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Spoken Memories


Over time it is aimed to record various people speaking of their early memories of the town where they grew up. Many will be sharing their experiences of childhood growing up during the Second World War.

Stanley Tout speaking in July 2017 of his earliest childhood memories during the late 1930s through the ’40s and ’50s. Interviewed by Roger Pyke.

Part one

Part two

Barbara (nee Chapman) Cann interview in November 2017 by Gary Chapman where she talks of her experience during the ‘Battle of Launceston’ that took place between Black American GI’s and American military police during the Second World War.

Eldred J Broad (b. May 1930) speaking in October 2019 of his childhood experiences during the 1930s and 1940s. Interviewed by Roger Pyke.

Part one

Part two

Part three




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