeard when hostilities broke out. He was an old Volunteer and went to Salisbury Plain. under canvas, having volunteered for, and accepted for foreign service.
Killed in the War: Sergeant Fitze: Sgt. James Fitze, RAMC., left England with Expeditionary Force. He is the son of Mrs Fitze, Duke Street, and brother of Mr J Fitze, ironmonger, Westgate.
Lt.Col. Knight. Son of Mrs. Knight of Hornacott Manor Lt.Col Guy Cunningham Knight, Commander, the 1st Bn. Loyal North Leicester Regt, has succumbed to wounds received on September 11th; son of the late Mr Edward Lucas Knight, of Hornacott Manor, attained to the command in February 1911, entered the Army in 1887; promoted Lt. in 1888; Captain in 1894; Brevet Major in 1900, and Major in 1904. During the South African war he raised and commanded the 1st. South Wales Mounted Infantry Brigade, taking part in operations in the Orange Free State, including action in Transvaal, Vet River and Zand River [check]. He took part in several actions in Transvaal near the end of the war. Mentioned in Dispatches on September 10th 1901.
Mr Arthur Hastings White, of the Cape Mounted Rifles, son of the late Mr and Mrs G Graham White*, esq. of Launceston, and brother of Mrs T H Kendall, The Rectory, Holsworthy, was wounded in the engagement at Sandfontain on September 26th
[* Mr G G White, Solicitor, Mayor, Captain of LVFB, his tomb beside St MM church. Lived at St Stephens,]
October, 1914: Launcestonians At The Front: Shoeing Smith, FG Finnemore, son of Mr/Mrs Finnemore, Newport, is at the Front on the RFA.
Mr J Johns, Alexandra Terrace, Launceston, has four sons serving in HM Forces: Arthur Johns, is a Corporal of the Horse Farrier, at the front; Sergeant E Johns, in the Coldstream Guards, and, we believe, going to Newcastle to drill recruits; First-Class P.O. J Johns, is on Collosus, 1st-Class Battleship; Bombardier Albert Johns, RHA, was in India.
Mr and Mrs Marwood Parsons, Race Hill, has two sons at the front: Quarter-Master Marwood Parsons, RFA, in the same Division as Sapper Harold Walters, son of Mr R Walters, Exeter Street – writing home he said he had seen Albert Penfound, Launceston.
Quarter-Master Parsons was in the Boer War, at Ladysmith during the siege.
Pte Thomas Parsons, his brother, is at the Front with the Ammunition Wagons.
[RoH Oct 17th 1914] G Snell, AB. HMS London; C Tucker, Leading Telegraphist, Defiance.
Stoker P.O Westlake.
Cornish & Devon, 24th October, 1914: Launceston News: Congratulations to Mr Frank James, Unionist Agent for Launceston Division, and Mr JC Mitchell who have been promoted to Sgt in the Devon Yeomanry.
Gun Instructor, J Northmore, brother-in-law to Mr H Body, confectioner, Church Street, Launceston, who has been in Launceston for a few days, from the British Naval Bde.
Stratton News: Dr Maynell has joined the 1st Wessex Territorials [RAMC].
Photograph of Altarnun Trerritorials at Salisbury: George Trehane Whale; William Kinver; Robert Baker; John Trehane Whale; Arthur Williams; William Colmer; Henry Sleep; Richard Chegwin; Peter Stevens, Richard Mutton; Robert Couch.
Local Roll of Honour: Kitchener’s Army – William Buckingham, Warbstow, DCLI Territorials; Pte J H Oke, DCLI; Pte F Hodge, 1st Life Guards; Pte W Gale, St Thomas Rural; G Oke, Territorials; T Smith, ASC Reserve; T Towl, W Towl, J Towl, E Wickett, Navy.
[Full Roll of Honour on page 2 October 31st edition]
1914: Sgt Douglas Cavey and Pte W Finnemore, AMC.
Launceston Roll of Honour: Pte J T Body, 15th Special Coy, 18th City of London Territorial Force; Pte C Body, E Coy, 4th COL, Royal Fusiliers, Malta; Pte Robbins, Section 2, F Coy. Royal Fusiliers, Duke of York’s School, Dover.
[on page 5, same edition]: Letter from Sapper Walters. Sapper H Walters, son of Mr H Walters, Exeter Road, Launceston, wrote home a few days ago. He appears to have been impressed with the devastation caused by the Germans, and remarks that one could scarcely believe that human beings would be so destructive.
Launceston Men Wounded: Lt. FEC Lewis: The news was received on Saturday, that Lt FEC Lewis [son of the Rev-Canon FE Lewis], vicar of St Mary Magdalene, Launceston, who has been at the Front with his Regiment, the East Lancashires, has been slightly wounded, and had been brought to Southampton. We was later taken to a House of Rest in Mayfair, in the West End of London, and will shortly be brought home.
Holsworthy: Pte C Binnemore, 1st Devons, is in hospital. He is much respected at Holsworthy, where for some time he has been one of the town postmen.
Mr MK Lloyd, the popular Master of the Tetcott Hounds, has been killed at the Front. He met his death, I understand, in a battle five or six days since.
Local News: At Bude. Two Germans [young fellows] were arrested at Bude on Saturday morning by Police Superintendent Webber, of Launceston. They were conveyed to Liskeard, via Launceston, by motor.
At Altarnun: Police Superintendent Webber, of Launceston, last week end arrested a young from Altarnun. He was taken to Liskeard by motor.
Four at Tavistock: Two Germans and Two Austrians, who have been residing in the Tavistock District, have been arrested.
A Liskeard baker, a German, was arrested on Saturday. At the beginning of the war he did not hesitate to express his opinions as to what the Germans could do with any other single nation, but he has become naturalized, signing the necessary forms about the time he was entering into a new contract with the Board of Guardians, for the supply of bread and cake to the Workhouse, which contract he still holds.
Newfoundland’s contingent of 500 men have reached England.
HMS Hawke was sunk on the 18th October, with the loss of life of over 500 men.
19th December 1914: page Two – Letters from India –
Bert Jones, Pte, son of Mrs E Jones, Tower Street, Launceston.
Great Naval Battle. German Warships Trapped. British Losses – Seven Killed, Four Wounded.
