Extracts of legal papers, now deposited in CRO, Cornwall, by Messrs Peter, Peter & Son, Solicitors, regarding Angel Hill tenements and THE ANGEL INN.
258. Pre-nuptial settlement (assignment of leaseholds)
[1] Henry Bennett of Launceston, tanner, to
[2] Walter Bennett, his son, on marriage between Walter B. and Eliz., daughter of Wm Blagdon of St Stephens-by-Launceston, tanner.
Messuage, lands and tenement in Launceston, on s. side of highway leading from south gate of borough to Bamham [leased 1595 by mayor to Thos Bennett], which after death of Thos Bennett became property of his s. Walter, whose s. Hen now occupies the premises.
Also messuage, lands and tenement without the south gate on s, side of way leading from gate to Polston Bridge; [leased 1653 by Walter Kendall to Hen Bennett for 99 years.]. 10 Feb. 1674.
259. 99 year lease [jn Harvey, s of leasee, and Jn’s w Eliz, dau of Hen Bennett, late in occ of leased premises; also Thos, s of Jn and Eliz H.}; rent 5/- Consideration; £23-2-0
[1] Walter Kendall of Pelun, esq., to [2] Dan Harvey of Launceston, tanner.
Messuage and tenement in Launceston late in occ of Hen Bennett and his s Walter, and then in occ of Walter’s s Hen Bennett being without the south gate on s side of way leading from gate to Polston Bridge;
also plot or space of ground formerly a garden ajc messuage on e and s; also another plot of ground formerly a garden on part of which a little house was built, since fallen down, lying on the hill above the pound of the borough on s.w side of the highway from Launceston to Lezant. 17 Oct 1734.
260/1,2. Assignment of 700 year term in trust for [1] and [2]: also counterpart].
[1] Anthony Hoskin of Launceston, pewterer, and w Eliz, formerly Bennett; [2] Phil Welsh of Launceston, gent.
Recites: 700 yr lease by mayor to Thos Bennett, 1595 [as in DD.PP 257 above].
Thos B died; property inherited by s Walter, then his s Hen, and Hen’s sister Eliz Hoskyn; admin
of Hen’s state granted to [2] his principal creditor, who became entitled to Hen’s moiety of
[1] and [2] have agreed to ssign to [3]:
Messuage, dwelling-houses, tenements and premises for many years past and yet called the Angell, with outhouses, pound house, stables, courtlages, yards, 2 orchards and herb gdn at back; also cottage or dwelling house on w side of kitchen, where Hobb’s widow lives now and the plot, formely vacant but now a dwelling house where Sam Rowe lives. 20 July 1742.
261. Mortgage [assignment of 700 yr term]; consideration: divers sums of money owed by [1] to [3] totalling £150-4-9
[1] Anthony Hoskyn of Launceston, pewterer;
[2] Rich Welsh of Launceston, gent; [3] Phil Welsh of Launceston, gent.
[1] and [2] to [3]:
Moiety of messuage, lands and tenement called Angell [as above]. 26 Mar 1741.
262. Quitclaim and release of equity of redemption.
Consideration: discharge of mortgage money.
[1] Hen Hoskyn of Launceston, pewterer; [2] Rich Welsh of Launceston, gent; [3] Phil Welsh of Launceston, gent.
Recites: [1]’s father, Anthony H’s mortgage of 1741, money remaining unpaid.
[1 and [2] to [3]: Property as above. 20 July 1742.
263. Assignment of 99 yr lease; consideration: lessee to rebuild and repair dwelling-house “with all convenient speed”.
263 [cont’d] [1] Thos Harvey of Launceston, tanner, and Dan Harvey, tanner, exor’s of Dan’s father, Dan
Harvey, decd., to [2] Zacheus Sleeman of Launceston, innkeeper.
Recites: lease by Walter Kendall of Pelyn, esq., to Dan Harvey, sen, 1734 [as in DD.PP 259 above].
