
The Launceston Egg packing station can trace its roots first to Madford Lane before it moved to the old British School premises in Western Road (now Stags Estate Agents below). Here they demolished part of the building to allow vehicle access to the rear. In 1947, on part of the old wartime Scarne Camp, they opened a purpose-built building.

Acquired by Cornish Egg Producers, Ltd. Cornish Egg Producers, Ltd., whose headquarters are at Scarne, Launceston, announce that they have acquired the egg packing interests of Primrose Dairy (Cornwall) Ltd., a member of Unigate Organisation, and for many years a large operator in the milk, dairy and grading of eggs at the Primrose Packing Station, Trenear, Wendron, Helston, with the same management and staff as previously.
The acquisition not only extends to a sphere of influence of this agricultural co-operative society but will also make possible certain economics in administration and collection with the ultimate benefit to all members.
It is understood that Cornish Egg Producers, Ltd., have just completed another successful year’s trading and will shortly announce a distribution of 4½ d. in the £ on members sales in addition to the usual five per cent dividend on share capital.

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