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South Petherwin Headstone Inscriptions


Prepared by Mrs Nutt of Sigma, Tregaller Lane, Daws House, May 1980 with updates by Roger Pyke. By clicking the highlighted names will lead to the headstone

No.Christian NamesSurnameBirth DateDeath DateInscription
Outside St. Paternus Church
1John BrendonParsonsDec 23 1884 age 65Of Tremeale
Elizabeth his wifeMar 1 1884 age 69
And three of their children
Elizabeth SpettigueMay 20 1848 age 10
William SpettigueOct 20 1856 age 7
Joseph SpettigueMay 19 1872 age 21
2RichardDinnerOct 27 1832 age 30Son of Richard and Joanna otp
3JamesSpryApr 25 1870 age 80
Also his wife
4JoannaDinnerMar 3 1834 age 54Wife of Richard Dinner otp
5William HenryStaddonOct 12 1855 age 65Otp
Also his wife
AnnMar 23 1874 age 60
6Mary AnnParson May 5 no year givenDaughter of Edward and Jane of Botathan
7HonorMartynApr 19 1837Wife of Richard otp
8Annie EthelSymonsJuly 13 1874Dec 23 1933
Mabel SymonsJune 14 1963Loved wife of Mark
MarkSymonsJan 7 1868Feb 25 1964
9Arabella RussellDerrentDec 10 1913 age 91Died at Badash, Launceston
10HarrietDoidgeMar 27 1875 age 64Wife of Richard otp
11RichardEsseryMar 8 1863Son of William Henry and Jane of Tregaller
also HenryEsseryFeb 1 1927 age 80Died at Badash, Launceston
12JaneEsserySep 22 1849 age 36of Tregaller otp
also William HenryEsseryHusband of the above
Jane EsseryFeb 1859 age 57
13JaneRyallMay 2 1852 age 29Wife of Richard Ryall late of South Sydenham
14Annie MartinSep 3 1883 age 17Daughter of John and Mary Martin
also Richardage 14 years
and two Franksage 11 months eachSons of John and Mary Martin
15John NottleMar 26 1883 age 59Late officer of Excise
16JamesJenkinsJuly 5 1844 age 15Son of John and Ann Jenkins otp, who was accidently thrown from a carriage and crushed with the wheel and died on the spot! In health and strength I left my home intending to return, but on my way I lost my life and left my friends to mourn.
17EllenBrownDec 1 1862 age 17Daughter of Henry and Eliza Brown otp
18Henry ThomasMayDec 9 1814May 21 1894
also of his wife
Frances Mackenzie TewMayJune 10 1818Dec 12 1885
also of his sister
Caroline RebeccaMayMar 15 1809Dec 11 1874
Also of his sister
Lousia JulianaMayAug 3 1816Jan 15 1891
also his sister
Anna MariaMayAug 14 1821Apr 4 1885
19John FoleyFeb 25 1882 age 82
also his wife
CatherineFoleyJuly 13 1861 age 75 Died at Roborough
20HughCrockerMar 30 1842 age 57
also his wife
MargaretCrockerJuly 29 1857 age 65
21Elizabeth EllenBradburyJuly 30 1859April 5 1931 (Easter Day)37 years organist otp Church. 46 years teacher in the National School.
22WilliamSkinDec 10 1820Aug 15 1903
23Elizabeth JaneJenkin Dec 30 1950 age 82
24JaneJollMar 9 1908 age 79Dear mother died at South Petherwin
also our dear sister
Elizabeth AnnJollDec 29 1924 age 70
25SamsonTickell18191891Of Kennards House
also his wife
Elizabeth Tickell18131890
26Ellen HaywoodCheeseworthApr 27 1955 age 94
William HenryCheeseworthMar 27 1955 age 54
27Elizabeth HoneyNorthwayOct 25 1904 age 79
28Ethel MargaretJenkinJan 23 1900 age 10 monthsChild of John and Elizabeth Jane Jenkin of Higher Lowlands, South Petherwin
29WilliamJenkinMar 22 1888 age 69
Also his wife
Mary JenkinJan 29 1896 age 75
30John JenkinFeb 15 1927 age 60Husband of Elizabeth Jenkin of Higher Lowlands.
31SamuelLaneAug 20 1856 age 70otp
also his wife
Bertha LaneMay 31 1860
32MaryLaneDec 18 1858 age 40Wife of James Lane of Pengelly, in the parish of Linkinhorne.
33Joseph ThomasJune 27 1856 age 58
also his wife
CriniaThomasAug 30 1872 age 77
34Mary GeakeLaneMay 16 1872 age 61Daughter of James and Martha Lane, late of Trethevy, who died at Trethevey.
35JamesLaneMar 6 1866 age 83 years and 11 monthsof Strand, South Petherwin.
also his wife
MarthaLaneMay 26 1869 age 80who died at Daws House.
36SusanLaneDec 28 1831 age 6Daughter of James aand Martha Lane otp.
