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Education around Launceston

Education around Launceston, from c.915.AD to the 20th Century. From research by Jim Edwards.
N.B. This work is not intended to be a history of Education in Launceston, simply a gathering together of schools, educational facilities and people, available in the area in those years as stated. I do not pretend all schools are mentioned, many individuals taught various subjects, music on various instruments, singing, painting, dancing, and much more, all available at various times for those who needed, and could afford, them.
As may be seen from Dr Cope’s schooling, the educational facilities must have been most up to date and modern for those times to have produced the many scholars who made good in the world and became prominent figures in various professions.
In his ‘History of Dunheved’ Mr Peter states: “It may be safely alleged that the origin of schools in connection with Christian churches was a canon of the Council held at Constantinople in the year 680 AD., but that the general indifference to learning, or the negligence of priests to whom education was entrusted, suspended for centuries the useful intent of that canon. According to Fleury, the thousand years of the dark ages terminated in 1453, or, according to Hallam, in 1494.
In England the universities of Oxford and Cambridge, which existed chiefly for the training of priests and dignitaries of the Church, and the schools of Winchester [1387, and Eton [1441], for more enlarged educational objects, had been established. Nevertheless, even in these institutions the Church was dominant, and, in consonance with the canons, priests were the usual teachers – the schoolmasters.”

Other than the Collegiate College of St Stephens, set up circa AD.915, and a reference to Bishop Grandison’s order to the Prior ‘to teach poore boys grammar in the Priory’ in 1342, the first references to a school at Launceston come from Priory records of around 1409, where it states “land at Bodmam [now Bamham] was given to the Mayor to find a priest to teach grammar to children”. In 1478 there was a dispute regarding a teacher in charge of a school in Dunheved when the mayor had to answer to a royal enquiry regarding what was happening regarding, not only then, but “what of old time had been done”. The mayor answered that they had hired and paid out of their revenues “singing men, sometimes priests, sometimes laymen, sometimes both, for the furnishing of their choir, and, of the old time, sometimes one, and sometimes two priests, besides the schoolmaster were hired to wait upon the mayor, to keep his accounts, to maintain the choir, and sometimes to say mass before the mayor and burgesses.”

The first known site of a school was in ‘Blindhole’, the road beside the old Rectory, south of the church. In the Borough records references are made to “Mr Simon, Scholemayester”
In the 1548-9 records it states “Scholemaister Stephen Gourge, John Bamek, teacher”.
In the PRO, London, is a certificate of “William Godolfyn, Knyght, John Graynfeld, and Henry Chyverton esquyers” in answer to a commission directed to them of 14th February, 1548-9. Extract: “the Borowght of Launceston wherein ar of houselyng people ccc. A stipendiarye in the Churche of Mary Magdalen there in the said Borowght. Certeyn lands named Bodman als Bodyman geven by John Corrdy & Rychard Coverthorne and other to the mayor of the same Borowght for the tyme beyinge and to his successrs mayres there for evr, to fynde a prest to celebrate within the saide churche, and to teache chylderne grammar. And also to the repacon of the Churche of Mary Magdalyn, & further to do suche deeds of Charite as by the discresion of the said mayre shall seem most conveniet. . . .
Stephyn Gourge, incombent & scholemaster there, of th age of xl yeres, a man well learned, mete for the educacon of youthe inthe Laten tonge, hath, for his salarye & lyvynge, of the mayre and burgeses yerely vjli, ovr & besyde a pencon out of the possessions of the late Mon: of Launceston, which ys releye xli, and xiijs iiijd yerly distributed to an aged man chosen by the mayre to teache ther, of the age of lx yeres. . . . . . “.
A further certificate from the same place, “under the hands of John Busshop of Exeter, Syr Rychard Edgecome, Knyght, Syr Hugh Trevanion, Knyght, Syr Gawen Carow, Knyght, John Grenfeld, Esquyre, John Arscott, Esquyre, Nicholas Adams, gent, Philip Sentall, gent, and John Aylworthe, gent, Commissioners assigned by King Henry VIII., by letter patent, dated 14 February, 1446-7, to make enquiries concerning chantries, hospitals, colleges, free chapels, &c., is as follows: No 73. Saynt Maryre Weke. The Chauntrye called Dame Pcyvall’s Chauntrye, Founded by Dame Percyvall to fynd a pryste for ever, not only to praye for her sowle w’in the paroche churche of Saynt Marye weke aforesaid, But also that he, the sayde pryste, do teache chylderne freelye in a schole founded by the said Dame Percyvall, not farr distant from the sayde churche, . . . . “.
The certificate of King Henry is recited in the certificate of Edward VI as follows: The pishe of Weke bte Marie in the said countie [of Cornwall] where are howselynge people clti [150] A chauntrie at the awlter of Seynt John Baptyst, in the northe yelds [in the same church, off the foundacon of Dame Tompsen Pcivall, wyff of Syr John Pcyvall, Knyght & alderman of London, to celebrate there forever. And the incombt thereof to teache frely in a scole nott far frome the churche. . . . . “.
A Certificate of Edward VI states – “The school at Week is in decay due to it’s isolation and should be moved to Launceston”.
In ‘Notes & Gleanings’, dated 15 November, 1890, appears an article by Alfred Robbins, regarding recently discovered papers concerning the Week St Mary School. I quote part:
“Launceston Free School: On July 20, 1548, Walter Mildmay and Robert Keylway, Commissioner under Ed VI, directed that the keeper of the Grammar School previously existing at Week St Mary, Cornwall, should Henceforward receive £17 13s 3.1/2 d as annual stipend out of the Crown revenues; but that subsequently they took the opinion of leading men of Cornwall as to whether the school should remain at Week St Mary, or be transferred to Launceston as more convenient. That opinion favouring the latter course, it was ordered by the King. But now John Monke, Mayor of Launceston, with the Commonalty, appeared before the Court, by Benedict More and Roger Tredwyn, their attorneys, and declared that the allotted stipend had been duly paid from July 20th, 1548, to Michaelmas 1556, but that since the latter date the Receiver of the Cornish Revenues had refused, and was still refusing, to pay it. They, therefore, prayed for security for due payment in the future, and the Barons of the Exchequor decided in their favour on both points, the award concluding with mention of the fact that the arrears still due were from Michaelmas, 1556, to Lady-day, 1560, since which latter date up to that of the Baron’s decision – which, however, could only have been a matter of a few weeks – the Mayor and Commonalty had been paid the allotted stipend.
“However, subsequent documents show Launceston did not really enjoy the arrears, as those documents show that the money was intercepted between the Treasury and the town, by John Aylworth, the Receiver of the Cornish Revenues. Aylworth came upon the local scene early in 1547, when, with the Bishop of Exeter, Sir Richard Edgecombe, Sir Hugh Trevanion, Sir Gawen Carew, John Grenville, John Arscott, Nicholas Adams, and Philip Sentall, he was joined in a commission of enquiry into the revenues of certain charities, hospitals, colleges, and the like in Cornwall and Devon. [”John Aylworth, Armigo” is mentioned in the Patent Rolls for 1555-59 in four entries, to alienate certain tenements held in chief by him in Launceston, to John Williamson, William Saunders, Lewis Davys, and George Dobbs, the occupants f the above tenements. It may be noted Ashton Aylworth, perhaps his son, was MP for Newport in 1559, and 1563-67]. It appears John Aylworth was issued with a warrant for respite of a debt of £500, in February 1561-2.