The British Admiralty have had numerous congratulations on the success of the Navy sinking four German cruisers last week. It was at first reported that three had been sunk, but a later message stated that a fourth had been sent to the bottom, the British casualties being seven men killed and four wounded, no officers either being killed or wounded. Replying to the congratulations of the Imperial Japanese Navy, Mr Winston Churchill stated that with the sinking of the Scharnhorst, Gneisenau, Leipzig and Nurnberg, the whole of the German Squadron based on Tsingtau at the outbreak of war has been destroyed and the base itself reduced and captured.
This event marks the conclusion of the active operations in which the Allied Fleets have been engaged for more than four months, and have, though it has fallen to a British Squadron in the South Atlantic Squadron to strike the final blow, it is largely owing to the powerful and untiring assistance rendered by the Japanese Fleet, that this result has been achieved.
Those That Are Left: The three German corsairs still to be rounded up are:- Karlsruhe – 4,000 t. carrying twelve 4.1”; Dresden – 3,650 t. ten 4.1”; Bremen – 3,250 t. ten 4.1” guns. The armed liners are still fewer. They have been reduced to two – The Prinz Friederich and the Kronprinz Wilhelm. Naval Losses Compared:
Bulwark 1 1* The loss of the
Armoured cruisers 6 4 Kaiser Wilhelm der Gross
Light cruisers 6 10 is not yet confirmed.
Gunboats 2 9
Destroyers – 8
Submarines 3 5
Armed merchantmen 1 8
Auxiliary ships 1 3
Total 20 48
It is stated that the German cruiser, Frederick Karl, was sunk at the end of November, in the Baltic, by striking a mine. Most of the crew of 504 were drowned
Frederick Karl, built 1902; an armoured cruiser of 8,858 t. displacement; with a length of 394 ft, and a beam of 65 ft. and draught of 25 ft. Her largest guns were Four 8.2” calibre; also Ten 6”, and smaller pieces, with Four torpedo tubes. Her greatest speed was 21 knots, and she carried 557 officers and men.
Dec 26th 1914: Sgt WJ Jones, of Launceston,, 4th DCLI is in Lucknow.
Trig Mag: January 1915: St Stephens. It is with pleasure to learn that the son of Mr and Mrs Kent, of Truscott, has been given a commission in the Royal Artillery. A Commission is not easily obtained, and it could only have been by shewing great capacity and thorough efficiency, possibly in the face of the enemy, that Frederick Thomas Kent has been thus promoted.
He has been at the Front from the commencement of the war, and we trust he will be safely returned preserved to the end.
Herbert Stanley Mason has nearly recovered from his wound and will be joining his Regiment – the Life Guards – shortly. Ernest Drew, vicar.
Trig Mag. Northill, January 1915: Note of the Month: North Hill has lost one of its most prominent sons in the sad death of Mr Claude Mitchell, from pneumonia.
St MM, December 1915: Marriage: George Nigel Spry, to Elizabeth Medland, November 8th.
Lawhitton: Edgar Vosper, of Bamham, at Gallipoli, died of dysentery. Thomas Coombe.
Trigg Major Magazine: January 1915: St M M : Vicar Rev-Canon FE Lewis, Hendra.
“RSPCA Fund For Sick & Wounded British Horses. In spite of the excellent arrangements and splendid work carried out by the Army Veterinary Corps for the care of the sick and wounded horses of the British forces of the front, the public has long felt a desire to co-operate in the humane and economic work of the Department. It is interesting here to mention that already some 23,000 horses have been into its hospitals, and tended with such care that large numbers have been returned fit to the front. The A.V.C., has already availed itself of assistance of the RSPCA by drafting large numbers of its Inspectors into the ranks of that Corps, and the Society has now received the official sanction of the Army Council to aid the cause in coping with the increased demand on its resources. This sanction is covered in the following words:- “that they will be grateful for your Society’s further assistance . . . . and approve of a fund being started by your Society for the purchase of Hospital requisites for sick and wounded horses.”
I have gladly accepted the position of chairman of a special Council to organise the fund, and I appeal with confidence to all for financial assistance to enable the RSPCA to assist in coping with this admirable work.
Cheques for the special fund may be sent to the Society RSPCA, 105, Jermyne Street, London, S.W., or to Mr CA Philimore, who has kindly consented to act as Hon. Tres., at Messrs. Coutts & Co. Bank, 440, Strand, London. Yours faithfully, Portland, Chair.”
Note: Horses were first drafted into the Army in 1913 as Cavalry mounts, but after the battle near Mons and the terrible amount of losses, they were used mainly as a means of transport, i.e. for drawing guns, carts, carrying ammunition and general transport. Due to the great amount of mud near the front line [very wet weather and shell damage] horse were used as pack animals to carry ammunition right up to the trenches. Over 8 million died, on all sides; 2 ½ million were treated in veterinary hospitals for sickness and wounds, with about 2 million being sufficiently cared for and returned to duty. [Jim Edwards.]
Many reports of sea battles record the number of deaths of crewmen, but considering most of those ships also had cats, and often pigeons on board, just how many of those animals survived?
Also, later in the war, pigeons were used for communication by aeroplanes, many of those dying in battle in both world wars.
Trigg Mag 1915: St Stephens, April – 2nd Lt William John Kent, enlisted ten years ago in the RFA, commissioned well before last Christmas, on the field of battle, for Conspicuous Bravery; married in the church of North Petherwin, left for France soon afterwards and ordered up on the 11th March, with his battery, to take part in the Battle of Neuve Chapelle. On the morning of the 12th, a shell burst close to him, killing him and another soldier, and wounding eight others of his battery. He was buried where he fell: he is the son of Mrs Kent, Truscott.
St Thomas, April: Pte WG Hearne, reported Missing, probably POW. Cpl E Olver, hospitalised with frost bite on active service. Pte C Body, was Wounded 10 days ago;
May, St Thomas: Pte C Body, Sapper PT Widdison fatally wounded; Cpl E Neve, granted extra leave. Pte E Manning hospitalised for treatment. Promoted: L/Cpls Steer and Sleeman.
Pte Corfield [Worcester Regiment] and L/Cpl Nye [5th Lancers], say ‘Thank You’ for goods received.
North Petherwin: May: L/Cpl Hawke and Pte Phillips.
St Thomas, June 1915: L/Cpl Steer writes from India that they are well and having a good time, but find the heat oppressive at times. It seems strange to go to church with rifle and bayonet and 20 rounds of ammunition.