37William C. T. MartinApr 25 1901 age 68
also wife of
MaryMartinOct 4 1910 age 73Our dear mother
38Elizabeth RuseDoidgeFeb 1 1897 age 71Wife of William Doidge, who died at Daws House.
39AnnieProleyApr 12 1910 age 62Wife of Henry Proley of Treglasta Bridge, Davidstowe.
40DanielHockingJan 17 1940 age 79Otp.
also his wife
Mary JaneHockingNov 20 1946 age 85
41MaryKennerMar 23 1886 age 85The relict of the late William Kenner of Launceston.
also her grandson
John KennerCardellAug 9 1881 age 19
Mary MariaCardellDec 2 1890 age 63Widow of William R. Cardell of 'Penfoot,' South Petherwin who died at 2, Haven Villas, Bognor.
42JohnNealeOct 12 1877 age 57Of Landlake Mill in this parish.
43Not readable
44Elizabeth AnnCrowhurstJan 28 1827 age 13 years and 6 months
45Elizabeth VivianAug 9 1861 age 81Mother of George Vivian of Treguddick in this parish.
46GeorgeVivianJuly 8 1815 at Talskiddy.May 9 1892Late of Treguddick, died at Polyphant.
also his wife
Mary AnnVivianSep 14 1812 at TalskiddyDec 29 1899Died at Polyphant.
47SarahJenkinNov 18 1874 age 73Beloved wife of Samuel Jenkin
48WilfredHodgeFeb 24 1916 age 22Son of T.B. and E. Hodge. Died at Rose Cottage, South Petherwin.
49Richard D.DaweJan 10 1907 age 85Died at Tresmarrow, South Petherwin.
50Dorothy DownDobleJan 15 1899 age 76Widow of the late William Doble of Whitstone. Died at Tresmarrow.
51JohnTinkJan 28 1871 age 3 monthsSon of Samuel and Mary Ann Tink.
EdwinTinkJan 25 1873 age 2 monthsSon of Samuel and Mary Ann Tink.
52Isacc N. S. DaweFeb 6 1860 age 78Late of Tresmarrow in this parish.
also his wife
Dorothy DaweJan 15 1879 age 83
53Lousia Mary NanscowenDaweMar 23 1839 age 2 years and 9 monthsDaughter of Isaac Nanscowen Dawe and Dorothy his wife, who died at Tresmarrow in this parish.
54Not readable
55DanielDennisJune 22 1825The infant son of John Dennis and Susanna Badcock who died at Botathan in this parish.
also their daughter
MellonyDennisJan 12 1832 age 7
56JohnHockadayMar 22 1819 age 4 Son of George and Elizabeth Hockaday.
also of their son
ThomasHockadayOct 7 1852 age 9
57ElizaBickleFeb 19 1920 age 73Wife of the late Thomas Bickle.
also the daughter of above
Jane ElizaBickleFeb 1 1919 age 44
58ThomasBickleApril 21 1902 age 63Hisband of Eliza Bickle who died in this village.
59WilliamJasperJan 8 1938 age 73Husband of Mary Jasper "late of Egloskerry." Died at Trelaske Barton, Lewannick.
60Frederick ThomasBickleMar 12 1880 age 7Son of Thomas and Eliza Bickle otp.
Joseph HenryBickleDec 3 1895 age 17
61James B. StaceyMay 23 1928 age 79Husband of Jane Stacey
also his wife
Jane StaceySep 29 1934 age 84
also their daughter
EllenStaceyMay 31 1950 age 75
62W. JasperMar 6 1918 age 19Stoker 2nd Class R.N. K/3995T. H.M.S "DIDO."
63JamesJenkinFeb 24 1888 age 27otp. This stone was erected by his children.
64JamesJasperDec 25 1890 age 66otp. This stone was erected by his children.
also his wife
AnnJasperJune 5 1905 age 75
65ThomasJasperJan 30 1918 age 48
AliceJasperSep 30 1962 age 83
66WilliamAdamsMay 14 1923 age 79Died at Petherwin Water
FrancisAdamsDec 14 1928 age 84Wife of above who died at Lewarne, North Hill.
67Maude Helen, Selina Helen, HancockInfant children of R.A. and E.A. Hancock of Launceston. Erected 1900.
Florence Ann and Hancock
Richard NormanHancock
68EdwardJenkinAug 27 1915 age 56Died at Trebursye.
69Edward AlfonsoJenkinMar 9 1895 age 7
70JaneHicksJan 18 1904 age 59Wife of John Hicks.
JohnHicksOct 28 1923 age 85Husband of above.
71Emily MayStrikeFeb 4 1922 age 66
72JanePellattSep 23 1881June 1 1923Widow of Thomas H. Pellatt, A.E.R.N. and daughter of W & E Warden of Bush Park, Launceston
72aAliceCreberJan 1945In memory of
ShirleyCreberAug 1948
Samuel EliCreberMar 1957Rip
72bThomasFoleyJune 10 1988 age 4 daysAtta Tahemoth
72cThomasHarrisNov 17 1939 age 78
ElizaHarrisFeb 3 1925 age 68At South Petherwin.
