Tamar View Terrace was built in 1907 by the Launceston builder, Mr J. H. Broad. The same year he also built three of the cottages that make up the terrace on St. Catherines Hill. All were offered for sale at auction in February 1908.

Post & News, 17th February, 1908: Advertisement.
LAUNCESTON, CORNWALL. Highly Important Sale of Freehold Properties.
Mr W. Vosper has been favoured with instructions to offer for sale by Public Auction
(subject to such conditions as will then be read) at the White Hart Hotel, Launceston on TUESDAY
February 25th, 1908, at 3 p.m. precisely, the undermentiond Residences, Building Site, and Cottages,
viz:- Lot. 1:- All Those 7 newly built very convenient Freehold Residences, together with their respective gardens, forming a Terrace situate between Tamar Terrace and Pendruccombe, abutting on the Tavistock Road in the Royal Borough of Launceston, four of which are already occupied by Mr B Barbes, at a rental of £21. per annum, and Messrs. Wilson, S. Bromell, and T.G. Sluggett, at a rental of £22. per annum each.
The houses contain on the basement, Kitchen, larder, w.c., and coal house; on the ground floor, drawing room and dining room [with sliding doors between], w.c., and entrance lobby; on the first floor, 3 bed rooms and bath room (hot and cold); attic one large bedroom; and each has a vegetable garden adjoining with a wall fence, containing 9 ½ yards, with the exception of the one rented by Mr Barbes which contains 18 yards.
The above are exceptionally well built of stone, brick, and slate, and are of a very attractive appearance. The command an extensive view of the valleys of the Kensey and Tamar, the very pretty wooded district of Lifton and neighbourhood, with a long stretch of Dartmoor hills in the background. The town water and gas are laid on and all the fittings and drainage are complete. The property is distant about 5 minutes walk from the Post Office and Church, and 10 minutes from the stations of L.S.W.R and G.W.R.
The above residences if not sold in one lot will then be offered separately, including their respective gardens.
Lot 2:- All that excellent Freehold Building Site of Accommodation Land, situate between and adjoining Lot 1, and Pendruccombe, and containing 2 roods or thereabouts. The site is very advantageous for buildings, with magnificent diversified views.

Lot 3:- All those Three valuable cottages with their gardens situate on the South end of the row of cottages in St Catherine’s Hill, in the parish of St Thomas the Apostle, now in the occupation of Mr Crabb, Mr Brown and Mrs Scantlebury, at the total low rental of £18. per annum.
These cottages have been recently built of stone and slate, and are most substantial and within 10 minutes walk of Launceston town and rain stations. There is a plentiful supply of water from a pump on the premises.
Each house contains – Kitchen, parlour, wash house, closet, and two bedrooms. The Garden, which is divided between the three tenants, contains about 12 yards.
Visits: 194