Messuage and tenement in Launceston late in occ of Hen and Walter Bennett, then of Hen, s of Walter B, being without the south gate on the s side of way to Polston Bridge; also plot of land formerly garden adj messuage on e and s, and another plot of land formerly a garden, where a little house was built, since fallen down, lying on the hill above the pound. 25 December 1747.
264. Mortgage for £80 [assignment of 99 year lease].
265. [1] Zacheus Sleeman of Launceston, victualler, to [2] Rich Welsh of Launceston, gent.
Property as above.
Endorsed: “Launceston Arms”. 29 May 1759.
Recites: mortgage to [2], 1759 [as above]; since when [1] has borrowed additional £144-12-0 and transfer right to premises to [2].
Messuage and tenement in Launceston now known by the name of the Launceston Arms.
30 August, 1759.
266. Abstract of Title of Angel Hill premises, 1740-1799.
267. Assignment of 700 year term; consideration: £300.
[1] Ann Hiern of Bath, gentlewoman [dau of Jn Hiern, bro of Mary Welsh of Launceston, to
[2] Silvester Harris of Launceston, victualler.
Messuages, dwelling houses, tenements and premises now and for many years called The Angel, with outhouses, pound house, stable, courtlages, yards, orchard [formerly 2], with arbor gdn at back, late in occ of Walter and Hen Bennett, then of Anthony Hoskyn, then of Phil Welsh, then of Mary Welsh, wid, all without the south gate of Launceston on s side of highway leading to Bamham.
Also messuage and tenement in borough late in occ of Hen and Walter Bennett, then of Walter Kendall, then of Zachary Sleeman, then of Phil and Mary Welsh, then of Mary Welsh, now of Silvester Harris, being without the south gate on s side of way from gate to Polston Bridge; also plot of ground formerly a gdn on e and s side of messuage; also plot formerly a gdn on part of which a little house was built, since fallen down, being on the hill nearly opposite the borough pound, on s.w side of highway from Launceston to Lezant.
Endorsed: “Premises on Angel Hill”. 25 December 1806.
268. Mortgage for £300 [assignment of leasehold].
[1] Silvester Harris of Launceston, victualler to
[2] Thos Eyre of Launceston, haberdasher and woolstapler.
Property as above. 26 December 1806.
269.1.2. 99 year lease [lives of lessees’s daus Edith and Harriet]:
rent 5/4d [also counterpart]. Consideration: £102-10-0.
[1] Rev Nich Kendall of Pelyn, to
[2] Jn Tyeth of Launceston, gent.
Messuage and tenement in Launceston late in occ of Hen and Walter Bennett, then of Hen’s s Walter b., now of Silvester Harris, being without the south gate on south side of way to Polston Bridge; also plot formerly a gdn adj messuage on e and s; also another plot, formerly gdn, where little house was built, since fallen down. 24 June 1808.
270. Will and probate of Silvester Harris of Launceston, carpenter.
– w Frances, all household goods and movable effects except working tools and stock in trade and books.
– Dau, Harriet Dyer, 1/-
– Lands, tenements working tools and stock in trade and books to sister Mary French and dau Ann Geiger equally between them.
– Thos Eyre of Launceston, sen, w woolstapler, to be exer. Made 1814, proved 1815
271 Declaration of Thos Tinckham concerning Angel Inn and ownership of Mr Kendall, 4 Apr 1815.
272. Copy letter from Thos Eyre to Jn Tyeth of Launceston concerning mortgage of Launceston Arms, 1 May 1815.
273. Power of Attorney. [1] Jean Pierre Geiger of Dessenheim, Upper Rhine, officer on half
Pay, and w Ann, dau of Silvester Harris of Launceston, carpenter, decd, to
[2] Thos Pearse, gent, and Wm Harvey, banker, both of Launceston
Premises in Launceston called the Angel, left by will of Silvester Harris to sister Mary and dau Ann; exor, Thos Eyre is owed £380 out of Silvester’s estate; premises to be assigned [to pay debt] to Wm, husband of Harriet Dyer, other dau of Silvester H.
