Launceston Parades Gallery
35 images of various parades held in the Town.

Procession along Western Road possibly Empire Day c.1910's. Photo courtesy of Maggie Bruce.

Cornish Gorsedd meeting at Windmill pleasure grounds in 1947.

St. John Ambulance members entering St. Marys Church in June 1938.

A general Parade up Broad Street, Launceston

Cornwall County Nurses Parade down Dunheved Road Launceston in June 1938. Over 300 Nurses took part.

Cornwall County St. John Ambulance Parade through the town centre in March 1959.

Girl Guides line up for inspection by Lady Molesworth-St. Aubyn the district commisionaire in 1958.

Scouts Parade down Western Road, Launceston with the Scoutmaster being Spencer Toy.

St. Cuthbert Mayne parade up St. Thomas Road June 28th 1922

St. Cuthbert Mayne parade down Western Road June 1936

1949 St. Cuthbert Mayne Parade.

St. Cuthbert Mayne parade through the Castle grounds 1932

St. Cuthbert Mayne parade down Western Road.

Boys Brigade parade down Race Hill with Eric Chapman. Photo courtesy of Gary Chapman.

Boys Brigade parade on the Castle Green with Eric Chapman. Photo courtesy of Gary Chapman.

Boys Brigade parade on the Castle Green with Eric Chapman. Photo courtesy of Gary Chapman.

Lieutenent Colonel L. H. Jobson presents the DCLI T.A. attatchment with tankards for winning the Battalion First Aid competition in 1961.

The dedication of Launceston's War Memorial on October 30th 1921.

1930's Remembrance Parade in the Guildhall Square.

Remembrance Day Parade. Photo courtesy of Dave and Irene Tout.

Brownies and Girl Guides at the 1973 Remembrance Parade. Photo courtesy of J. Barnard.

Brownies and Girl Guides at the 1973 Remembrance Parade. Photo courtesy of J. Barnard.

1973 Remembrance Parade. Photo courtesy of J. Barnard.

Remembrance Day. Photo courtesy of Anna Duke.

Launceston Remembrance Day. Photo by Derek.

Launceston Remembrance Day. Photo by Derek.

Remembrance Day. Photo courtesy of Anna Duke.

Launceston Brownies on Parade for Remembrance Day. Photo courtesy of Anna Duke

Launceston Brownies on Parade for Remembrance Day. Photo courtesy of Anna Duke

1988 Remembrance Day Parade.

Kesderdh 500 March in 1997.

Launceston 50th anniversary of VE day in 1995. Photo courtesy of Morris Jordan.
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