“It seems that when Aylworth was pressed for the money he owed the Mayor for the school, he denied the amount requested and stated he had paid what was the stated amount of “Seventene Poundes thirteine shillings three pence half penie” that was originally allotted for three years. In his letter to the Mayor Aylworth suggests he would be better off not pressing the matter further as he could lose all of the award.
“The Mayor ignored the implied threat and wrote to the “Righte Honorable William Marques of Wynchester Lord Tresorer of England Sir Walter Myldmaye Knighte Chauncellor of the Queenes Courte of Exchequer Sir Edward Saunders knighte Lord Chieeffe Baron and the whole Courte of Exchequer,” to request the money in full. The answer, by way of a long letter, included the following statement “- – – . That there was in the Secondyere of Kinge Edwarde the Sixte a Pencion or Stipend appoynted by the said Commissioners of Seventene pounds thirteene shillings three pence halfpenie to be alowed and paide by the generall receyver of the Revenues of the Crowne with in the said Countie of Cornewal to and for the mayntennce and contynnuance of a ffreeschole wthin the said towne or boroughe of Launceston, alias Downehevet wthin the said countie of Cornewall, wherefore a Schole there was kepte and used there – – – “. The letter was signed by Becket, as was another to Aylworth advising him of the reply to the Mayor of Launceston, and instructing him to ‘pay up’.
“Aylworth said he mistook the £6 payment made by the Mayor and Borough to the school for the payment made by order of Lord Protector Somerset. The payment of £17 13s 4d, less the auditor’s fees, giving a net amount of £16 12s 2d, the original grant of Charles II, as recorded in the ‘Financial Reform Almanack’ for 1883. The grant of George Baron [£10 per annum] was also continued up to this time. Alfred Robbins.”

In 1548 Dunheved School was established and the Dame Percival of Week St Mary School was merged with Launceston School.
Mr Oliver, a curate of St Mary Magdalene church until 1663, kept a school in Launceston; he is said to have founded the Society for Protestant Dissenters in Launceston, later the Congregationalists.
John Horwell, viander of Newport in 1679, died in Dublin in 1726 and bequeathed £30 per year for six poor boys of St Stephens to be schooled. This bequest remained dormant for nearly 100 years and was then used to found the Horwell Endowed Grammar School.
By a Will dated 9th October, 1685, George Baron, a merchant of London, augmented the funds and the influence of the Launceston School. He gave £10 per annum for ever, to be paid “to the master of the Free School in Launceston, upon condition to teach and instruct in Learning ten poor children of the town and parish of Egloskerry, or of the neighbourhood, the testator’s relatives to have a preference”. The Testator’s freehold messuages in Great Wood Street, in London, then an estate known as Paris Garden in Surrey, which belonged to the late [1885] JC Baron Lethbridge, Esquire, of Tregeare.
The Horwell School was endowed by Queen Elizabeth [1st] with the net sum of £16.3s.4d., paid still from the Inland Revenue Office. £10 by Baron, will dated 9 October, 1685.
Horwell School buildings were designed by Mr Hugall, and opened at Newport during the mayoralty of WR Derry, [1862], measuring 40 feet by 25 feet, height 33 feet, the roof open to the top. The adjoining classroom is 14 feet by 12. There is a gymnasium in the playground erected by public subscription.
During 1776 the Crown Bar in the Guildhall was used for teaching children and 1775 Borough Records show repairs to the school in the Walk. These buildings were sold to the Duke of Northumberland in 1835, and the school was by then in St Thomas Old Hill.
1835. – – – the house in St Thomas, Old Hill, lately known as the Grammar School House, with the land behind it, on part of which the existing Grammar School building stood.
The Grammar School in St Thomas Road was used as the Civil Defence Headquarters before moving to Hendra,Western Road, in 1963. The foundation stone of the school was laid by Thomas Chandler Haliburton, MP, for Launceston, on Monday, 1st April, 1861.
The late Duke of Northumberland contributed £90 to the building fund, to which was added £150 which provided the master with £7.10s annual income. This was ceded by the present master, by consent of the Court of Chancery, for the sake of procuring a sufficient sum for the building.
The new school was obtained due to the headmaster, The Reverend S Childs Clarke, giving up the attached garden of the Schoolmaster’s house. [Note: This ‘house in St Thomas’ is on Old Hill, now used as a ‘play school’, and the new school is built on St Thomas Road, then designated Launceston Grammar School].
Sat Feb 9th, 1861, East Cornwall Times: Successful Examination.
The name Lynton Petre Peter, lately pupil of the Rev SC Clarke, of the Grammar School, Launceston, and now of Dr Ridgway, Exeter, appears in the first published “List of Students under 16 years of age, who satisfied the Examiners” of the University of Cambridge at their Examination held in December, 1860. LP Peter is under 13 years of age.
East Cornwall Times: 6 April, 1861: Mr Justice Haliburton at Launceston.
LAUNCESTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL: The Foundation Stone of the Launceston Grammar School was laid by Mr Haliburton, MP., for the borough, on Tuesday last. About half past 12 o’clock, the pupils attached to the Grammar School, who have for some time been under the instruction of Sgt Gould, proceeded through some of the principal streets of the town, and the bells struck out a merry peal. The boys were attired in uniform expressly adopted to their situation, of an exceedingly light and neat appearance.
A few minutes before One, the Mayor and Corporation, accompanied by Mr Haliburton, MP., and other gentlemen, emerged from the Council Chamber, and proceeded to the spot where the ceremony was to take place. A form of prayer was read by the Reverend SC Clarke, and a portion of the 127th Psalm, after which Mr Haliburton laid the first stone with these words:- “In the faith of Our Lord Jesus Christ, and in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, we lay this foundation stone.” The boys were afterwards put through a variety of evolutions by Sgt Gould.
Mr Haliburton was entertained at dinner by the Corporation, but the banquet was of a private character.
August 17, 1861, East Cornwall Times: Lynton Petre Peter, aged 13 years, son of Mr Peter, solicitor, and pupil of Dr Ridgway, Marlborough House, Exeter, has obtained his Certificate from the Oxford University Examiners. The Division Lists just published, shew that LP Peter satisfied the Examiners in all their Preliminary requirements as to Composition, Analysis, Geography, History, &c., &c., – and in Rudiments of Faith, Latin, French, and Mathematics.
LP Peter was formerly a pupil of the Rev S Childs Clarke, of the Grammar School, Launceston. At the last Cambridge local examinations he obtained the Certificate of that University.
December 1931: The last prize day of Horwell Grammar School, Launceston, was held at Hendra, Dunheved Road,, Saturday, for from next term the boys will be accommodated at the new Launceston College at Dunheved Road instead of in their previous school at Newport, although the girls will continue at Hendra. The Headmaster [Mr HE Richardson] is retiring.
2nd July, 1932, Cornish & Devon Post: Workers of St Thomas Church, Launceston, have at length acquired for £1,000.
the old Horwell Girl’s Grammar School in St Thomas Road for use as a Parish Hall and Sunday School.
At a ceremony on Sunday it was opened by the Vicar [Rev JJ Howarth], assisted by the churchwardens [Messrs. H Roberts and WH Pearce]. An address was given by Dr. WE Thompson.
On the 14th April, 1755, a former malthouse on the Back Lane, near the Northgate, was converted to a meeting house. On 21 November, 1796, a garden adjoining this house was purchased and the meeting house was enlarged. In 1810, it was decided it was still too small, so on the 2nd July they bought two messuages in Castle Street and erected the Methodist Chapel and preacher’s house in front of it. The Methodists then used the old meeting house in Tower Street as a Sunday School which, in 1861, became the British School for Girls.