274. Account of legacy duty on estate of Silvester Harris of Launceston, carpenter, 1817.
275. Fire insurance policy of Wm Dyer of Launceston, innkeeper, for dwelling house and adj offices on the new road in Launceston known by the name of the Launceston Arms, 1826.
276. Fire insurance policy of Wm Dyer of Launceston, innkeeper, on 5 dwelling-houses in Angel Hill, and one in New Road, Launceston; also malt house in occ of D Shelaton, maltster, at bottom of Angel Hill, 1828.
277. Extract from deeds relating to Angel Hill premises attached to printed notice of sale of:
Remainder of 700 yr term on dwelling-houses and gdns at Angel Hill in occ of Silvester Harris, Thos Parsons, Rich Dymond and Andrew Jope.
99 yr lease of part of dwelling-house occupied by Silvester Harris, with plot behind dwelling-house and on e and s sides.
Public survey to be held at said dwelling-house known by name of Launceston Arms. Aug 1800.
Official /Turnpike -[Papers of M/s Peter, Peter & Son.]
47.1.2. Recites: lease and release, Thos Ching and Wm Derry, exors of David Palmer, Eliz Beadon, Margery Pode, and Valentine Pode, to Geo Mann, 28/29 Jan 1823.
Dwelling-house without the southgate of Launceston borough, being formerly part of lands of Valentine Pode, sen, who died 1817, premises being subject to mortgage for £200 to David Palmer; Geo Mann discharging mortgage debt.
Dwelling-house without the southgate of Launceston borough in occ Jn James and Wm Yeo, as tenants of [2] and [3]; also piece of s corner of kitchen; liberty for trustees to cut and make a road from north corner of the garden near above premises belonging to Jas Green, near poundhouse to 9” from southern window of kitchen. 15/16 June 1824.
48. Bargain and sale; consideration £200 by trustees to [2]
[1] Thos Eyre of Launceston, haberdasher; [2] Wm Dyer of Launceston, innkeeper; [3] Sir Wm Pratt Call, Jn Hearle Tremayne, Francis Hearle Rodd, Thos Jn Phillips, Wm Baron, esqs., Coryndon Rowe, docter of medicine, Jn Roe, Thos Pearse, Parr Cunningham Hockin, and Thos Ching, gents., turnpike trustees.
Recites: 700 year lease, borough of Launceston to Thos Bennett, 29 Sep 1585.
Messuage, dwelling-house and premises then and for m any years last past commonly called the Angel, with outhouses, poundhouse, one stable, courtlages, yards, orchard [formerly 2] and arbor garden at back of premises, formerly in occ of Walter Bennett then Hen Hoskin, then Phil Welsh, his wid Mary, and Ann Hiern and her tenants, all lying without the southgate of Launceston, on s side of highway leading to Bamham.
by subsequent assignments and ultimately by assignment by Thos Eyre, Mary French, Jean Pierre Geiger and w Ann, to Wm Dyer, 24 February 1817.
Assignment of 700 year term, Wm Dyer to thos Eyre, 25 March 1817.
[3] have agreed with [2] to purchase piece of orchard and garden;
[1] has agreed exonerate piece of ground from mortgage, [1] and [2] to [3]:
So much of the orchard belonging to Wm Dyer [part of above premises] as shall extend in depth
36’ from s end of Thos Anthony Causey’s garden which adjoins orchard, through same to adj
garden of Jas Green. 12 July 1824.
DDX. 36B. [papers of Ms Peter, Peter & Son].
50 Copy will and probate of Eliz Peters of Launceston wid, made 1833, proved 1834. – money
51/1.2. Estate duty accounts on estate of Florence Caroline Philp of Liskeard, 1915.
52. Will and probate of Elizabeth Saltren of Launceston, wid, made 1780, proved 1782’
– property in Launceston
– money bequests.