EmmaHarrisNov 25 1928 age 80
72dIreneTyldesley Jan 3 1995 age 71Formerly Webber. Lovingly remembered by daughters Lynne and Andrea Grandchildren and family.
72eEric Webber
72fJohnStaceyNov 14 1919 age 75In loving memory.
73Rosemary Eva JoyCouchJuly 3 1939 age 8 and 8 monthsEldest child of A.C. & F.E. Couch
74Elizabeth AnnMastersMay 22 1963 age 85
76The devoted parents of Louis Harris
77HarryMastersNov 29 1941 age 66
FlorenceMastersOct 6 1934 age 19
78JohnWarring otpFeb 7 1879 age 66
also his wife
AnnWarring otpMay 11 1891 age 74
also their daughter
Mary JaneWarring Aug 26 1839 age 28
79Elizabeth Jonasof Kennards House otp
80JaneSargentJune 27 1851 age 44
JohnSargentMar 21 1863 age 64
81RichardSargent otpJan 9 1844 age 70He was a loving husband, affectionate father & sincere friend.
82MarySargentDec 29 1827 age 48Wife of Richard Sargent. My husband dear new life is past, Your love for me so long did last, But Love my childrenfor my sakes, Weep not for me children dear, The time will come when you must lie here, The time will come when die you must, And with your mother sleep in dust.
83MariaSargentOct 10 1838 age 18
84RobertLawrenceJune 4 1874 age 63He was the faithful servant of Mr. Samuel Lane and of his son Mr. James Lane of Trecongdon otp for a period of more than 40 years.
also his daughter
GraceLawrenceMay 5 1868 age 22
85GeorgeHoney otpOct 26 1832 age 45
86BessieTowlFeb 16 1895 age 5 monthsThe daughter of Thomas & Emily Towl of Higher Daws House.
87William HenryGimblettSep 18 1894 age 35Died at St. Stephens by Launceston.
88JohnGimblett otpDec 31 1875 age 35
also his daughter
Mary JaneGimblettMar 25 1872 age 3 days
and MaryGimblettMar 17 1876 age 9 months
89RichardCornish otpDec 19 1868 age 73
and his wife
MaryCornish Sep 3 1870 age 72
90JohnPearce of HonitonJan 8 1886 age 82
and his wife
MaryPearce July 15 1906 age 91
91EmilyTowlDec 20 1906 age 38
also her son
JamesTowlAug 31 1907 age 11
92EllenDoveDec 22 1906 age 22Wife of Thomas H. Dove, died at Ridgegrove, Launceston.
93William Coryndon GurneyJuly 18 1830Feb 7 1863 in London
Maria GurneyNov 12 1802July 28 1869 at TrebursyeDaughter of Coryndon Rowe M.D. wife of Charles Gurney of Trebursye.
CharlesGurneyFeb 7 1805 at LiftonJuly 7 1891 at Trebursye
Anna MariaGurneyJuly 4 1832June 3 1923 at TrebursyeDaughter of Charles & Maria Gurney.
94EdwardSmithFeb 5 1953 age 90
also his wife
EllenSmithFeb 7 1953 age 88
95WilliamHeddonJan 24 1922Only devoted son of R & J Heddon.
96ElizabethGilbertJan 6 1922 age 73wife of Frederick Gilbert.
and her husband
FrederickGilbertNov 17 1930 age 85
97Stephen ClStephen ClaudeaudeGilbertFeb 7 1953 age 68
also his son
Frederick RichardGilbertApr 28 1947 age 25
also wife of Stephen Claude
LillyGilbertDec 31 1965
98RichardStaceyApril 17 1882 age 38Husband of Elizabeth Stacey.
also his beloved son
William John WillieStaceyFeb 18 1883 age 6
also his daughter
MaudStaceyFeb 23 1883 age 11 months Had he asked us, well we know, We should cry! Oh spare this blow. Yes with streaming tears should pary, Lord! We love them, let them stay.
99EdwardJenkins otpNov 19 1869 age 36
100Mary ElizabethSmithOct 31 1867 Daughter of William & Mary Smith otp
101WilliamSmithBorn at Altarnun March 1822At Treguddick Cottage, Oct 9 1900 age 78
also his wife
MarySmithBorn at Trebursye Apr 20 1828Died at Kennards House Oct 4 1903
102Charles ThomasBennettDec 26 1896 age 18Son of William & Jane Bennett, died at South Petherwin.
103William HenryBennettApr 17 1964 age 76Husband of Lilian Bennett.
104LilianBennettWife of William Henry Bennett.
104aSamuelJenkinMay 19 1928 age 46
104b Ethel JenkinFeb 8 1982 age 93
104cKathleenJenkinMay 13 1998 age 84
104dWalter GordonRoweApr 27 1978 age 46 Died at Pollinick
104eCharles Selina JaneRowland
Plane granite memorial
105NancySmithJan 26 1909 age 46Wife of Edward Smith.
106Emily AgnesPullmanOct 7 1914 age 49Wife of Procter Thomas Pulman.