A schoolhouse was built on the garden of Mr John Saltren, the site costing £30 with the garden at the higher end of the chapel; this was opened on 22 June, 1809. (A Sunday School for Congregationalists).
Launceston Weekly News, 27 February, 1858: NORTHGATE HOUSE.
Classical Mathematical, & Commercial School. Mr WT Parsons [late Head Mathematical & English Master of Morden Hall, Surrey,] begs respectfully to announce to the inhabitants of Launceston and the surrounding neighbourhood, that he purposes to open a School on the 29th March next, on the premises formerly occupied by his Father [the late Mr R Parsons] and hope that the many years successful experience he has had in the tuition of youth in some of the largest and most influential Boarding Schools in the Kingdom will secure for him a fair share of patronage. Prospectuses may be had on application.
Conducted by Mr R Hayne, GCM. The duties of the School will be resumed on Monday, July 13th, where a sound English education is imported. Many of Mr Hayne’s former pupils have passed rigid Government examinations. Vacancies for 2 or 3 boarders. Terms Very Moderate. Evening School during the Winter Months. July 1868.
The Grammar School, Launceston.
Head Master: Reverend S Childs Clarke, MA [Oxford}.
Mathematical & Commercial Master: Mr WC Bosworthick, St Marks College, Chelsea.
The course of instruction at the school includes the Classics and Mathematics, with French and the requisition of a sound English Education. The daily time-table is so arranged that a boy can study exclusively such subjects as may be desired by his parents. Careful attention is paid to Arithmetic and Writing. Pupils from this school have successfully passed the Oxford and Cambridge Middle Class Examinations, together with those required in the Legal and Medical Professions.
Terms, which are very moderate, can be obtained from the headmaster. Each master can receive a small number of boarders. The boys are expected to return to School on Tuesday, July 21st..
N.B: The Religious Instruction is strictly confined to Scripture History.
The Misses Smith will [D.V.] Be ready to receive their pupils, after the Midsummer vacation, on Wednesday, July 22nd. French taught by a Parisian. A Class for little boys. The Walk, Launceston. 1868.
The Course of Studies pursued, is especially adopted to qualify youth, for every branch of Commercial pursuit, and offers very considerable advantages to those, who seek a speedy acquirement of those Subjects, most essential to ensure their future welfare.
Geometry, Algebra, and Mensuration, including the whole course, but more particular attention is given to the practical working of the Superfices, Solids, Landsurveying, and Measuring Haystacks, Timber, &c., with the plotting of Plans and Maps, Grammar, Geography, History, Dictation, Composition, Book-keeping, by Single and Double Entry, Mental Arithmetic, and Mental and Natural Philosophy engage careful Notice.
The System adopted in teaching Grammar is simple and Comprehensive and enables youth to become perfectly acquainted with it in a very few months. School re opens on Monday, January 10, 1870. Terms on application to Mr WT Parsons. Dated: December 17, 1869.
1883: THE NORTHGATE SCHOOL, LAUNCESTON. The Course of Instruction includes:
[1] – Sound Elementary English Education, comprising a fine style of writing, Dictation, Grammar, Composition, Letter-writing, Ancient & Modern History, Geography, Ordinary & Mental arithmetic and the most approved system of book-keeping by single or double entry.
[2] – The Highest Arithmetic, Algebra, Mensuration, Geometry, Trigonometry, Navigation, practical Land Surveying, Drawiing, Mapping, Natural Philophosy, etc., etc.
[3] – The measuring of Hay-ricks, Timber, Road, Metal, Water-trenches, Fat Cattle, practically and speedily acquired.
[4] – pupils are expeditiously advanced through a routine specially adapted to qualify them for Banker’s & Merchant’s offices and all the varied duties connected with the pursuits of Commercial life.
School will re-open [D.V.] on Monday the 15th of January, 1883.
[Advert, 1856]: Mrs Moxted, wife of the Town Missionary for Launceston, begs to inform the Inhabitants that she will reopen her DAY SCHOOL in Tower Street, June 30th, at the following charges: s.d.
Reading, Writing and Arithmetic – 6s 0d per quarter
Grammar, Geography and Book Keeping – 8s 0d
History, Drawing &c., – 10s. 0d
Needlework, plain and fancy, & Vocal Music, will be included in the above charges.
Mrs Moxted is a Trained Teacher, holding a Government Certificate, and has been engaged in Tuition seven years. In soliciting support, she pledges herself not only to earnestly seek the mental improvement of those committed to her, but to make their moral culture her anxious care.
September 3rd, 1859. To Be Let: In St Thomas New Road – Priory House, occupant Mr C Arthur – Once used as a Boarding & Day school. Detached. Proprietor – S Hicks, County Asylum, Bodmin.
1859: Hicks, Samuel, school principal, Priory House, New North Road.
Hooper, Anne Stacey, Mrs, School principal, High Street.
Jewel, Mary Anne, Mrs, Ladies School, Church Walk.
Martin; Margaret, Elizabeth, & Ellen, Misses, Ladies School, Newport.
May, William, boarding and day school, Newport.
Priory House: Sale of Superior Drawing, Dining, & Bed-room Furniture, Carpets &c. &c.
Wise & Short have been favoured with instructions to Sell by Public Auction, on Thursday, the 14th Day of April, 1870, at 12 o’clock for 1 o’clock precisely, at the Priory House, New North Road, St Thomas, Launceston, the whole of this very superior modern Household FURNITURE & EFFECTS, the property of Dr Farwell, who is about to leave the neighbourhood. The house, Garden & Premises to be Let, with possession immediately
after the Sale. Apply to Messrs Gurney, Cowlard & Cowlard, Launceston.
In 1879 Avenue Place [Upper Walk – Parade Ground], numbers One & Two, were a school.
Newspaper advertisements for schools in 1880: DOCKACRE HOUSE, LAUNCESTON.
The Duties of the School will be resumed [DV] on Saturday January 17th, 1880. Vacancies for Resident Pupils, who receive unusual advantages on very inclusive terms. Apply: The Misses Smith.
NEWPORT SEMINARY, LAUNCESTON. Resident Pupils can receive every educational advantage, combined with superior home comforts. Careful attention given to the various branches of useful knowledge.
All accomplishments arranged on very moderate terms.
Prospectus on application to: Mrs Burt & Miss Martyn.
Duties will be resumed on Monday January 19th, 1880
THE GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL, LAUNCESTON, will re-open January 19th, 1880. For Terms, &c., apply to: Miss EA Rodd, [secretary], Northhill Parsonage, Launceston, Cornwall. [read NORTH HALL]
Miss Smith’s Preparatory School for little Boys will re-open [DV] on Monday,
January 19th, 1880. Dockacre, Launceston.
Priory House was sold by the representatives of Colonel Deakin of Werrington Park [deceased], on Tuesday 29th August, 1880. Dr Wilson, the tenant [rent £45] bid £690 for the property but it was knocked down to Mr James Treleaven for a little more.
The Reverend Richard Cope arrived in Launceston in June, 1880, to act as temporary Minister of Castle Street Independent Chapel, being requested to stay at Launceston he founded an Anglican School at Westgate, transferred to Lawrence House, then to Belle Vue Terrace, Westgate Street. He moved into Belle Vue on Monday 19 December, 1803.. He later bought the large house at Belle Vue on the site where the Fire Station now stands. [The Fire Station was opened 15 November, 1958]. Both Sir Joshua Rowe and Sir William Carpenter Rowe were educated by him. Joshua, born 1799, eldest son of Joshua of Torpoint, was Chief Justice of Jamaica from 1832 to 1856, made a CB in 1848, and died in London in 1874.