53. Will and probate of Jn Saltren of Bridport, gent, made 1832, proved 1834.
– money bequests
– house to Bridport Independent Meeting for use as Sunday school or vestry.
52. “Memorandums not mentioned in my last will” by Jn Saltren, 1833.
55/1.2. Receipts for deeds from Jn Martin, exor of rev Jn Saltren, decd. 1834, 1835.
56. Will and probate of Thos Shearme of Launceston, wine and spirit merchant, made 1894, proved 1898.
57. Draft Letter from Thos Shearme to solicitors asking for new will to be made, n.d., c. 1894.
58. Will and probate of Abraham Shephard of Launceston, gent, 1870.
– property in Launceston including “Launceston Arms”, malthouse, brewery and brewing utensils,
also “Exeter Inn”.
[from PRO] 55 [b] DD. PP.
274 Account of legacy duty on Estate of Silvester Harris, of Launceston.carpets etc. 1817
275 Fire Insurance policy of William Dyer of Launceston, innkeeper, of dwelling-house and adjoining offices on the New Road in Launceston, known by the name of the Launceston Arms. 1826.
276 Fire insurance policy of William Dyer of Launceston, innkeeper, on five dwelling-houses in Angel Hill, and one in New Road, Launceston; also malt house in the occupation of DS Shelston, maltster, at the bottom of Angel Hill, 1828.
277 Expenses for advertisements relating to Angell Hill premises attached to printed notice of sale of: remainder of 700 year term on Dwelling-houses and gardens at Angel Hill in the occupation of Silvester Harris, Thomas Parsons, Richard Dymond, and Andrew Jope.
99 year lease of part of Dwelling-house occupied by Silvester Harris, with plot behind dwelling-house on east and south sides of Angel Hill.
Public Survey to be held at said Dwelling-houses known by name of Launceston Arms. August, 1800.
Extract from four-page document in CRO, Truro, regarding the Launceston Arms and other nearby premises: – –
“- – – premises for the remainder of the said Term of 700 years, chargeable with the principle and interest due on said mortgage ~
And that the Principle Sum of £160 – 4 – 9 and Interest was not paid at the day and time in the proviso in the said Indenture of Mortgage contained for payment thereof by means whereof the said Moiety of the said Premises became forfeited and absolute in Law in him the said Philip Welsh his Executor etc for the remainder of the said Term subject to redemption in Equity ~
And Also that said Henry Hoskyn had contracted and sold to said Philip Welsh the Equity of Redemption of said Moiety of said Premises for the remainder of said Term then to come for the sum of £55 ~
It Is Witnessed that for the Consideration therein mentioned and of the further sum of 10/- to said Henry Hoskyn and Richard Welsh then paid ~
They the said Henry Hoskyn and Richard Welsh by direction of said Henry Hoskyn testified etc and each of them:
Did grant sell demise release and forever quit-claim unto said Philip Welsh ~
All that the said undivided Moiety or Halfendeale of and in the said Messuages Lands Tenements and Premises called the Angel and all their and each of their Estate etc To Hold unto the said Philip Welsh his Exors admors and assigns –
for and during the remainder of the said Term of 700 years by
H Hoskyn and R Welsh
and Duly Executed and Attested.
June 1756 – – The said Philip Welsh by his Will of this date, after several Devises and bequests thereby made etc not affecting the premises mentioned at the head of this abstract ~
Gave and bequeathed All the residue of his Estate and Effects unto his Son said Richard Welsh his Exors etc and appointed him sole Exor and Residuy Legatee of his said Will ~
June 1765 – – The said Richard Welsh by his Will of this date after devising as herein devised and disposed of but not affecting the premises mentioned at the head of this abstract ~
Gave and bequeathed all the residue of his Effects unto his Brother Thomas Welsh and appointed him Sole Executor and residuary legatee of his main Will –
Visits: 128