Procter Thomas Pulman M.A. B.C.H.July 8 1938 age 87For 47 years Vicar of this Parish and Trewen.
107Elizabeth AnnBennettJan 27 1916 age 72Wife of Thomas Bennett otp.
ThomasBennettSep 16 1918 age 76
108Elizabeth AnnGunnerAug 25 1936 age 77
and of
John MatthiasGunnerJuly 18 1946 age 86
Joyce BarbaraGunnerSep 30 1945 age 19
Beatrice MaryGunnerJan 22 1973
109Albert HarryPughNov 7 1953 age 82Late of Trebursye Gardens, husband of Ada Elizabeth.
also his wife
Ada ElizabethPughDec 4 1966 age 80
110WalterAungerJan 10 1947 age 67
also his beloved wife
Alice AnnAungerJan 30 1957 age 76
111Stephen RobertHicksMay 27 1966 age 2 monthsSon of Val and Brice Hicks.
112SamuelSymonsJuly 12 1930 age 69
also his wife
Mary JaneSymonsDec 10 1930 age 82
113Samuel JohnAllinNov 3 1951 age 48
also his wife
Francis May PhillipsAllinJune 23 1973 age 67
114Clifford GeorgeSheppeardOct 6 1951 age 37
114aAndrew Sinclair MichaelJordanJuly 13 1975 age 17 daysJesus called.
115Henry LethbridgeCowlardFeb 26 1925 age 49Old Tree House.
116John WilliamSaundersJuly 21 1912 age 45Of Old Tree House. Capitan retired 'The Prince of Wales North Staffordshire Regiment. Only child of John and Grace Alloway Saunders and husband of Christine Saunders.
117Thomas W. LandreyApril 6 1924 age 85
also his wife
EmmaLandreyApril 28 1925 age 83
118Mary JaneBrimacombeMay 5 1940 wife of Richard Brimacombe.
also her husband
RichardBrimacombeApril 28 1953 age 87
119AlfredWerringMarch 11 1956 age 78
also his wife
119aWilliam CyrilWerringDec 19 1991 age 76
Alberta E. R. WerringAug 2 1998 age 80Reunited
ElsieWerringJune 23 1971 age 85
120SampsonWiltonOct 26 1959 age 79
also his wife
ElizabethWiltonSep 20 1965 age 89
121WilliamCoryOct 30 1908 age 63Husband of E. A. Cory who died at Holyrood.
and of
Elizabeth AnnCoryDec 23 1934 age 82
122WilliamCoryNov 26 1903 age 79Of Daws House.
also his wife
Mary AnnCoryJune 3 1906 age 82
123PhylCookDec 19 1957 Wife of Donald Cook.
124JohnSandercockOct 11 1956 age 66
Ethel M. SandercockJune 24 1973 age 84
124 aJohnTrehane19231997In loving memory Husband and Dad RIP
125Florence MildredTrehaneSep 10 1956 age 64
126Henry HarrisMay 15 1914 age 78Who died at St. Austell.
127JaneHarrisFeb 23 1903 age 71Wife of Henry Harris who died at Trecrogo Lane End, South Petherwin.
also daughter of above
FlorenceHarrisSep 5 1899 age 35
128JohnLansallasDec 21 1904 age 75
also his wife
GraceLansallasOct 25 1906 age 74
128aJamesGovettAug 25 1865 age 72
also his wife
AnnGovettApr 6 1884 age 78 Died at Lezant
129JohnWeeksFeb 14 1837 age 78Late of Trecrogo in this Parish.
JaneWeeksMar 31 1839 age 71Wife of John Weeks.
130RichardWeeksMar 15 1856 age 66Late of Trecrogo in this Parish.
131RichardWeeksSep 1802 age 25? Dieth in Hope of a Joyful Resurection The Body of Richard Weeks.
132AnnWeeksApril 9 1807 age 87Here lies the Body of Ann the widow of Richard Weeks of Lezant who was buried.
133Not Marked
134Albert WiltonFeb 20 1957 age 72
Albert LeonardWiltonFeb 6 1970 age 58
134aSampsonWiltonJuly 29 1978 age 67
also his wife
Ethel MaryWiltonMay 26 1993 age 83
135aGeorgeEdwardsJan 13 1958 age 54In loving memory of my dear husband. Love is eternal
also his beloved wife
BessieEdwardsJune 11 1973 age 75
135Not Marked
136WilliamBennett otpJuly 11 1898 age 75
also his wife
JemimaBennettMay 3 1900 age 81
137Hilda JoyceLaneFeb 8 1869 age 47Wife of Colin.
Hilda LouiseWiltonAug 9 1975 age 77Wife of Richard.
139Eliza JaneWebberMar 23 1936 age 54Wife of James Webber.
JamesWebberMay 12 1955 age 88
140JohnRowlandMar 2 1929 age 79
also his wife
FannyRowlandMar 29 1933 age 63
141AnneWimpeyAug 19 1905 age 66
also her sister
MaryParsonsDec 1 1906 age 73
142JamesGowettAug 25 1865 age 72
also his wife
AnnGowettApr 6 1884 age 78Died at Lezant.