William, only son of Dr Coryndon Rowe of Dockacre, was the nephew of Reverend John Rowe, and brother of Mrs Charles Gurney. He was baptised in Launceston 28 July, 1801. Recorder of Plymouth and Chief Justice of Ceylon 1856. 9 November 1859 he died in Ceylon. He left a bequest of £400 to be used for the good of Launceston, his widow putting this to start a hospital. This was first at Southgate, then built at Western Road in 1871. 1856 – Marriage: At St Mary’s, Bryanstone Square, London, on the 3rd inst. [April 19th] Sir William Carpenter Rowe, Chief Justice of Ceylon, to Frances Elizabeth, youngest daughter of James Hamilton Storey, Esq, of Bryanstone Square, and Lockington, Co. Cavan.
The Rowe Dispensary: This Dispensary will be open on Monday the 2nd Day of Feb next,
on and after which day, – MEDICAL ATTENDANCE & MEDICINE will be given Gratis to the Poor, [recommended by Subscribers] at the Dispensary, Near SOUTHGATE, Launceston, –
on Mons and Weds from 10 AM to 11 AM; and on Sats from 11 o’clock AM to 1 o’clock PM –
Subscribers of 5s. will be entitled to recommend in the course of the Year 1 Patient
Ditto 10s. 2 ditto
Ditto 15s. 3 ditto
Ditto £1-1 5 ditto
Ditto £2-2 1 ditto always on the Books
.Each recommendation entitles the Patient to Two Months Medical Attendance at the Dispensary. A List of Subscribers may be seen at the Dispensary
John Lethbridge Cowlard
Launceston January 21st, 1863. Hon Sec and Treasurer.
Launceston Hospital & Rowe Dispensary: built in 1862 with a dispensary added in 1871, was enlarged in 1909 at a cost of £1,200, with operating theatre, surgical ward, and a new committee room. It had 11 beds. The architect was local man Mr Henry Burt.
In 1823, a Launceston directory names Nathanial King, academy [classical], Bellevue House. 1830: Cope, Edward Leigh, Belle Vue; Whittaker, David, surgeon, Belle Vue.
An 1861 directory – Mrs Cope’s School, Belle Vue.
In 1863 Belle Vue is advertised as: To Be Let from Midsummer Next, now in the occupation of Mr George M Gifford., and it was put up for sale in 1872, Mr Gifford and family still in occupation. In 1890 Captain Ching, RN, married Edith, daughter of Mr Gifford, the reception being held at Belle Vue on 17th April of that year. The house was removed in 1957 in order to build a new fire station on the site.
Mr John Dingley, son of Richard Dingley, wrote a letter to his children in 1874, describing life when he was a boy: “My first Schoolmistress was Miss Eyre, afterwards Mrs Cope. She lived with her brother, Mr TS Eyre, in the same house where his nephew now lives, and the schoolroom was somewhere on the first floor. After Miss Eyre married Mr Cope I went to school there, first with Mrs Cope, then with Mr Cope. They lived in the house now occupied by Mr Gifford and John Heath at Belle Vue. Mrs Cope kept her school downstairs in what is John Heath’s front room, and Mr Cope in the large room upstairs, the pupils who learnt drawing pursued their art in the room over again. At what age I was promoted from Mrs Cope to Mr Cope I cannot remember, nor what I learnt with Mrs Cope, except to read the first chapter of John, and other parts of the New Testament. I left Mr Cope when I was between 12 and 13, in June 1841, and was sent to school in Bath.”
The Reverend Cope also opened the first Sunday School in Cornwall.
The Cornish & Devon Post, 27th June, 1857, carried the following news: At Launceston, Tasmania, on the 25th March, to the wife of the Reverend Richard Cope, Wesleyan Minister, a daughter.
[The Concise Dictionary of National Biography states “Richard Cope [1776-1856] Congregational minister, educated Hoxton Theological College 1798-9, minister and proprietor of a boarding school at Launceston 1800-20, honorary MA Aberdeen 1819, minister at Wakefield 1822-9, Abergavenny 1829-36, and Penryn, Cornwall 1836-56, published sermons, tracts and verses 1807-38, his autobiography published 1857.]
July, 1856: Died at Penrhyn on Sunday last, extremely respected and greatly lamented, the Reverend Richard Cope, LLD, aged 80 years; upwards of 20 years pastor of the Congregational church in that town.
Post & Weekly News, 9 April, 1892: The death occurred in London of Henry Edwin Sargent, MD, MRCS, LSA., formerly of Polyphant, at the age of 63. He received the greater part of his education at the Belle Vue Grammar School, Westgate, Launceston, conducted by the late EL Cope.
Among other pupils of Dr Cope were 16 who became ministers of the Gospel, and several who became dissenting ministers; Dr Cope was also the instigator of the chapel built at Polyphant where the Reverend W Rooker of Tavistock, and JE Trevor of Liskeard preached at the opening ceremony on 28 October, 1817.
1883: The Church Authorities have purchased by private contract the property occupied by Mr Dawe and others in Tower Street, late advertised for sale by auction by John Kittow, and that they will shortly erect thereon spacious Sunday School buildings in connection with St Mary Magdalene Church.
The Church Sunday school was opened on 6th March, 1886, the cost of the site and of the building was around £1,200; designed by Mr OB Peter, FRIBA, and the work carried out by Messrs. J & W Strike. Masons, South Petherwin and Mr J Dingle, carpenter, Kelly Bray.
Post & Weekly News, 10 March, 1883: Advertisement:
Dunheved College Boarding House For Girls. Mrs Osborne, Matron, Miss Haigh, Resident Governess.
The above is now open at Dartmouth Villa, Tamar Terrace Road, Launceston, for Girls attending the classes at Dunheved College. Every attention will be paid by Mrs Osborne to the comfort and health of the boarders entrusted to her care. Circulars showing fees, which are very modest, will be sent on application.
Music taught by Mrs Osborne to junior pupils. The next term commences May 1st.
Mr Richard Robbins, in a Lecture given on Monday, 24th November, 1884, stated ‘Mr Hicks’ Grammar School was carried on for a short time where Mr T Nicholls’ new shop now is’, and goes on to say ‘ a shop was first opened there in 1825, by Mr Perkin, tailor and draper’. In his remarks concerning the Assizes and the Judges, Mr Robbins comments how the Assizes were held four times a year in the Town Hall, and it was also used for public meetings, by consent of the Mayor. “Here also was first held the Church Sunday School for Boys, established in 1812, and removed to the Walk in 1826. A Girls School was at that time held in the upper room of the old Council Chamber, between the tower and the Church, and a Day School by Mr Spear, Clerk of the Parish, was also held in the old Guildhall, besides its being used for a corn market.” [Mr Nicholls, new shop was at No 5 Southgate St. JE.]
Launceston Schools: in 1823 – Hicks, JC, Grammar School.
King, Nathaniel, classical, Belle Vue. Laurence, Mrs, Ladies School, Northgate Street.
Pulton, William, school, Back Lane. Warren, Loveday & Mary, ladies, Westgate Street.
1856 – Hicks, Samuel, school, Priory House, New North Road.
Hooper, Anne Stacey Mrs, school, High Street.
Jewel, Mary Ann Mrs, Ladies school, Church Walk.
Martin, Margaret, Elizabeth, & Ellen Misses, Ladies school, Newport.
May, William, Boarding & Day School, Newport.
1861- Mrs James Dymond {Music}, Boarding & Day School, Church Street.
