1914 and all that, Launceston and World War One.
Dunheved College’s fallen from WW1
Launceston’s fallen from World War One
War Memorial Dedication Wreaths
Launceston’s Servicemen of WW1
The Cornish and Devon Post during WW1
Launceston through the First World War 1914-1915
Launceston through the First World War 1916
Launceston through the First World War 1917
Launceston through the First World War 1918
Unfinished business, Launceston and World War Two.
Launceston’s fallen from World War Two
Battle of Launceston Court-Martial
WW2 Plane Crashes around Launceston
War Memorials from the locality of North Cornwall
Launceston’s Boer War Volunteers
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