143AnnMartinJune 2 1902 age 65Daughter of the late Richard &Elizabeth Martin of Honiton, South Petherwin who died at the Glebe, Lezant.
144JosephStrike otpApr 13 1836 age 69
also his daughter
MaryStrike otpApr 1807 age 4
and his son
JospehStrike Apr 1818 age 4 years & 5months
and his wife
ElizabethStrikeMar 29 1842 age 66
145ElizabethOrchardNov 15 1858 age 48Wife of George Orchaard of Trethorne in the Parish of St. Thomas, died suddenly.
also her youngest son who died at Trethorne
JohnOrchardFeb 6 1871 age 24
146RichardMartynFeb 3 1879 age 80of Honiton in this Parish.
also his wife who died at Lezant
ElizabethMartynApr 14 1882 age 77
146 aAnnMartynThe dearly beloved daughter of the late Richard and Elizabeth Martyn of Honiton, South Petherwin
147JohnBlagdon otpDec 22 1810 age 82Who departed this life. Whilst on earth I did remaain, My latter days was grief and pain, At length my God he thought it best, To take me home unto my rest.
148JaneBlagdon Aug 25 1852 age 43Wife of John Blagdon of St. Thomas Parish.
also mother of John Blagdon
ElizabethFaceySep 26 1851 age 75
149Richard SargentMay 14 1798 age 60Here lyeth the body of Richard Sargent otp who was buried the 14 day of May 11798.
also his wife
AnnSargentFeb 17 1795 age 61Here also lyeth the body of Ann Sargent.
150GraceSargentFeb 14 1844 age 74Beneath lie the remains of Grace Sargent.
151William CurlikeFacyMay 11 1809 age 21 weeksotp who departed this life.
152GraceSearleJan 2 1867 age 76Who for 56 years was a faithfull and devoted servant to the family of Browns of Honiton in the Parish. This stone was erected by the Family as an affectionate tribute to her worth.
153MaryCoryJuly 7 1869 age 9 otpDaughter of William and Mary Ann Cory.
RichardCoryJune 20 1897 age 43Son of William and Mary Ann Cory.
154RichardOliver otpJune 5 1783 age 67Here lyeth the body of Richard Oliver otp. The age or you time is j? The old, the young, the rich, the poor, ailike by death are snaatched away, Without distiction or delay, To mingle with their notine day, And wait the final Judgement day.
155SusannaOliver otpNov 24 1786 age 75Here lyeth the body of Susanna, the wife of Richard Oliver otp, who depated this life. In all my life I took great pain, From eveil way I did refrain, In Jesus Christ I did defend, And in the Lord I make my end.
156Joseph BrownOct 5 1864 age 76of Honiton in this Parish.
157JohnBrownApr 11 1790 age 37
also his wife
Ann WarneBrownMar 30 1835 age 76
158JonathonBrownApr 1836 age 48The son of John & Ann Warne Brown.
also the infant sister
AnnBrownDec 1790
159ElizabethSargentMar 12 1771 age 28Our life is ever on the wing, And Death is ever nigh. The moment when our lives begin, We all beging to die.
160WilliamMoyseJan 15 1960 age 65Husband of Maud Mary.
also his wife
Maude MaryMoyseDec 9 1965 age 78
and of their only son
William John MoyseAug 26 1945 age 27Who died at Villach, Austria.
161John PrestonWickettJan 2 1963 age 82
also his wife
JaneWickettNov 26 1959 age 82
162Francis JohnWebberMay 7 1930 age 65Who died at 'Glencoe' South Petherwin.
Mary GraceWebberNov 3 1940 age 77
163Charles HenryCrockerOct 8 1928 age 75Husband of M. J. Corcker
also his wife
Mary JuneCrockerMarch 27 1935 age 80
164Samuel RichardOliver Mar 31 1917 age 71Husband of the late Jane & Mary Oliver who died at Bickleigh.
165MaryOliverMar 17 1910 age 72Wife of Samuel Oliver who died at Trelinnoe Cottage, South Petherwin.
166Maria AnnHicksDec 30 1923 age 77
Francis RalphHicksFeb 28 1931 age 85
167Frederick HicksMay 30 1900 age 26Son of Francis and M. A. Hicks who was drowned whilst bathing at Prangbourne, Berks,
168Mary MaudOliverOct 31 1850July 11 1896
RichardOliverApr 5 1847Mar 2 1915 Surveyour to L.R.D. for 25 years.
169FrancisWebberJan 7 1910 age 86
also his wife
ElizabethWebberNov 28 1920 age 94
also their daughter
Lousia WebberMar 29 1935 age 77
170Bertie LeonardOkeJune 14 1960 age 57Husband of Olive.
also his wife
OliveOkeOct 23 1970 age 67
172HaroldAbbottNov 17 1970 age 59
173WilliamCongdonMay 31 1969 age 67
also his wife
Francescia MaryCongdonApr 1 1973 age 67
174Elizabeth Ann Jenkin
176Edward BrabynCongdonFeb 11 1945 age 86Died at Tregillis, South Petherwin.