It was a great pleasure to welcome Pte Body, on furlough, after his experience at Nueve Chapelle. We note with pleasure the promotion of Sgt West and L/Cpl P Pearse.
North Petherwin, June: Will Phillip is ill in Falmouth; Chief Stoker Wilcocks is in Plymouth; Kenneth Gubbin is now a full Corporal, shortly going to the Front. Maurice Wigney is wounded in the head, the men either side of him were killed, but he is again in the fighting line.
Boyton, June 1915: GF Perry, Exmouth; Stanley Dinner, Dalhousie, N. India; A Finnemore, Aldershot; W Finnemore, Exmouth; W Dinner, Exmouth.
WERRINGTON, July 1915: “Thanks to the most generous hospitality of Mr and Mrs Williams and Mr and Mrs Coode, the present batch of men who are being so tenderly looked after at the Hospital at Launceston, have been brought in close touch with many of our parishioners, and it has been a great joy and pleasure to those so privileged to welcome them, to cheer them, and to hear from them, not alone of their own doings [for they are very reluctant to speak of their own works], but for the doings of the gallant British Expeditionary Force’s, and truly we say, as we reflect upon the works of the latter [against such odds] – “It is marvellous what they have done.”
St Thomas New of Service en: A letter from Bombardier Penfound, he is uninjured; a postcard from Stoker Wickett, on HMS Temerraire; L/Cpl Hicks promoted; Memorial Service in memory of Sgt Wilkinson and Pte Hearne[Killed in Action].
North Petherwin, July: We congratulate Mr Deacon on being made Gunnery Instructor. Cpl W Hake and Trooper A Pope, Kenneth Gubbin, on a short leave, are well, Pte Phillips back from Isle of Wight, has volunteered for the trenches next week. Madame Wigney has been anxious to earn about her son, Maurice.
Egloskerry & Tremaine: “Our sincere sympathy goes out to Mrs Penhorwood, whose son, Pte Thomas Penhorwood, was killed last May, while serving with the Expeditionary Force. Thomas Penhorwood was a devout Christian, and for many years a member of the Church Choir.”

Trigg Major Mag: St Mary parish, August, 1915: On July the 22nd, after Evensong, at the request of Mr RY Pyne [on behalf of the subscribers] the Archdeacon was asked to dedicate the Font Cover to the hour and glory of God and in memory of one who was beloved for his good works in the parish. On the wall of the church there is a Memorial Brass, which is worded thus:- “To the greater glory of God, the Font Cover was given by parishioners and friends of Thomas Jackson Nuns, MA., Honorary Canon of Truro and Vicar of this parish: 1890 – 1907. A faithful priest and a munificent benefactor of the Church.”
The design of the Font Cover, which is excellent both in proportion and conception, is by Messrs Sedding & Stallybrass, Architects of Plymouth. The work was carried out by Rashleigh Pinwell.
St Stephens: August 1915: Roll of Honour: Two more names are added: Ernest Davis {RA] our churchwarden’s son, and Frank Dew [DCLI]. [Churchwardens: MR G Burford & Mr WJ Davis]
St Thomas August 1915: News of Servicemen: We welcome Sapper Collings and Bombardier Penfound home on leave from the Front.
Bombardier Batten, Sapper Collings and Driver T Snell send thanks for the cigarettes.
We congratulate Sgt/Major Bates, Sgt Daw, L/Cpls Duke and Westlake on their promotion.
It recalled former days to see Pte R Dew and Pte R Medland [Canadian contingent] in Church.
St Giles & Virginstowe: August: BC Barber, RN, formerly Churchwarden of Virginstowe, has been appointed a Transport Officer at Devonport. We congratulate Mr Harold Merriman, of HMS Talbot, on his promotion to Acting Boatswain, RN.St Mary Magdalene Parish September 1915: We congratulate Mr and Mrs JC Williams on the gallantry of their son at the Dardanelles, and on his acquisition of the Distinguished Service Cross.
The Rev. CP Triplett, having been appointed Chaplain in His Majesty’s Forces, left the parish on August 17th, and sailed for Alexandria soon afterwards. He has to report himself there, when he will, in all probability, receive orders to go to the Dardanelles. The Rev TNH Smith Pearse has kindly consented to take Mr Tripplett’s place as Assistant Curate for the time being..
St Thomas, September 1915: We regret to hear that Sgt/Major Phelps and Pte HR Werring have been wounded. Pte Werring had a narrow escape and is now, happily, recovered from his slight wound. Sgt/Major Phelps was wounded on July 31st, when the enemy attacked the trenches held by the 6th. DCLI, with liquid fire.
I have received thanks for cigarettes from Sgt/Major Phelps, who wrote on July 28th, also from Pte HR Werring, Sapper T Pearse, Pte R Duke, Pte AG Musk, Stoker T Towl and Plumber E Howe. Pte Manning is going out for his second time, also Sapper Widdicombe returns to the Front after his short furlough.
On Parish Records, many of us know that it is the good fortune of St Thomas Church to possess a number of ancient records of historical value and interest. During the past few months Mr OB Peter and Mr Alderman TC Reed, have most carefully assorted these records. Each assortment has been placed in a strong envelope and full particulars of contents written thereon. A suitable box has been provided for the whole collection The earliest record is dated 1480.
North Petherwin, September 1915: Cpl Kenneth Gubbin and the North Petherwin men with leave are to go back to the Front “somewhere in Europe”. We have also had a visit from Sydney Prout who has had the severest trial of trench warfare of any in the parish. We have received a private letter from WR Banbury, who is in the hills in India, accompanied by constant hard work. Pte Phillips has had an operation, is now better, and expects to go back to the Front shortly.
St Thomas, October 1915: Welcome letters have come from Clr/Sgt-Major Carter and Pte SE Harris, both of whom write from India. Thanks for cigarettes have been received from J Dymond, HMS Lion; Cpl L Hooper and Pte T Hocking. Sgt TH Nicolls and Cpl L Hooper have been promoted. Hooper was wounded at the Dardanelles, is now recovering in King George’s Hospital. The body of the late Pte Harding was laid to rest in our churchyard.
Burial: September 9th, George Harding, aged 31 years.
Boyton October 1915: Albert Finnemore wounded in the Dardanelles, is in hospital in Egypt.
