Westgate barmaids spanning most of the 1990s decade Marie, Emma, Linzi. Photo courtesy of Emma Chapman.

Westgate gang at a wedding in the White Hart, Bill and Hillary Graves, Emma Chapman, Trevor Worden and Dave Delgado in the mid 1990's. Photo courtesy of Emma Chapman.

Tug 'o War Team from the area, Albert Davey is the Team Manager and can be seen just behind the trophies. Photo courtesy of Fred Davey.

North Cornwall Cars coach in Westgate Street, Launceston late 1970's. Photo courtesy of Gary Chapman

Tilleys coach departing the Old Sheep Market car park in the late 1970's. Photo courtesy of Gary Chapman.

White Horse Inn with the Waysiders playing. In the picture are Pat Hinfey, Clare Body, Bill, Dave Frost, Mervyn Parnell, Bet Frost, Keith Scoble, Briand Barriball and Mike West.

Wilfred Bailey on his Mayoral inaugeration.Also in the picture is Jimmy Hughes, Olver Harris, Kathleen Keast, Eric Chapman, Jack Hobbs, Alan Buckingham, Bert Tremain,Canon Steer, Richard Martin, Ronald Martin, Fanny Hicks, Jack Rashleigh and Mr. C. Parsons was the Town Clerk. Photo courtesy of Sarah Bond.

Believed to be Launceston WI with Mrs. Slocombe holding the shield (later Mrs. Mounce) to her left is Mrs Stanbury, Vera Gilbert top left, and Mrs Raymont is third from the right at the back. Photo courtesy of Peter Gilbert.

Launceston Round Table Win a Mini raffle with Win a mini raffle. Round table in aid of RNLI. Back row L to R John Wakeham, ? John Evans, ? Alan Addis, John Mann, Trevor Haynes and Nigel Parker. IN fornt of John Mann is Ken Erlich, Iain Stewart Most trades of the town were covered by these men. Photo courtesy of Penny Doney.

Windmill School pupils impersonating 'The Sweet' at a fete held at the scholl in the 1970's. Trehane James, Roger Hine, Emma Chapman, Jon Cornish and Andy Jones. Photo courtesy of Emma Chapman.

Windmill School canteen staff - late 70's early 80's. In the picture are Mrs Prynne, Mrs Knight, Mrs Jeffery, Mrs Gerry and Bill Edgecumbe. Photo courtesy of Kathryn Hill.

Windmill School 1962, Back row Malcolm Diebner,Geoff Baker,Graham Bryne,Robert Downing,? Oldrieve,Richard Worth,Roland Martin,Rodney Diebner. Front row Peter Ingerson,Donald Stone,Phillip Rowe,Timothy Venner,Peter Gilbert. Photo courtesy of Peter Gilbert.

Les Stoneman, Jumbo and Alfie Perkins in the Timothy Whites store room. Photo courtesy of Barb Ellacott (nee Goodman).
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