177RichardFinnamoreJuly 27 1915 age 46
KathleenFinnamoreMar 18 1918 age 20
LucyFinnamoreSep 10 1957 age 80Wife of Richard Finnamore.
178Alice BarberDec 6 1913 age 30Died in this village.
179WalterCouchJan 10 1856 age 32of Manchester, Draper. Son of John and Catherine Couch.
180JohnCouchNov 30 1824 age 43Yeoman of this Parish.
also his wife
CatherineCouchJuly 22 1838 age 56Widow of the above who died.
181Walter LewisCongdonMay 18 1975 age 81
182William JamesCongdonFeb 14 1972 age 81
183Elizabeth CongdonFeb 20 1967 age 79
184Emma LilianHarveyMar 17 1966 age 72 Wife of the late William Harvey.
also her son
NormanHarveyMay 8 1972 age 37
185Rosa MiriamWillsDec 26 1903 age 5 years 7 10 monthsChild of James and Jessie Wills.
186JosephWarneDec 7 1833 age 83
also his wife
ElizabethWarneOct 4 1836 age 84
187Jospeh WarneFeb 1 1855 age 69Yeoman late of Drinnick in this Parish.
188JoannaTaylorFeb 11 1841 age 78Wife of George Taylor.
189ThomasTamblynApr 18 1852 age 11Son of John & Peggy Tamblyn.
190PethewickTamblynDec 30 1862 age 4 years & 2 monthsSon of John & Peggy Tamblyn.
191WilliamBantApr 12 1869 age 83My dear Parents.
also his wife
ElizabethBantApr 9 1881 age 94
and their son
ElfordBantAug 8 1856 age 27
192Not clear
193AmeliaBantMar 18 1910 age 75
194ClaudeHarveyAug 10 1975 age 51Son of the late William & Emma Harvey.
195Lousia StrikeSep 4 1891 Jan 4 1976
196Mary Ellen ShortNorthcottJan 23 1965 age 79
also her husband
Percival TallamyNorthcottJuly 18 1968 age 80
197James MarshallVanstoneMar 28 1915 age 67Husband of Mary Ann Vanstone of South Petherwin.
Mary AnnVanstone March 28 1943 age 96
198JohnPerkinJan 15 1889 age 73
also his wife
AnnPerkinJan 18 1887
also granddaughter of the above
Ellen AdaVanstoneSep 12 1891 age 18Daughter of John and Mary Vanstone.
199ElizabethMartinDec 6 1777 age 1 1/2 Here lyeth the body of Elizabeth the daughter of Samuel abd Elizabeth Martin otp.
200Not clear
201WilliamLobb otpAug 17 1825 age 61
also his wife
MaryLobb May 3 1834 age 71
also their grandson
William NicholasLobbApr 6 1841 age 6 monthsDied at Tregillis.
202WilliamLobbMar 1 1910 age 81Who departed this life 1st day of March 1810. In the 81st year of his age.
203ElizabethParsonsMar 10 1838 age 25Erected by Elizabeth Williams to the memory of her daughter.
204HenryStrikeJuly 12 1852Nov 10 1936Husband of Matilda A. Strike.
His beloved widow joined himNov 16 1953 age 86
205JohnHodgeOct 7 1898 age 74 Daws House
also his wife
Mary AnnHodgeMarch 6 1912 age 82
206James ArnoldStrikeNov 19 1900 age 12Beloved son of Henry and Matilda Ann Strike of Ivy Cottage, South Petherwin.
NoraPalmerMar 18 1895 age 3Cousin of the above and daaughter of William and Mary Jane Palmer who died at Ivy Cottage.
207MarianDe TelepnyApr 26 1886June 1 1962Widow of Basiliode Telepny beloved daughter of Henry and Matilda Ann Strike.
208Not clear
209Mary EthelStrikeMar 26 1909 age 19Youngest daughter of John and Mary Strike.
MaryStrikeOct 31 1919 age 56Beloved wife of John Strike who died at Daws House.
John StrikeApr 5 1930 age 81Of Daws House.
210LudayStrikeJan 1 1929 age 41Daughter of John and Mary Strike of Daws House.
211ArthurSaddFeb 16 1972 age 64
212Ernest EdwardCliffordOct 26 1972 age 84
213Herbert JohnRandallMay 27 1977 age 65Husband of Winnie loving father of R?, Peter and David.
214Edward JamesBottingJuly 2 1975 age 70
215William HenryPalmerMar 12 1938 age 77
also his wife
Mary J. PalmerAug 10 1941 age 76
216William BatterHerringJan 22 1925 age 86Who died at Langore.
also his wife
Martha StaceyHerringDec 25 1915 age 76Who died at Higher Daws House.
also their daughter
Mary StaceyHerringNov 24 1920 age 47Died at Higher Daws House.