Adolf Hicks is progressing favourably.
Post & News, 27 Jan 1915: Cpl. E Medland, with the Volunteers, left Launceston for Bodmin in preparation for departure to the seat of war in South Africa.
Trigg Mag. St MM January 1916: Lt, GC Hockin: The sad news came at the end of last month that Lt. GC Hockin, 2/7th Gurkhas, has been killed in the battle at Ctesiphon, near Bagdad, he was the inkly son of Mr and Mrs JW Hockin, and was educated at Marlborough, Woolwich, obtaing his commission in 1911. He was sent to India and served for a year at Peshawar with the Royal
West Kent Regiment. He was sent to Quetta to join the 7th. Gurkha Regiment, and in November 1914 he went on active service with the Indian Expeditionary Force – first to Suez, and in 1915, to the Persian Gulf. He was wounded at the fighting on July 24th, at Nasiriyeh, but was never absent from duty. Now he has died for his country. [T.N.H.S.P.]
Revd S Hainsselin — Chaplain service.
1st Jun 1916: Killed in Action: Pte Charles Medland, RN., Devon Hussars, has been killed in action.
15 July, 1916: Military Funeral: Pte Claude Jones, son of Charles Jones of Tredyden Road, was buried with military honours at Launceston, Wednesday.
22 July, 1916: Wounded in Action: Cpl Bridgman, son of Mr/Mrs Bridgman, Tower Street.
Rifleman Bert Pike, son of Mr/Mrs Pike, Race Hill.
Cpl WK Shopland, son of the late Mr Shopland of Cleaverfield.
K.I.A. Pte WJ Gimlett, son of Mrs Gimlett, of St Stephens, has been killed in action.
July 29, 1916: KIA: Pte EG Eveleigh, Launceston.
3 August 1916: July 30th, at Prospect House, Charles E Wise, architect, aged 71.
12 August 1916: Died of Wounds – 2 August. Will Maunder, son of Mr/Mrs Maunder of Launceston. aged 24 years.
2nd Sep 1916: KIA – L/Cpl Charles Medland, son of Mr/Mrs T Medland, South Petherwin, aged 28 years.
Pte SJ Marks, of Hurdon Cottage, Launceston.
Wounded in action: Pte C Hillman & L/cpl AG Lewis.
14 Oct 1916: KIA – L/Cpl HL Edwards, Launceston.
11 Nov 1916: Missing – HS Jessup, Launceston.
Post & Weekly News
9 Oct 1915: Wounded In Action: Pte W Adams, son of Mr and Mrs J Adams of Southgate Place, Launceston.
13 Oct 1915: KIA. Pte R Atkins, formerly of Launceston, aged 22 years.
L/Cpl HR Westlake, son of Mrs Westlake, of Western Road, Launceston aged 19.
Pte Lawrence C Geake, son of Mr/Mrs John Geake, of Launceston,
wounded in action: Pte Edwin Ride. Launceston.
A sad Memorial Service was held on November 14th. in memory of L/Cpl HR Westlake and Pte. CHR Buchan. Young Westlake was in the 8th Devons and was killed September 25th. at Hulluck, in the last great attack on the German trenches. Pte Buchan volunteered in India to go to the Persian Gulf Expeditionary Force, and was Killed in Action on the way to Bagdad.
North Hill, January 1915: Note of the Month: North Hill has lost one of its most prominent sons in the sad death of Mr Claude Mitchell, from pneumonia.
St Stephens. Jan 1915:- It is with pleasure we learn that the son of Mr and Mrs Kent, of Truscott, has been given a commission in the Royal Artillery. Frederick Thomas Kent has been promoted, he has been at the front from the commencement of the war.
Herbert Stanley Mason has recovered of his wound and will be joining his regiment – the Life Guards – shortly. Ernest Drewe, Vicar. [100 years after Waterloo – December 1914?]
St Thomas, March 1915: Roll of Honour. One of the Rolls of Honour for the Parish of St Thomas, was placed in the Church at the close of Morning Prayers on Sunday 21st February. This interesting ceremony was performed by H Dymond, HMS Lion, and Pte JR Manning, 1st DCLI, after the reading of 72 names on the list.
News of servicemen: – we hear from H Dymond, HMS Lion, the thrilling story of the North Sea Fight.
We regret to hear that Cpl Olver, 2nd DCLI, is in hospital. He was one of the many sufferers from frost-bite, from which he is happily recovering.
Cpl Over is now laid up with fever, but making steady progress toward recovery.
Marriage: February 16th, Pte Charles Samuel Causley {RAMC, 2nd Wessex] to Laura Jane Bartlett.
Trigg Major Magazine, November 1915: St Stephens – Rector – Ernest Drew: News has come through to us on Thursday, October 14th of the death of Lt. Robert Williams, Grenadier Guards, the second son of Mr and Mrs JC Williams of Werrington.
News has reached me that Lawrence Ching Geake has been very seriously wounded – for several weeks he has been missing – the news that has reached his parents is unauthorised, but we will hope an pray or the best.
S Thomas: Nov 1915. Letters received from Sapper PT Widdicombe, Cpl. H Hicks, L/Cpl W Turner. GN Carter and AH Wood have obtained commissions.
Pte G Harding Fund set up.
St Thomas, December 1915: It is a pleasure to welcome Bombardier HJ Batten and Driver T
Smith on a well earned furlough after more than a year’s service at the Front.
Returning to duty: L.Cpl J Manning, promoted in Flanders. Stoker FJ Maunder.
Seaman Northcott looked little the worse for his adventure with the ill-fated HMS Argyle.
1st Jun 1916: – Killed In Action: Pte Charles Medland, RN. Devon Hussars, has been killed in action.
Cody. Airmen Killed. The famous aviator, Colonel Cody, and Mr WHB Evans, the well-known cricketer, who accompanied him, were killed, Thursday, at Aldershot, while making a flight in a machine which had been designed for the forthcoming race around Great Britain.
The machine suddenly collapsed whilst flying at a height of 300 feet, and during the rapid descent, Colonel Cody was thrown out, and his mangled remains were picked up some thirty yards from where the machine fell. The body of Mr Evans was found among the wreckage. Acceding to one eye-witness, every bone in the two bodies was broken.
VAD. Orders have been received at Exmouth to prepare the V.A.D. building and the Sailor’s Rest for the accommodation of 150 wounded.