R Knight, Fore Street, school and evening school. Grammar School, Launceston.
Mrs Cope’s school. Northgate House School, Mr WT Parsons.
Advertisements in the East Cornwall Times, 1870:
Head Master – Rev S Childs Clarke, MA [Oxford].
Mathematics Master – Mr WC Bosworthick, St Mark’s College, Chelsea.
Junior Master – Mr Chegwin. School Duties resumed DV Tuesday, January 18th.
The aim of the Masters of this School is to impart a useful English Education.
The time-table is so arranged that, in the case of those boys whose parents desire it, the Classics can be dispensed with and more time given to commercial Subjects. Daily lessons in French and constant practice in Arithmetic, Reading, and Writing. Religious instruction is confined to Scripture History. Terms regulated according to the subjects taught.
The course of instruction embraces French, German, Mensuration of Superfices, Stones, Haystacks, &c. Land Surveying, with frequent field practice, Arithmetic, Algebra, History, Geography, Grammar, together with every subject necessary to make up a complete English Education, and practically to fit the pupil for the Agricultural and Commercial pursuits of life.
School re-opens DV on Tuesday January 11th, 1870. Terms for Boarders and Day pupils supplied on application to Mr Reed, Schoolhouse.
Horwell Grammar School was at Hendra, Dunheved Road, until 1931, when the boys were removed to Dunheved College, instead of the school at Newport, but girls continued at Hendra.
1939 – Horwell Grammar School for Girls at Hendra, Dunheved Road.
Science & Art School, Passmore Edwards Institute, Northgate Street.
Mr Hayne begs to give notice that his School will re-open on Monday Next, the 10th, inst.
Evening School commences the same day, at 7 pm. Dated: The Walk, January 4th, 1870.
In 1875 notices were inserted in the East Cornwall Times advertising the ‘Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Launceston’, with the Reverend WS Johns as headmaster.
Rev Johns, MA., Exeter College, Oxford, had been headmaster of the Newton Abbott College, and announced the first term of his school would begin on Monday 9th February, 1875. There is no hint of location in the advertisements, but in a slightly later one he announces charges of £60 for boarders. This school later changed it’s name to “The British School for Boys.”
The British school was located in Western Road, near to the Rowe Dispensary; it was a boarding school. Evidence may still be gathered by inspecting the doorway and bell tower of the building. The area was put up for sale in 1871 in the Werrington Estate sale after the death of Mr Dick, of County Wicklow.
Advertisement in the Cornish & Devon Post dated January 18th, 1879.
LAUNCESTON GRAMMAR SCHOOL: Headmaster Rev. WS Johns, MA, Exeter College, Oxford, Vicar of St Thomas, Launceston, late Headmaster of Newton Abbot College.
Second Master, F Weller, Esq., BA. Jesus College, Cambridge, late Assistant Master of the Philbords, Maidenhead. Terms: Boarders £60. Day Boys £12.
Subjects Taught:- Divinity, English [in all branches], Latin, Greek, French, Mathematics, Science. Music and Drawing for a small additional fee.
The Second Master receives 10 Boarders in the School House. Younger Boys are carefully prepared for the Public Schools, or for any special Examinations desired. One or Two Private Pupils, of a more advanced age are prepared by the Headmaster for University Scholarships, Matriculations, &c.
The next Term will commence February, 4th. 1879.
East Cornwall Times: February, 1875:
Queen Elizabeth’s Grammar School, Launceston.
Headmaster Rev. W.S. Johns, MA., Exeter Col., Oxford, late Headmaster at Newton Abbott College. First Term to commence on Monday, February 9th. [Later adverts set out the terms of enrolment; £60.]
[Advert in C & D Post dated January 11th, 1892]
Headmaster: Mr TB Rhys, [11 years with the late Mr R Rees]
Second Master: Mr W Harvey-Jellie [Inter. Arts, London University, &C.]
Visiting Master: Mr W Middleton [Head Master Tavistock Art School.]
Drill-Sergeant: Instructor Musk.
A thoroughly practical education, with special attention to Handwriting, Drawing, Practical-measurements, Book-keeping, Letter-writing, Surveying & Shorthand: – Daily Instruction in Latin, French, Maths &c., to pupils preparing for examination of the College of Preceptors.
Bath-Room, separate beds and every home comfort for Boarders: playground and field games.
A Preparatory Class for little boys. Terms vary, moderate and strictly inclusive.
The next Term will [D.V..] commence on Tuesday, January 9th, 1892. Further particulars from Headmaster.
Werrington Sales of 1871:-
Site 905a: Occupier – British School: description – School House &c. Quantity – 8 perches. The site on the map is now [2002] occupied by M/s Stags Estate Agents, at No. 18 Western Road.
[The Weekly News of 3 January, 1863 carried the following report: At St Philip’s Church, Birmingham, December 25th, Mr P Wood, master of the British School, Launceston, married Miss E Sandercock, daughter of Mr Sandercock, of North Hill.]
Cornish & Devon Post, 15 April, 1944: Formerly of Launceston. Death of Mr TB Rhys of Tenby.
“The Tenby & County News” of Thursday week, contained the following in regard to a former Launceston resident:-
A former head master of New Hedges School, Mr Thomas Berian Rhys, of No.6. Queen’s Parade, died in the Cottage Hospital on Tuesday evening. He was 87.
Born at Brynberian, North Pembrokeshire, Mr Rhys was educated at Cardigan, and becoming a school teacher, held a post at the Grammar School at Launceston in Cornwall. Later in life he came to New Hedges, and he held his appointment there for a number of years. He was an excellent teacher, many of his pupils doing well in the examinations for the Green Hill County School entrance, and on his retirement about twenty years ago his services were recognised by a presentation from the people of the district. He had since lived in Tenby. During the raid on Tenby in October 1941 his house in Queen’s Parade was badly damaged and Mr and Mrs Rhys were not able to live in it for a very long time. Mr Rhys was himself many months in hospital
Recently he was again admitted to the Cottage Hospital where he died on Tuesday.
Launceston Weekly Gazette, 1877: advertisements –
NORTHGATE SCHOOL: Pupils prepared for the Cambridge Local Examinations.
School reopens on Monday January 18th, 1892. Terms on Application to WT Parsons.
LAUNCESTON GIRLS HIGH SCHOOL & KINDERGARTEN. Resident Pupils return January 18th. Day Pupils January 19th. For Prospectus apply: The Principal, Dockacre.
ST THOMAS COLLEGE, LAUNCESTON, conducted by the Misses Stringer and Experienced Governesses. The next Term will commence [D.V.] January 18th, 1892.
Vacancies for Day Pupils and One Boarder. “The Misses Stringer will be “At Home” on and after January 14th” Lessons in French, German, or Italian Languages, and in Crayon or Water Colour Drawing
Miss EF Smith, Mount Pleasant, Launceston.
Mr Dalby, Organist & Choirmaster at St Mary Magdalene, Launceston. Professor of the Organ, Piano, Singing & Harmony. Pianofortes tuned. New Instruments Selected from any London Maker. Discount for Cash. 12 per cent off Maker’s prices. 1 Clarence Terrace.
Mr AL Vingoe, Professor of Music. Tavistock – Pianoforte, Violin, Harmonium, Musical Composition, Singing, &c. Abbey Mead, Tavistock.