217Charles StaceyHerringSep 19 1968 age 80
also his wife
Mary Ellen HerringDec 25 1957 age 84
218JohnHallett otpMar 10 1806 age 68Here also lies the Body of Mary the wife of the said John Hallett.
also his wife
MaryHallett Sep 16 1807 age 74
also their daughter
AnnHarveySep 21 1815 age 49
219Here lyeth the Bodys of Elizabeth age 2Oct 7 1774These pretty Dows our sender Lous Jlonn from this world of vice. To beds of rest in gradnes blest with Christ in Paradice.
Hennyrife Mariah age 4
Daffers of John and Mary Hallett otp.
220RichardDerrentApr 22 1825 age 75Of Launceston. A dieu vain world, I must begone, Though art no tomb for me. I take my staff and trowel on A better world to see.
also his wife
JoannaDerrentAug 1830 age 73
221JamesStrikeSep 15 1886 age 74
also his wife
AnnStrikeSep 14 1900 age 84
222William H. B. LangmanJan 14 1915 age 74Husband of Mary Langman.
aslo his wife
MaryLangmanDec 4 1937 age 95
223Gerald Frederick VenablesFacks-MartinOct 18 1896Oct 12 1967
224Doreen KateLaneJuly 6 1912Jan 17 1977
225Henrietta MargaretBlackieAug 2 1975Wife of William.
226JohnFerrettSep 30 1974 age 79Husband and Father.
227Mary JaneTrewinOct 26 1954 age 54Wife of Charles.
228William BrantStrikeOct 21 1926 age 84Died at Daws House.
also his wife
Susan StrikeJuly 15 1939 age 95
229FannyPearceJuly 2 1934 age 82 wife of Richard Pearce.
230EllenBennettFeb 4 1953 age 86
James StrikeBennettMay 15 1893Sep 23 1973
231Lucy EllenStrikeDec 20 1917 age 76Wife of John Strike.
John StrikeJuly 10 1921 age 82
232William StrikeFeb 8 1914 age 42Eldest son of John and Lucy Ellen Strike otp.
233JohnWillsJuly 4 1878 age 87Who died at Trelinnoe.
also his wife
ElizabethWillsNovember 29 1876 age 69His second wife who died at Trelinnoe.
234JohnCrowhurstMay 30 1820 age 73of Battle, Sussex, who died at Tregaller in this Parish.
235JosephHicks8 Aug 1923 age 70
also his wife
Petunia? PethickHicksMar 22 1935 age 84
236BlancheHicksJune 8 1938 age 66Eldest daughter of the late M.R. & M.A. Hicks of Daws House.
237EvallineStrikeMay 17 1958 Wife of Joseph Strike.
JosephStrikeOct 5 1968 age 89
238Anna SaundercockNov 17 1782 age 5Here lyeth the Body of Anna the daughter of William & Jane Saundercock.
239WilliamSaundercockJune 6 1827 age 86Yeoman otp who was interred June 6th 1827.
also his wife
JaneSaundercockApril 26 1817 age 79His wife who was interred April 26th 1817 age 79.
HughLangmanMay 24 1836 age 75Yeoman of West Petherwin in this Parish.
also his wife
HonorLangmanOct 11 1844 age 73Daughter of William and Jane Saundercock.
240JohnLangmanOct 18 1812 age 20Son of Hugh and Honor Langman otp. In Health and Strength, dear friends do not confide, Then I had both, yet in my pain I died, My Friends most dear, Grieve not for me, t'is vain, In heaven, I hope we shall meet again.
alsoThree Sisters and a Brother dear, Whose Ashes, here do rest, We trust their early call enjoys A lot among the blest.
241OliverCourticeAug 20 1795 age 73Here lyeth the Body of Oliver Courtice otp.
RichardCourticeSep 26 1794 age 31Son of the said Oliver & Elizabeth Courtice.
As the bell with solemn toll, Speaks the departure of a soul. Let each one ask himself am I prepared should I be called to die.
242WilliamRawling? 1 1868 age 68Of Oldwit in the Parish.
243WilliamRawlingAug 2 1857 age 5Son of William and Jane Rawling of Oldwit.
EdwardRawlingAge 2
GeorgeRawlingAge 10 months
244Edward RawlingAug 20 1858 age 66Of Oldwit in this Parish. His Parents and two brothers lie in the Church.
JohnRawlingJune 6 1865 age 76
245William GregoryApr 7 1836 age 75Of Tregaller in this Parish.
also his wife
AnnGregoryJan 11 1847 age 78
246AnnPeterDec 31 1864 age 34Wife of Richard Peter of Penlaurel in this Parish. Youngest daughter of the late Francis Chapple sometime of Trelinnow in this Parish.
247ThomasGillbardOct 16 1863Otp.
also his wife
MaryGillbardDec 31 1867 age 75
248AnnFurzeSep 30 1854 age 85
249William HenryCrockerMar 5 1897 age 16Son of C.H. & M.J. Crocker.