VAD, Temporary Hospital of Launceston. Men of the National Reserve, Class III, are asked to give in their names to Captain Coode, recruiting officer for Launceston and district, for work in connection with the temporary hospital about to be formed in the Town. It is understood that the Town Hall has been requisitioned by the Red Cross Society for this purpose.
Several mattresses and bedding have arrived at the Hall, but we understand they will not be set up until word has been received that there is likelihood of wounded being brought to the Town.
Yesterday [Thursday] the Red Cross branch at Launceston was inspected.
Lan VAD ltr Launceston V.A.D. The following letter has been received by Mr Peter, Secretary to the V.A.D. work party: –
British Red Cross Society, Store Depot, 83 Pall Mall, London, September 1st, 1914:-
Dear Madam,- I have the honour to acknowledge receipt of your despatch gift of the article as scheduled. The Society will do its best to despatch your gift with the utmost expedition to the seat of War.
An acknowledgement of your kindness will be made in the Press at an early date.
I remain, Yours Faithfully, FRANK HASTINGS, Sectretary.
To: V.A.D,, 18 Cornwall Working Party, Mr Peter, Launceston.
During the week parcels of work for the local Depot have been received from Landue, Caerhayes, Marhamchurch and Bude.

Thur 6 Dec. Lt. [temp Captain] FEC Lewis, East Lancashire Regt, eldest son of Rev Canon Lewis & Mrs Lewis, Hendra, Launceston, has been specially mentioned by Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig in his Somme battle despatch for gallant and distinguished service in the field.
Lt [temp Captain] AE Kent, Leicester Regt, was previously a master at Dunheved college, he has won the Military Medal, he will be remembered at the college as a good sportsman, especially at football and cricket.
Distinguished Service Medal awarded to Major [temp Lt.Col] WJ Saundry Harvey of St Just, who was educated at Dunheved College, from where he went to Guy’s Hospital, London and qualified for MRCS, LRCP. P & N Jan 1917.
August 19, 1916: Pte R Medland, son of Mrs Medland of Carboth, of the Canadian contingent, reported missing. Hopes are that he was still alive. [Cornish & Devon Post]
C & D Post June 2 1917: Local Heroes: Sgt Medland & Pte Spry.
Sympathy is expressed to Mrs Medland and daughter of Carboth on her bereavement.
Mr Medland, senior, died early in the war; some months ago Mr Richard Medland was reported missing and nothing has been heard since. Last week Mrs Medland’s son-in-law went down in a torpedoed transport ship; Mr Spry left a widow and a youngster. Last week Mrs Medland received information that if she wished to see her son, Sgt Medland alive, she would have to go at once; she and her daughter arrived in time to see Sgt Medland die in hospital. Mrs Medland’s eldest son fought in the Boer War, and he remained in South Africa afterwards.
Pte RJ Moss, Canadian Ex. Force, son of Mr/Mrs Moss of Hendra, Dunheved Road, was awarded the MM.
13 Jun 1917: Local Heroes – Lt AE Kent, former master at Dunheved College, Launceston, has been awarded the Military Cross.
Lt FEC Lewis, son of Canon Lewis of Launceston, has been Mentioned in Dispatches.
Trigg Major Magazine: 1917: March – News of servicemen. News has been received of Pts WT Trewin; Pte R Bartlett; Cpl GH Hicks; Gunner RJ Algate; Sapper T Hillman; Pte C Hillman.
Thanks for Comforts have been received: Pte SW Parish; Sapper W Hicks; Pte E Chambers.
St MM May 1917: We have to report the death of Pte FB Clark, who died of a heart complaint – last month. Three of our parishioners have received wounds this last month:- Captain DFS Vowler, Sherwood Foresters, att. Machine Gun Co., severely wounded at the great battle on Easter Monday; progressing favourably;
2nd Lt JB Slee, DCLI, gun shot wound in the cheek, not severe;
Lt Arthur Budd, RAMC. slightly wounded in Messopotamia.
St MM – June: Pte George Spry lost his life on the ship Transylvania on May 4th;
Sgt C Medland died in hospital after serious operation, May 2nd.
[Mrs G Spry and Mrs G Medland] Burial: May 30th, Charles Medland, aged 34 years.
13 Jun 1917: Local Heroes – Lt AE Kent, former master at Dunheved College, Launceston, has been awarded the Military Cross.
Lt FEC Lewis, son of Canon Lewis of Launceston, has been Mentioned in Dispatches.
St Stephens: June 1917: by the vicar of St Stephens: My dear friends, Our Church Council Meeting will be held in the Churchroom on Monday evening, June 11th, at 8 o’clock.
We have during the last month received the sad news of the death of Captain Douglas Eckley Langdon, and also of Stanley and Fred Brighton.
As soon as the war broke out, Captain Langdon patriotically made his way back to England from South America, and joined the colours as a private in the Public School Corps, then just forming.
He very shortly was offered a Commission and joined the DCLI Regiment.
He had been in France for a considerable time, having taken part in a great deal of the worst fighting, and was wounded last year. He was killed on St George’s Day, April 23rd.
Letters which have since reached his home show how greatly popular he was with his men and fellow officers, and how greatly they deplored his loss. It is with the deepest respect we tender our heartfelt sorrow for the great grief fallen upon his father [our Churchwarden] and mother and family.
Stanley and Fred Brighton once of this parish, and in days gone by members of our Sunday School and choir, have laid down their lives for King and Country. All honour to them and to us.
We shall always remember them, and feel a personal loss in their death. Although it is many years they left the parish.
Post & News 24 Jan 1903?: St John Ambulance Association: The Working Lads Temperance Rooms saw a meeting of the ladies nursing class in connection with St John Ambulance Association, on Tuesday, Certificates and medallions being presented to the successful candidates at the recent examination held by Dr Bocohay, of Calstock. There was a good attendance.
Mr Claude H Peter presided and expressed sympathy with so useful an organisation. Mrs CH Peter, hon. sec., said although the lecturer was entitled to a stated fee, Dr WF Thompson had most kindly and generously given his time and lectures free. Fourteen received certificates and two medallions:- Miss Christine Cowlard, Miss Gwendoline Hart, Mrs Green, Mrs Lewis Hicks, Miss Florence Kittow, Miss Lillian Peter, Mrs Procter, Miss Minnie Seccombe, Miss Winifred Pattison, Miss Fannie Smith,
Mrs Strong, Miss Mary Thompson, Miss Laura Wevill, and Miss Alice Wevill received certificates. Mrs Claude H Peter, voucher, and Mrs William Thompson and Mrs Herbert Hender medallions.