Dunheved College was founded in 1873 as a Boys College under the management of the Dunheved College Company. Several sites for the place of education were examined by the managers and by the Town Council, including near the end of Exeter Street, but were rejected on the grounds of not being quite suitable for such eminent works, eventually a site near the top of the new Dunheved Road, which had only been completed after the reservoir was filled in in 1869, was settled upon. The buildings, designed by Mr James Hine, architect, of Plymouth, were erected on some of the town Common Lands at the bottom of Windmill Common.
Scholarships of £25, £15, £10, and £5 each were set up, and in 1910 the college boasted of 70 pupils, including boarders.
DUNHEVED COLLEGE, LAUNCESTON: Herr Muller, with the sanction of the Council, offers accommodation, without separate bed-rooms, to Boarders at his new and commodious residence, Glenside Villa. The sum of Forty-Five pounds per annum covers ALL Fees, not only for Board but also Tuition at the College. French is constantly spoken in the family.
The first headmaster of Dunheved College was Mr Benjamin Ralph who was born at Derringoo-hill, Tipperary, in 1849. Mr Ralph was educated at Wesleyan Connextional School, Dublin, 1857 – 64, he entered Trinity College, Dublin 1864; BA 1869; LL.B 1872; LL.D 1882. Principal of Dunheved College from its foundation in 1873. In 1873 he married Sarah Meredith, of Roscrea, Scotland. Mr Ralph had Mr Otho B Peter, architect, Launceston, design a house for him at the top of Windmill Hill, in an old quarry beside the road. The first set of plans were rejected but the house was finished in 1880 and was named “Craigmore.” Ralph children born at Launceston were:
Hilda Grey, 1877; Morley Armitage, 1879; James Meredith, 1881, Ida Mary, 1883.
Historian Sir Alfred Robbins states the new buildings for the college were opened in September 1874 by the Reverend Luke Wiseman, MA. Motto – “Bene orasse Bene Staduisse.”
Dr Ralph emigrated to Canada, around 1900, and in 1919 a Mr HW Forster, of Albaston, Callington wrote to the press: “After being in the Army I was sent to work under the Bishop of Saskatchewan, Canada, among the soldier settlers in his Diocese. In 1927 I was posted to the Blain Lake district of Saskatchewan. Soon after arriving there I formed a close friendship with Dr Ralph which lasted until Dr Ralph’s death on his “Craigmore” estate, overlooking the South Saskatchewan River. Dr Ralph loved nature and the free life of the prairie and was happy out with horses, haymaking, preparing for the wheat crop, or saving the wheat; or even on Sundays when driving over the prairie to conduct a service at some little church, for he was also Minister of the Congregational Church, often preaching to a congregation of Canadians, English, German and Russian settlers, all known to him by his wonderful gift of love and sympathy to all. All classes and creeds came to him for help and advice, which he was always ready to give.
Morley Armitage farmed a short distance from Craigmore, a second son died at Craigmore, and is buried near the estate.”
Cornish & Devon Post, June 4th, 1919: Private H L Hardy, South African Infantry [son of Mr and Mrs BB Hardy], returned home last Monday night. He was taken prisoner by the Germans on Sunday, March 21st, last. With others he was marched back through the German lines, a distance of from 20 to 35 miles, with nothing to eat until Tuesday afternoon. For six months he was kept at work in a coal mine in North Germany. Parcels from home were generally received, and were necessary, too. He was compelled to work for 16 weeks with an injured foot, and wooden clogs did not help matters. After landing at Hull on November 30th, he was in hospital at Fulham, Bristol, and Richmond.
Dunheved College Ltd. Girl’s Department. The steady progress from year to year and the high position won by students, who have regularly pursued the College course, may be judged from the following selection from a long list of successes: DINGLEY, CHARLOTTE. PETER, ADELINE MARY. DERRY, KATIE.
[The above:] Peter, Adeline Mary. 1874 and 1875 Dunheved Exhibitioner; 1876 Powell Exhibitioner, Comb Lec Exam [junior] 1875; Certificate [3rd Class Honors] for Religious Knowledge, English, French, and Latin, – Oxford Loc Exam [junior] 1876; Certificate for Religious Knowledge, English, French, Latin and Drawing; Oxford Loc Exam [junior] 1877; [1st Honors Div] Religious Knowledge, English, Latin, Greek, French, Drawing; – Oxford Loc Exam [Senior] 1879: [Associate in Arts]. 2nd Honour Division in General Lists; 1st Honors in Section B. Languages, BEING 6TH IN ALL ENGLAND: First Honours in German, Being 7th out of the First 20; 2nd Honours in English, Section A: Passed in English History and Literature, Shakespeare and Johnson, Geography, Latin, Greek, French, German and Drawing. [C&D Post 3 Jan, 1885]
Cornish & Devon Post 10th May 1947: Mr Benjamin Bavin 1890 he was requested by the Launceston Baptists to design a church and Sunday school building for them, which was erected in the Western Road.
in Hardy, MA., JP., late Headmaster of Dunheved College, Launceston, died at 29 Madrid Road, Barnes, London, at the age of 87 years.
Tamar Terrace Road, Launceston. [now Tavistock Road, built in 1834]
1878: Mrs Bunbury, Edymead House, Tamar Terrace Road, Launceston.
Census – 1881: Edymead House Millicent A Bembury [Bunbury?] Annuitant Birmingham
Elizabeth Hocken servant domestic cook Launceston
Emma Blatchford “ dom housemaid Egloskerry
Laura M Sandercock “ kitchen maid St Gennys
Martha E Burford dom companion Bristol
Sarah A Haddy servant parlour maid Ivybridge
Edymead [cottage]:
William B Hutchings 28 gardener Ashburton
Mary J wife 34 Dean Coombe
William H son 8 Brixham
Ella J dau 6 Brixham
Emma A dau 4 Launceston
Frederick J son 2 Launceston
Alice dau 6 months Launceston
[C & D March 31st, 1883] Dunheved College Boarding House for Girls.
Mrs Osborne, Matron. Miss Haigh, Resident Governess. The above is now open at Dartmouth Villa, Tamar Terrace Road, Launceston, for Girls attending the classes at Dunheved College.
Every Attention will be paid by Mrs Osborne to the comfort and health of the Boarders entrusted to her care. Circulars showing Fees, which are very moderate, will be sent on application. Music taught by Mrs Osborne to junior pupils. The next Term commences May 1st.
[C & D, June 23rd, 1883.] Alteration of Address: Dunheved College Boarding School for Girls: Matron Mrs Osborne. Resident Governess Miss Haigh. The above is now open at No.1, Tamar Terrace [lately occupied by Mrs Rich], Tavistock Road, Launceston, for Girls attending the classes at Dunheved College. Every attention will be paid by Mrs Osborne to the comfort and health of the Boarders entrusted to her care. Circulars showing Fees, which are very moderate, will be sent on application. Music taught by Mrs Osborne to Junior Pupils.
C & D Post, 15 September, 1883: Commander Lawrence Ching of Launceston has just been commissioned to the ‘Daring’, and will shortly leave here for a foreign station.
Tamar Terrace 1938: 1 Gifford, K. 2. Turner, E. 2. Smith, JB. 3. Cooper, WSL. 4. Ellacott, P.
24 April 1886: C & D Post: TO LET: With immediate Possession on a yearly tenancy,
the Coach House, and Stables, with living rooms over the same, Cow House, two Glass Houses, with vines and fruit trees, and about a third of an acre of Kitchen Garden, well stocked, situate at EDYMEAD HOUSE, specially suitable for a Market Garden. Apply to Mr Pyke, solicitor, Launceston.