250Harriet BurnafordGlenonDec 31 1923 age 65
also brother
James GlenonJune 15 1919 age 36Eldest son of the above died in Edinburgh.
251Betsy AnnMaunderAug 18 1840 age 9 monthsDaughter of Richard and Elizabeth Maunder otp.
also brother
John SargentMaunderJuly 5 1856 age 5
252JohnRoweMay 6 1836 age 65
also his wife
CatherineRoweMar 25 1835 age 48
253WilliamCrockerNov 30 1870 age 61
also his wife
MaryCrockerFeb 19 1902 age 75
254RichardHoneyFeb 22 1848 age 58Late of this village.
255John PhilpWillsAug 4 1878 age 54Of Trelinnoe.
also his wife
MaryWillsFeb 2 1903 age 63Died at Trelinnoe.
256Gertrude PhilpWillsJan 8 1888 age 18Third daughter of the late John Philp and Mary Wills. Died at Trelinnoe.
Mary Elizabeth WillsJan 10 1892 age 25Eldest daughter.
257JohnParsonChipped & not clear
258RichardHoneyDefaced stone
259CharityParsonsApr 22 1829 age 66
also her husband
RogerParsonsSep 7 1845 age 83Reader Prepare.
260CharityPeckardMay 3 1855 age 76
Harrington PeckardCouchMay 10 1859 age 3 weeks.
261RogerParsonsDec 22 1848 age 66
also his wife
JoannaParsonsMay 31 1883 age 83
262William Thomas ParsonsApr 1 1883 age 83
263John GriggHarrisFeb 23 1925 age 68
also his son
AlfonsoHarrisApr 14 1926 age 40
MaryHarrisNov 27 1941 age 86
264ElizabethHenderAug 17 1837 age 56
265ThomasDoidgeMar 20 1865 age 78
also his wife
ThomasinDoidgeApr 4 1870 age 76This stone was erected by their son John in New Zealand.
266Francis William HarrisNov 2 1930 age 46 Husband of Alice.
also his wife
AliceHarrisFeb 7 1972 age 87
267Hetty LouiseHarrisOct 3 1956 age 54
also her sister
Elizabeth GriggHarrisFeb 28 1942 age 65
268JaneHarveyMay 30 1920 age 3The daughter of John & Jane Harvey.
269WilliamTippeltOct 21 1851 age 64
also his wife
JoannaTippeltFeb 21 1870 age 78
270William PalmerPoadJuly 2 1863 age 39Eldest son of George Phillips & Harriet Poad.
also their daughter
Mary JanePoadFeb 2 1841 age 3
271JosephHarveyMar 25 1805 age 39All night my jestering wound did run, no bedside gave relief, my soul no comfort would admit, my soul indulged her grief, Thare ev'ry Watch of tedious light, Thou Keep 'at my Eyes awake,
my flesh is swelled to that excess, I sigh but cannot speak, Yet then my boasted strength decays, to sorrow turne'd and pain, to soon the slender threaad is cut an no more remain.
272WilliamHarveyDec ? ? Age 66Otp.
aslo his wife
CatherineHarveyJan 18 1795 age 67
273WilliamHarveyDec 27 1849 age 65late of this village.
274GeorgeParsonApr 22 1876 age 82
also his wife
CatherineParsonJune 5 1880 age 80
275William SargentHarveyDec 23 1824The infant son of William & Isabella Harvey.
ElizabethHarveyDec 9 1832 age 7
276Phillip ParsonsVealeJune 25 1878 age 24Son of William & Charlotte Veale otp.
277JohnVealeJuly 7 1855 age 24Son of William & Ann Veale otp.
278WilliamVealeAug 4 1858 age 51late of this village.
also his wife
AnnVealeJune 30 1862 age 59
279William HarveyVealeNov 10 1867 age 11 monthsSon of William H. & Charlotte Veale otp.
280OliverVealeNov 18 1860 age 21Son of William & Ann Veale of this village.
281PrescillaWiseApr 18 1814Aug 25 1891Wife of Thomas Wise of Penlaurel.
Thomas WiseDec 24 1910 age 78Died at Ashcot, Launceston.
282Mary AnnHicksMay 23 1871 age 54of Petherwin Water.
WilliamHicksJune 15 1885 age 27Who died in London.
283JohnHarrisMay 2 1851 age 49
also his wife
MaryHarrisSep 26 1861 age 61
284Phimma ?CoulsSep 22 1840 age 54
WilliamCoulsFeb 6 1841 age 54
285Mary AnnBealeOct 16 1862 age 8Daughter of Richard & Elizabeth Beale otp.
286ElizabethBealeMar 25 1872 age 54Wife of Richard Beale.
287ElizabethBealeJune 11 1857Mar 29 1891Daughter of Richard & Elizabeth Beale otp.
288WilliamWestlakeFeb 18 1863 age 82
also his wife
MaryWestlakeFeb 8 1864 age 72
Outside porch two very old stones.
289Ann & John IIXI of July 1602
300Katherine wife of Richard1666
NicholasTreb? Of ? Died 13 of August ?

Visits: 355