1977 Silver Jubilee mug presentation at North Petherwin with Walter Hawke and Patrick Howlett. Photo courtesy of Gary Lashbrook.

Paul Morehead on the far left with his schoolmates from the late 1950s outside St. mary's Church. Also in the picture are, David Hillman in the middle, Roger Sleep next to him, Chris Wheeler front right. Photo courtesy of Paul Morehead.

Bill Dinner, Eric Chapman, and Ron Logg in the Boys Brigade taking part in the baton relay to commemorate the festival of Britain. Picture taken at the Parade, Liskeard.

Derek Prout leads out a touring team possibly to celebrate the opening of the Launceston Rugby Club house in the early 1970's. Photo courtesy of Alastair Gordon.

Barry Jordan, Bob Tremaine, Chris Goodman, Gerald Forward (father-xmas), and Alan Parish. Photo courtesy of Janet Tucker.

This was the bonfire that my sister, myself and several others from Broad Park organised on Roydon Road, by what we used to call Roydon Woods. The field we held it in was owned by Roger Parnell of the Solicitors in Westgate Street and he gave us permission. It was lit by "Pop Welch" who used to be the Gardening Presenter on Westward Television and we got Barry Treleaven of Treleaven's Shop, which was on the corner of Market Street where the Halifax BS now is. We had a hot dog stall and everything there and raised a fair bit of money for Charity on the night. There were probably some 200 or more people there. Tarry Barriball 2015.

White Horse with the Waysiders Playing in the picture are...Pat Hinfey, Clare Body, Bill, Dave Frost, Mervyn Parnell, The Waysiders, Bet Frost, Keith Scoble, Brian Barriball and Mike West. Photo courtesy of Nick Hairs.

Tony Phillips, Malcolm Sargent, Barry Lane, Mike Vanstone, Brian Marchmont, Martin Davey and Len Hambling.

Kathryn Martin and Anna Duke taking part in a Children in Need fund raiser. Photo courtesy of Kathryn Martin.

Chris Hicks's Dad on the left with a friend in the town centre during the 1930's. Photo courtesy of Chris Hicks.

Repairing the wall outside the Police Station in Westgate Street, launceston in the 1940's. 2nd on the right is Walter 'Wat' Hill. Photo courtesy of Colin Hill.Street, Launceston, on the right is Walter 'Wat' Hill. Photo courtesy of Colin Hill.

Reparing the wall outside the old Police Station, Westgate Street, Launceston, on the right is Walter 'Wat' Hill. Photo courtesy of Colin Hill.

R. Spiv hodge, harry Willis, Tony sandercock, Chris sandercock, Roy Phillips, and Brian Martin onn their way to Twickenham to watch Cornwall rugby county finals in the mid 90's.

Derek Goodman in uniform. He fought in Egypt during the second world war. Photo courtesy of Judy Goodman.

Egloskerry Revel 1977/78 with Launceston Mayor Reg Parker and Mayoress Mary Parker in the front are Alison Wilby, Audrey Pyke, and Hayley Aldridge.

Tom Hicks outside Eyres Water factoru in Bounsalls Lane with Chris Hicks and his sister. Photo courtesy of Chris Hicks.
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