24 April, 1886: ‘Mounted Postboy’: So the Launceston Girls School have determined an important change on the strength of their having turned the corner and put the establishment on the road to financial success. The Board of Management have taken EDYMEAD HOUSE, a large and handsome mansion on the Tamar Terrace Road, where the pupils will take more comfort, and the mistresses greater facilities for carrying out their important duties. An additional advantage will be that the schoolroom will be on the same premises.
[Colonel CCG Byng, served with the Life Guards, was born in St James, London.]
1910: Byng, Col The Hon Charles Cavendish George, JP. Edymead House
1914: Vowler, Francis Simcoe. Edymead House
1923: Vowler, Francis Simcoe, Edymead House
1926 “ “ “ “ “
1930 Rashley, Thomas, Dartmoor Villa.
1935: Vowler, Francis Simcoe, Edymead House
1939 “ “ “ “ “
[1856 – Vowler, John Nicholson, esq, Hexworthy.]
Cornish & Devon Post, February 1st, 1919. Old Dunheved College Boys in Her Majesty’s Forces includes, as far as is known: 283 Dunhevedians, among who are 3 Lt Cols, 7 Majors, 27 Captains, 7 Chaplains, 10 RAMC, ADS, AVC; 65 Lieutenants, 2 Assistant Paymasters, 4 DSO’s, 4 M & D’s, 16 MC, DCM, DSC holders; 24 have given their lives.
In 1919 a stained glass window was erected in the school room to the memory of the old boys who fell in World War I. By 1930 the number of pupils had risen to 80, some of them because the boys of Horwell School were then incorporated into the College, and in 1931 a building programme was begun to extend the college. Many of the proposed new buildings were still incomplete up to 1939 when World War II broke out. In 1935 Mr Spencer Toy was headmaster; he was later to become one of the town’s leading writers of local history.
In later years, after many governmental changes to the Education system, the college became a Comprehensive School, taking children over the age of 11 years from the primary schools of a large catchment area; in 2002 with a new title of Technical College, the number of pupils attending is around 1.400.
Advertisements of 1887:
Priory House, St Thomas Road. Classical, Mathematical & Commercial Academy:
principal – Mr G Arthur. [December 18th]
Northgate House: Classical, Mathematical & Commercial School: principal Mr WT Parsons,
[son of Mr R Parsons, deceased].
Young Ladies School, Mr J Burt & Miss E Martyn, Newport.
The New Day School, Fore Street. R Knight. “For the Instruction of Young Ladies”.
Principal: Miss Widdowson.
The Launceston Working Lads Institute, in Wooda Road, built in 1889, faced in Bath Stone, at a cost of £1,300; it contained a library, committee and reading rooms, senior member’s room, a large hall seating 250, a gym etc.
East Cornwall Times and Cornish & Devon Post, Sat. Feb 9th, 1889]
The foundation stones of the new institute were laid by Mr R Kelly, CC, of Kelly, and Canon Moore, on Thursday, 7th February, 1889.
The committee had purchased several old houses and sheds in Wooda Road which, together with the new buildings, will make a total cost of about £1,100, and something like £400 has already been raised. One of the houses remains standing and inhabited, and the rent will gradually help to wipe off the floating debt which will spread over a series of years and be assisted by several annual subscriptions promised. The work of erection was commenced sometime since by the contractor, Mr Broad, and the walls are already a considerable height from the foundations.
The institute is being built on a capital central site in Wooda Road, purchased sometime since at a cost of £800. The building will have a southern frontage towards the road of 30 feet 6 ins, from which it is entered, and a depth of about 96 feet.
The ground floor comprises: entrance hall, senior members’ room, library, lavatories, care-keeper’s apartments, noisy games room, workshops, and gymnasium court, with easy access from the lane on the western side. From the entrance hall a large staircase will lead to a hall to seat 150 persons, with two exits, and a refreshment room, also a large reading room and class room.
The front is being built of local cut stone of various colours, with granite quoins, Bath stone widows, and Polyphant columns which will be of very imposing appearance. The building has been designed by Messrs Wise & Wise, architects, Launceston, under whose supervision the work is being carried out by Mr W Broad, contractor, of the same town, to be completed by July next.
The stone laying ceremony commenced at 4 pm, the first stone being laid by Canon Moore. Mr J Treleaven then presented Mr Kelly with a trowel in the name of the committee and members of the brigade and asked him to lay the second stone.
[C & D Post, October, 19, 1889]:
The Launceston Boys Temperance Institute was opened on Thursday, 17th October, 1889, in Wooda Road. Mr Pethick was requested to formerly open the building and was presented with a key by the Vicar [Rev. JB Sidgwick], President of the Institution. The foundation stones were laid in February last, by Canon Moore and Mr Kelly, of Kelly.
Schools advertised in 1901:
The Launceston Girls High School & Kindergarten; Head Mistress – Miss Seccombe.
Assisted by a Highly-Qualified Resident & Visiting Staff.
For Prospectus apply – Pendruccombe, Launceston.
[Louisa Jane Seccombe, Pendrucombe, died, aged 40 years; buried March 18th,1902].
The Horwell Endowed School, St Stephens-by-Launceston. Founded AD 1707.
Head Master: Chas. Douglas Rosling., BA., Honours. London.
A Second-Grade School, supplying a sound, practical education at a moderate cost.
Spacious School Rooms, Laboratory, & Dormitories, all recently erected.
Preparation for all Examinations. A Preparatory Class for young boys.
Good games, a healthy and happy home for Boarders.
Fees, owing to Endowment, most moderate in amount. Prospectus on application.
Dunheved College, Launceston.
Thorough Preparation for Professional, Civil Service, and Commercial Life.
Head Master: Mr Benjamin B. Hardy, MA. [St John’s College, Cambridge].
Assisted by: Mr Alfred H. Adair, MA. [Trinity College, Dublin].
Mr Francis Dewsbury, BA., LL.B. [St John’s College, Cambridge].
Mr J. Percival Day. Mr Manuel W. Strickland.
Mr C.S. Parsons, Mus. Bac. [London].
The North Hill, Launceston. [This should read ‘North Hall’]
A High-Class School For Girls. Conducted by Miss Lupton Allen.
Assisted by an Ample Staff of Qualified Teachers, Successes in Matriculation, University Local [Honours], &c., and Associated Board of R.A.M., and R.C. M. [Honours Incorporated Society of Musicians, [Honours], in Singing, Violin, Pianoforte &c., &c.
St Thomas College, Launceston.
Boarding and Day School for Girls.
The Misses Robinson Successors to The Misses Stringer.
Thorough Education with preparations for all examinations. Home Comforts. Great Individual attention. Private Lessons in Painting, Leather-work, and Book-keeping.
Launceston Technical Instruction Committee
A short preliminary course of Four Lectures under the auspices of the County Council, will be given by Professor Clark, at the Passmore-Edwards Institute, Launceston, commencing on Tuesday, May 14th, at 3 pm.
Subjects: May 21 – The Soil and its Composition. May 28 – Manures and their Application
June 4 – The Animal and its Requirements. ADMISSION FREE.
P & N Advert: January 9th, 1904: St Joseph’s Convent, St Stephens-by-Launceston.
The English and French Sisters of the above Convent will open a School for Girls and Little Boys on Monday, October 5th, as the Old Newport Seminary.
Terms, including French, moderate. Classes for German, Needlework, Drawing and Music.
Apply – Mother Superior.
In 1914 ‘Newport House, [St Joseph’s Convent] was again put up for sale the Vendors being named as Margaret Philbin, Mathilde Gibert, Jean Baptiste Lemasson, and Eugenie Mauger, their solicitors being Messrs Gidley & Wilcocks of Saltash Street, Plymouth.