Cornish & Devon Post; 9 Oct 1915:
“ “ “ Wounded In Action: Pte W Adams, son of Mr and Mrs J Adams,
of Southgate Place, Launceston.
13 Oct 1915: KIA. Pte R Atkins, formerly of Launceston, aged 22 years.
L/Cpl HR Westlake, son of Mrs Westlake, of Western Road, Launceston aged 19.
Pte Lawrence C Geake, son of Mr/Mrs John Geake, of Launceston,
wounded in action: Pte Edwin Ride. Launceston.
January 9th 1915: The Town Hall at Launceston, has been converted into a hospital and several convalescent soldiers are being cared for there. There are Twenty-one beds. Other rooms are set apart for the men, where they can smoke, read, write and generally amuse themselves, and a staff of Red Cross nurses are continuously in attendance.
6 Nov 1915: Mayors Of Launceston: For the first time in the history of the borough of Launceston, the office of Mayor has been accepted by Councillor E Hicks for the fourth time.
Nov 13 1915: Death – Vosper. November 1st, Trooper Edgar Vosper, son of Mr/Mrs T Vosper, Bamham, aged 22.
20 Nov 1915: Sudden Death – Captain Lawrence Ching, RN., J.P., died suddenly at his residence at Tavistock Road, at the age of 73 years.
1st Jun 1916: – Killed In Action: Pte Charles Medland, RN. Devon Hussars, has been killed in action.
A sad Memorial Service was held on November 14th. in memory of L/Cpl HR Westlake and Pte. CHR Buchan. Young Westlake was in the 8th Devons and was killed September 25th. at Hulluck, in the last great attack on the German trenches. Pte Buchan volunteered in India to go to the Persian Gulf Expeditionary Force, and was Killed in Action on the way to Bagdad.
Lt F E C Lewis, son of Canon Lewis of Launceston, has been Mentioned in Dispatches.
15 July, 1916: Military Funeral: Pte Claude Jones, son of Charles Jones of Tredyden Road, was buried with military honours at Launceston, Wednesday.
22 July, 1916: Wounded in Action: Cpl Bridgman, son of Mr/Mrs Bridgman, Tower Street.
Rifleman Bert Pike, son of Mr/Mrs Pike, Race Hill.
Cpl W K Shopland, son of the late Mr Shopland of Cleaverfield.
K.I.A. Pte W J Gimlett, son of Mrs Gimlett, of St Stephens, has been killed in action.
July 29, 1916: KIA: Pte E G Eveleigh, Launceston.
3 August 1916: July 30th, at Prospect House, Charles E Wise, architect, aged 71.
12 August 1916: Died of Wounds – 2 August. Will Maunder, son of Mr/Mrs Maunder of Launceston. aged 24 years.
2nd Sep 1916: KIA – L/Cpl Charles Medland, son of Mr/Mrs T Medland, South Petherwin, aged 28 years.
Pte S J Marks, of Hurdon Cottage, Launceston.
Wounded in action: Pte C Hillman & L/cpl AG Lewis.
14 Oct 1916: KIA – L/Cpl H L Edwards, Launceston.
11 Nov 1916: Missing – H S Jessup, Launceston.
Church magazine for 1914 – St Giles & Virginstow: Mr W Savage enlisted in the 5th Battalion, Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry – October 1814.
27th September, 1913: Death – Balhatchet. On Friday 19th September, at ‘Endsleigh’, St Annes’ Park, Bristol, Samuel Balhatchet, youngest son of the late Mr John Balhatchet, Week St. Mary, aged 53 years.
1916: March 4th: Death – Sargent. On Feb 22nd, at her residence, 210 Victoria Rd., Alexandra Park, London, Maria Cann, widow of the late Henry Edwin Sargent, MD., MRCS., LSA., formerly of Polyphant, near Launceston, aged 75 years. Interred at Bude.
C & D Post 9 Jan 1915: Death. The death took place, Sunday, of Mr George Burt, of Newport, at the age of 77 years. [of the White Horse Inn]
Post & News 24 Jan 1913: St John Ambulance Association: The Working Lads Temperance Rooms saw a meeting of the ladies nursing class in connection with St John Ambulance Association, on Tuesday, Certificates and medallions being presented to the successful candidates at the recent examination held by Dr Bocohay, of Calstock. There was a good attendance.
Mr Claude H Peter presided and expressed sympathy with so useful an organisation. Mrs CH Peter, hon. sec., said although the lecturer was entitled to a stated fee, Dr WF Thompson had most kindly and generously given his time and lectures free. Fourteen received certificates and two medallions:- Miss Christine Cowlard, Miss Gwendoline Hart, Mrs Green, Mrs Lewis Hicks, Miss Florence Kittow, Miss Lillian Peter, Mrs Procter, Miss Minnie Seccombe, Miss Winifred Pattison, Miss Fannie Smith,
Mrs Strong, Miss Mary Thompson, Miss Laura Wevill, and Miss Alice Wevill received certificates. Mrs Claude H Peter, voucher, and Mrs William Thompson and Mrs Herbert Hender medallions.
16 March: Death. At Vagreville, Alberta, Canada, March 10th, Harry, the beloved husband of Mary Medland, also devoted third son of the late Edwin and M G Medland, of Carboth, Launceston, aged 37 years. By cable.
2 April: Marriage. Goodman – Medland: At Portgate United Methodist Church on Easter Monday, TS Goodman of Portgate, to Mrs Medland of Lewdown.
21 May: Lezant War Memorial Unveiled. The Gift of JS Tregonning, JP. “Erected in grateful memory of the men of this parish who gave their lives for their country in the war 1914-1918”.
1915: William T Hodge, HMS Nymph. Leonard H Bray, N. Devon Hussars.
1916: Charles Roberts, RASC. Walter W Lee, HMS Indefatigable.
1917: Ernest Jasper, 34th Training Res. Wilfred Lane, 44th Canadian Bn. Elias Sanders, MM., 9th Yorks. Charles T Budge, 1/6th DCLI. Henry Doney, 49th Canadian Bn.
