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The People


Like any other town, Launceston has been blessed with some notable figures have lived and worked within its district, some with notoriety and others through their un-dented philanthropy. One thing is for sure their lives and the impact that they had on the town is a worthwhile read. To enter their world just follow the respective pages on the links below and discover a little about some of the men and women that helped form Launceston’s history and what we have today. 

 Surnames A to H
John Couch Adams, Dr. William Andrew, Colonel Edward Archer, Daniel Barriball, Ernest Barriball, William Barriball, Tom Barriball, Bennett family of LawhittonGeorge BiddlecombeThomasine Bonaventure, Barrie Boundy, Frank Bradshaw, John BrimmellSydney Dangar BrimmellAlbert William Dangar Brimmell, Richard Cary Dangar Brimmell, Thomas George Brimmell,William Langdon Brimmell, Harold Broad,  Luke BrokenshawWilliam Browning, Arthur Budd, Captain Samuel Burgess, Neville Northey Burnard, Burt Family, Charles Henry Burt, William Burt, The Carpenter Family, William Cater, William Smale Cater, Stanley Gubbin Cater, Charles Stanley Causley, John Ching, Henry ChingLawrence ChingThomas Prockter Ching, Samuel Childs Clarke, William & Eli CookArthur Bevan Collier, Norman Robert Colville, Richard Cope, Edward George Cowlard, Henry Lethbridge Cowlard, Mary Ann DavenportJohn Dingley, Richard Dingley, Jim EdwardsSir John Eliot, Edward Eliot, Thomas Symes Eyre, Sydney John Fitze, George Fox, Thomas Percy Fulford, Douglas Hugh Aird Galbraith, Henry Gardner, Charles Gordon Gibson, George Mitchell Gifford, Charles Henry Gillbard, John Thomas GillbardSabine Baring-Gould, Richard Gregg, Jacob Grigg, Charles Reginald Gerveys Grylls, Charles Gurney, Thomas Chandler Haliburton, Captain James Ham, Olver C. G. HarrisMaurice Hart, J. Harvey, Hayman Family, Hender Family,Thomas Brooks HenderHerbert Holman Hender,Wyndham Finch HenderAlfred Walter Hicks, Edward Hicks, Fanny Fry HicksReuben Lewis Hicks, Thomas Hicks, James Hine,Parr Cunningham Hockin, Edward Augustine Hore,  John Guylor HorneHerbert Hoskin, Jim Hughes

Surnames J to P

Surnames Q to Z

Jesse Sketchley Raddall, Claude Raddall, Benjamin Ralph, Jack Denis Rashley, John Rawling, John ReedNathaniel Reed, Thomas Charles Reed, Joan Rendell, Samuel Robins, Cecil Henry RobinsRichard Robbins, Sir Alfred Robbins, Sir Edmund Robbins, Francis Rashleigh Rodd, Coryndon Rowe, James Ruse, Thomas James Sandercock, Charles Beddoes Shuker, Charles Orchard SharpElsie Ruth Sleeman, John Beckley Smith, Rev. W. Steer, William Henry Symons, Charles Lillicrapp Symons, Dr. David Thompson, Dr. William Fookes Thompson, Daniel Carey Tolchard, Arthur Henry Tottle, Sir Henry Trecarell, John Simmons Tregoning, James Treleaven senior, James Treleaven junior, Richard B. Treleaven MBE SWA, Arthur Trewin, Thomas Pomeroy Trood, George Edward Trood, Henry Spencer Toy, Arthur Bray Venning, Haughton VivianCharles Vosper, William Sympson Walters, Alfred Webber, Weighell Family, Cecil Westlake, Robert Whale, George Graham White, George Graham White juniorFrederick Wicks, Alfred Martyn Williams C.B.E.  Charles Pearce Wise, Ernest Wise M.S.A., William Wise, George William WithamJames Wooldridge, Charles Henry Wroth,

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