From Kelly’s Directory of 1910: Science & Art School, Passmore-Edwards Institute, Northgate. Public Elementary School, Western Road.[mixed & infant] for 300 pupils. William Atkins, headmaster. Miss Edith Hornsby, mistress.
St Stephens [mixed & infants], built 1880 for £1,000. For 180 pupils. Wm John Davis, master. Miss Ada Hearn, assistant mistress. Miss Mary Beatrice Ellacot, infants mistress.
St Thomas Road [mixed & infants] built 1840 for 186 mixed and 139 infants. Alfred Kenneth Lee, master, Miss Harry Thomas Green, mistress. Mr William Burt built the school to designs by Mr Otho B Peter, town architect. [The badges are on the building]
Cornish & Devon Post, 3 May, 1915: WINDMILL SCHOOL Launceston’s New School.
The new Council School, built at Windmill Hill, Launceston, in which today [Saturday] an exhibition of children’s work from the schools of Launceston, together with exhibits from the Passmore Edwards Institute, is to be opened by the Mayoress [Mrs Edward Hicks].
The school is not to be easily seen from any spot in the town, so that many readers will be glad of the opportunity of seeing what the building is like. The workmen are still engaged upon it, but it is in a fair way to being finished.
WINDMILL School was built in 1913 for 214 mixed and infant children.
[C & D January 3rd, 1920].
SALE: for the Misses Robinson, Grammar School House, St Thomas Hill. On January 14th, 1920: Sale of all the Household Furniture etc. Dining Room, Hall, Study, Drawing Room, Bedrooms, Kitchen, etc.
1930 Directory – Misses Seccombe, Pendruccombe.
1939 Directory includes: Pendruccombe Private Boarding & Kindergarten School:
Mrs Suttie & Miss L Woodward-Bell, principals.
Post & Weekly News, 3rd August, 1940:
Special Announcements: At the London College of Music examination held at Plymouth on July 19th, the following were successful: primary [singing] – distinction Esther Hicks: primary pianoforte – Christine Alford, honours [92 marks]: elementary [singing] – Molly Burden, honours. All are pupils of Mrs N Christopher, Gold Medallist, 2 Alexandra Terrace, Race Hill, Launceston.
Schools advertised in 1946 included: Launceston Girls High School & Kindergarten: Head Mistress – Miss Seccombe, Pendruccombe.
Dunheved College, Headmaster – Mr Benjamin B Hardy.
Music School. Mr DJ Coldwell, Organist & Choirmaster of St Marys; apply “Penge”, St Thomas Road.
Mrs Grace Percival of Pendarves, Camborne, made an endowment for her own parish to form a school.
Mrs Percival, who was the last of the mediaeval Pendarves in the direct line, may have been prompted to do this by an earlier Percival – the Cornish shepherdess Thomasine Bonaventure of Week St Mary, who, as the wife of a Lord Mayor of London, founded a chantry and a charitable school for her home parish, which was later removed to Launceston – The Dame Percival School.
Mrs Percival died 27th May, 1763, aged 68 years, leaving her second husband in Clifton, Bristol.
Notes: Further to Belle Vue House: This was formerly the Half Moon public house, the first inn entering the town from the Bodmin road, and where many travellers preferred to stop rather than enter the more expensive town houses. After the school was closed at Belle Vue House it became occupied by Mr George Mitchell Gifford. Mr Gifford was, with Mr R Peter, manager of the Tavistock Bank in Broad Street and was also agent for The British Empire, The Royal Farmer’s Fire & Life, and The Scottish Provincial Fire & Life insurance companies. Mr Gifford had a niece living in his house, her brother being vicar at St Juliot, near Boscastle. Belle Vue House was visited by Mr Thomas Hardy, a Dorsetshire author and architect who fell in love with Mr Gifford’s niece, later marrying her and, after visiting her brother, drew up plans for improvements at his church. Later Belle Vue House was destroyed and the site was built over by the new County Council fire station for Launceston which was opened on the 15th November, 1958.
The Reverend Richard Cope was married in London to Miss Davies of Soho, on June 30th, 1801.
Mr Leigh Cope, son of Richard, married Miss Eyre of Launceston. This latter is the Mr Cope who taught Mr Richard Dingley.
Launceston Grammar School. Some of the Masters were:-
1409 – ‘A priest who celebrated in St Mary Magdalene, also taught children grammar.
1461 – Mr Simon, schoolmaster. 1548 – Stephen Gourge [Gorge], master and vicar of St Mary Magdalen. 1548 ?– John Bamek or Balmock, master. 1546 – William Cholwell, transferred from Week St Mary. 1621 – William Williams, master. 1655 – Joseph Hull, master.
1656 December 10 to 1663 – William Oliver, master, b. Cornwall 27 Dec 1627, Chaplain, Fellow of Ex. Coll. Oxf. by order of the Parliamentary Visitors, 1650-54, MA., vicar of St Mary Magdalen by the corporation 10 Dec, 1656, ejected in 1663 under the Act of Uniformity of 1662, Aug 24, d. 6 July 1681. 1668 – John Ruddle, master; of Caius College, Camb., MA., Vicar of St Mary Magdalen 25 Dec 1662. 1804-1805 – John Wood, master, of Pembroke Hall, Camb. BA., 1803, MA. 1806. 1806 – William Cowlard, master [son of Thomas Cowlard of Tiverton], Matric from Balliol Coll. Oxf., 7 July 1798, aged 18, BA 1802, Fellow of his college, Master 1806. PC of Laneast, curate of Lamerton, Devon. ? to 1821 – James Harriman Hutton, master [son of John Hutton of Exeter], Matric from Ex Coll Oxf. 31 May 1788, aged 20, vicar of Leckford, Hants 1823. d. 8 Sept 1847. 1821 to 1841 – No schoolmaster, but some accounts say Mr Kendall came in 1838. 1841 to 1848 – John Henry Kendall, master [son of Rev Charles Kendall], vicar of St Thomas 16 Apr 1841, vicar of Warbstow 1848-62, vicar of Treneglos 1848-62, Author. d. 19 Aug 1862 aged 57. 1848 to 1875 – Samuel Childes Clarke, master, b. Royal Marine Barracks, Stonehouse 17 January 1821, Matric. from Queen’s Coll. Oxf. 5 Dec 1839, of St Mary’s Hall, Oxf. BA. 1844, MA 1846. PC of St Thomas, Launceston 1848. Vicar of Thorveton, Devon since 1875, Author of Bibliotheca Cornubiensis. 71. 1875 – William Stabback Johns, master, b. Helston 11 May 1838, Matric. from Ex Coll. Oxf. 11 Feb 1857, BA 1861, MA 1863. Head master Newton Abbot Coll. 1869-74. Headmaster of Launceston Grammar School since 1875, vicar of St Thomas by Launceston since 1875.
Horwell Endowed School: John Horwell of Dublin, b. Launceston, by his Will 6 May 1707, d. 1726, left money for the education of boys and the support of a schoolmaster, his estate however was thrown into chancery and an attempt made to dispute the Will. The Legacy with interest was recovered in 1756, and after further litigation a schoolroom was built in 1823, the Masters have been: 1825 to 1865 – William May, master. One of the founders of the Philosophical Society, 1829, d. 1865. 1865 – Richard Reed, master since 1865. Of the Royal Coll. of Preceptors, London. A vice-president of the Launceston Mechanics and General Institute 1881, Free Mason, senior warden, Lodge Dunheved.

Visits: 195