1918: William Osbourne, 1/5th DCLI. John Steed, 1/5th DCLI. Samuel L Abbott, Canadian Forestry Corps.
2nd January P & N – 4 Jan 1919: Death. Doidge, Dec 28th, Maud Doidge, St Thomas Road, Launceston, aged 31. Funeral of JB Smith.
Roll of Honour: Towl. In loving memory of our beloved brother Sto. Ld. John Towl, who died of wounds received on HMS Valkerie, Dec 23 1917. Brothers and Sisters, 1 Bounsalls Lane.
Collectanea Cornubiensia, by Boase: 3285: Charles Thomas Hawke Bennett. August 11th, 1880: Letters patent to CTH Bennett of Launceston, and Spencer le Neve Neave, for “Improvements in breech-loading fire-arms.” London 1880.
Robert Bennett, coroner of Launceston, d. 30 May 1793.
December 20th :- Commander Norman Safe. Local residents will be pleased to learn that Mrs Hilary Norman, wife of Commander Hilary Norman, of The Old House, Yeolmbridge, Launceston, has received a cablegram from her husband, who was serving on the battleship Prince of Wales, that he is safe.
Lifton News: Three Lifton men, W Baker of the Repulse, L Littlejohns and C Congdon of the Prince of Wales were safe.
Marine TC Hawkins, of Launceston. Another Launcestonian has been posted Missing by the Admiralty. He is Marine Thomas C Hawkins, who was a gunlayer on board one of HM Ships. Before joining the Navy nine years ago Mr Hawkins was employed as a hair dresser by Mr Hardy. Just 3 weeks ago his mother Mrs Bray, who lives at Hendra, Dunheved Road, received a telegram from him wishing her a “Merry Christmas” and telling her to ‘keep smiling’. He was aged 28 years.
Lezant NAMES LIST: under B – Bray, Leonard, d.29 nov 1915, Pte, R.N.D.H., age 22, KIA .
Lezant war Memorial – 1915 – Leonard H Bray, North Devon Hussars. ?
under W – Ward, Herbert, 30 Jun 1918, Pte 6 Royal West Kents, 28, KIA.
July 29th. Marriage. Charles Hole, of Treherbert, South Wales, & Alice Maud Biddlecombe, St Stephens.
St Thomas – marriage. July Joseph Skates to Elizabeth June Downing.
St Stephens: St Stephen’s Bells. For several years now – – – The St Stephen’s peal is the heaviest in the district, the ‘Tenor Bell’ alone [according to an expert], weighs considerably over 18 cwt., clear of fittings. – WH Sandercock, Captain of the Tower.
January, 1914: St Mary Magdalen – The Rev MT Hainsselin, R.N. We were very glad to have Mr Hainsselin’s help for nearly all the Sundays during December. He has now to take up his appointment as Chaplain to H.M.S. Ajax, a Super Dreadnought, and expects to be at sea for 12 months of more.
St Mary Magdalene Parish, May 1917:
The Late Charles Laurence Hart Smith. Launceston heard with deep regret of the death of Mr Charles Hart Smith, the Borough Librarian, a member of a family long and honourably connected
with our borough. Mr Hart Smith was a zealous Churchman, one of the few who, in those practical days, take an enthusiastic interest in the ancient deeds and records of the town, respecting which he had acquired much information.
His selection for the post of Borough Librarian was s singularly happy one, for its duties were most congenial to him, and he discharged them with conscientious fidelity. This was the more praiseworthy, as the office is almost an honorary one, the salary attaching to it being very small owing to lack of endowments and the limitations of the penny rate.
His charity was remarkable. Through a long friendship we never heard him speak unkindly of any one, and although of a retiring disposition he made many friends, by whom he will long be held in affectionate memory.

Cornish & Devon Post, January 5th, 1918:
North Petherwyn: Mr and Mrs Davey of Troswell, North Petherwin, have received news that their only son, Pte. Samuel John Davey, DCLI., aged 26, died of wounds “somewhere in France” on November 20th. Pte. Davey joined the colours more than 2 years ago, and after being trained was sent to Salonika. There he was wounded, and after being home on sick leave, was drafted to France. Pte Davey was greatly respected in North Petherwin and a good brother comrade, as testified by a corporal in his Company, who wrote conveying the news of his death. He was a member of the Maxworthy United Methodist Church and a local preacher in the Week St. Mary circuit. The sympathy of the whole parish is extended to the parents and two sisters in their bereavement.
A memorial service was conducted by Rev. WDL Cann at Maxworthy on Sunday. A large number attended, many from the various chapels in the Week St. Mary circuit; testifying to the great respect in which the deceased was held. The relatives present were Mr and Mrs Davey [father and mother]; Misses Ivy and Ethel Davey [sisters]; Miss Davey [aunt]; Mrs Stacey, Mr and Mrs Burdon, Miss D Davey, Mr J Davey and Mr E Davey [cousins].
St Gennys, 5 Jan 1918: Official news has been received that Pte R Bird, DCLI., has been wounded in the head in Palestine, on the 22 November. Since that time Mr J Sandercock, of Sweet, has received a letter from him saying that he is doing well, the bullet has been taken out without having injured the skull. Pte Bird joined His Majesty’s Forces in September, 1915, and served with the DCLI. in India, Arabia, Egypt and now in Palestine. It is hoped he will have a speedy recovery.
The memorial service of Pte. Clifford Hoskin took place Sunday, 23rd, at Brockhill United Methodist Chapel, St Gennys, when Mrs Sandercock, representing the Sunday School Bible Class and Christian Association, spoke to a crowded congregation of the brave young hero as a thoroughly respected and much loved attendant of that place of worship. Extracts of his letters to his friends showed his genuine Christian character and discipline.
Poundstock 5th January 1918: Xmas leave has been spent at home in the parish by Ptes. W Greenwood, T T Headon, J Spry and J Heard, the last named having seen service at the Front in France. All were looking well and have returned to duty.
St Mary Magdalene, 5th January 1918: Wedding – Driver Heard and Miss Bewes.
By special licence the marriage was solemnised at St Mary Magdalene Church yesterday [Thursday] of Driver W Heard, Motor Transport, son of the late Mr W Heard, Mr and Mrs Lyle, Badharlick, Egloskerry, and Miss Frances May Bewes, daughter of Mr and Mrs G Bewes, of Broad Street, Launceston. Canon FE Lewis officiated and the bride was given away by her father. Pte. W Nute acted as best man. Miss Heard was the bridesmaid and received as a present a gold pendant whilst that from the bride to the bridegroom was a dress case; the ‘groom to the bride a gold bangle. The bridegroom is home from France.
Local Heroes: Killed – Acting Lieutenant Lancelot J B Walters; R.N. Stonehouse; Stoker J Towl, Compass; Mr C R Prout, Port Isaac; Mr C Luxton, Stokeclimsland.
Lost at Sea: Stoker PO J Noble, Callington; Gassed: Pte TH Floyd, Callington.
Wounded: L/Cpl. S Barrable, Stratton; Pte J Jolliffe, Stratton; Pte. R Bird, St Gennys; Pte. D Force, Boscastle. Died Suddenly: L/Cpl. HN Slee, Holsworthy.
Prisoners of War: 2nd Lt. E Stainton, Stratton; Mr G Bouvier, Lucket [also wounded].
Missing: Sgt WA Parsons, St Teath; Pte C Craddick, Callington.
In Hospital: Pte. N Rowland, Downgate [frost bitten feet].
The United States President has conferred the Distinguished Service Medal on SURGEON VICE-ADMIRAL SIR WILLIAM NORMAN of Yeolmbridge, for his services in the war. Post & Weekly News, 26 September, 1919.
Lifton: Ptes. Ellery, Galloway, Davey, Way, Rowe, and Chick, have been home visiting their friends during the Xmas.
Tregadillett: Residents are glad to see Pte. F H Whale home on fourteen days leave, after fifteen months clerical service with the colours, thirteen of which he spent in France.
Trigg Mag. May 1917: St M M: Captain D F S Vowler, Sherwood Forresters, att. Machine Gun Corps, severely wounded in great fight.
T.Mag. July 1917.Lt. J A G Vowler, Leinster Regt., died at Netley Hospital, July 9th.
T. Mag. March 1919: St MM. Burial. St Mary Magdalene Church; Darrell Francis Stephen Vowler, aged 24.
A daughter was born to Dr. William and Mrs Harriet Thompson on 23rd June, 1892, when they lived at Riverside, St Thomas, Launceston; she was christened Harriet Dorothy Margaret, grand-daughter of Dr. and Mrs. David Thompson.
In 1895, desiring a larger residence for his family, and with more room to practice his calling, Dr William Fookes Thompson employed local architect, Otho B Peter, Esq. to design for himself a new residence in the Roydon Road, in the parish of St Stephens-by Launceston. This was to be named ‘PENQUITE’.
Mr Peter’s advertisement in the local weekly newspaper read: TENDERS invited for the Erection of a Residence, Stable buildings, Boundary Walls, &c. on a site adjoining Roydon Road, St Stephens, for Dr WF Thompson. For Plans and Specifications apply to Mr Otho B Peter, architect, Northernhaye, Launceston. dated: Launceston 21 May, 1895.
On the outbreak of World War 1. Miss Thompson became a voluntary nursing aid at the Launceston Voluntary Aid Detachment Hospital, then in the Town Hall. The hospital was later removed to Werrington Park at the kind invitation of Mrs Williams, wife of the Werrington Estate owner.
In 1918 Miss Thomson was ordered to a Brighton hospital, where injured and sick troops sent back to Britain from the front in Europe were sent for treatment. Soon after arriving at Brighton the health of Nurse Thompson suddenly failed and she was returned home to ‘Penquite’, Roydon Road, St Stephens, where she died on 27th July 1918, at the age of 26 years.
On the day of her funeral the mortal remains of Miss Thompson’s body were placed on a bier and, being manned by members of the St John Ambulance, she was borne up the hill to St Stephens Church.
The bearers were members of St John Ambulance, the British Red Cross Society, and former orderlies of the VAD Hospital; Rifleman G Wicks, Croix de Guerre, sounded the ‘Last Post’.
Miss Thompson’s parents had both been active workers for the Red Cross VAD Hospital and Soldier’s Recreation Room at Launceston. Dr Thompson, a Town Councillor from 1911, was appointed Mayor of the town in 1916, and was also County Coroner for the district.
When the impressive War Memorial was unveiled in Launceston’s Square in 1921, Miss Thompson’s name was engraved upon one of the tablets among the servicemen who had lost their lives in the ‘War to End All Wars’.
Among the wreaths laid that day were two in her memory: “In proud thankfulness and with loving remembrance, especially for Harriet Dorothy Margaret Thompson, from the Red Cross, VA Detachment No.18. Cornwall.” and: “In memory of the fallen of the Great War, in grateful remembrance from Dr and Mrs Thompson.”
The Thompson family grave is near the door of St. Stephens Church.
1921 paper – Names on St Stephens War Memorial: 19 Feb.
Flt.Lt. Eric A Bennetts: Gnr. T Brighton: Pte. R Brighton: Cpl. T S Brighton: L/Cpl. F H Brighton: Pte. Davey: Sgt. J Fitze: Pte. LC Geake: Pte. W J Gimblett: 2nd/Lt. W J Kent:
Capt. D C Langdon: 2nd/Lt. W M J Llewellyn: 2nd/Lt. RWD Maddever: Chaplain G F Morgan: Pte. P Rooke: Pte. SC Rundle: Miss Harriett Dorothy M Thompson.
“Their names shall live forever.”
6 Aug. Egloskerry War Memorial unveiled Sunday 28th August, 1921: Supplied by Messrs Sweet & Sons, Liskeard.
25 March, 1922: Launceston War Memorial: On the 20th. October, Mr Stallybrass, architect, of Plymouth, made a very close inspection of the memorial and found certain defects, particularly in regard to what was called the tracery work. Those defects were serious and Mr Stallybrass refused to give a further certificate to the contractors. The contractor, after having met the Committee several times, decided to refer the matter to arbitrators, as he was empowered to do under the contract, and the matter was referred to Mr Victor Prigg, of Plymouth, who came there twice. Some of the Committee were present and they appointed representatives. Last week they received the award of the arbitrators. That was entirely in favour of the action taken by the architect. The work concerned of must be rectified either by the contractor or some other person, at the expense of the contractor.

Visits: 109