The People
Like any other town, Launceston has been blessed with some notable figures have lived and worked within its district, some with notoriety and others through their un-dented philanthropy. One thing is for sure their lives and the impact that they had on the town is a worthwhile read. To enter their world just follow the respective pages on the links below and discover a little about some of the men and women that helped form Launceston’s history and what we have today.
Surnames A to H
John Couch Adams ,
Dr. William Andrew , Colonel Edward Archer ,
Daniel Barriball ,
Ernest Barriball ,
William Barriball ,
Tom Barriball, Bennett family of Lawhitton ,
George Biddlecombe ,
Thomasine Bonaventure ,
Barrie Boundy ,
Frank Bradshaw ,
John Brimmell ,
Sydney Dangar Brimmell ,
Albert William Dangar Brimmell ,
Richard Cary Dangar Brimmell ,
Thomas George Brimmell ,
William Langdon Brimmell ,
Harold Broad ,
Luke Brokenshaw ,
William Browning ,
Arthur Budd ,
Captain Samuel Burgess ,
Neville Northey Burnard ,
Burt Family ,
Charles Henry Burt ,
William Burt ,
The Carpenter Family ,
William Cater ,
William Smale Cater ,
Stanley Gubbin Cater ,
Charles Stanley Causley ,
John Ching ,
Henry Ching ,
Lawrence Ching ,
Thomas Prockter Ching ,
Samuel Childs Clarke ,
William & Eli Cook ,
Arthur Bevan Collier ,
Norman Robert Colville ,
Richard Cope ,
Edward George Cowlard ,
Henry Lethbridge Cowlard ,
Mary Ann Davenport ,
John Dingley ,
Richard Dingley ,
Jim Edwards ,
Sir John Eliot ,
Edward Eliot ,
Thomas Symes Eyre ,
Sydney John Fitze ,
George Fox ,
Thomas Percy Fulford ,
Douglas Hugh Aird Galbraith ,
Henry Gardner ,
Charles Gordon Gibson ,
George Mitchell Gifford ,
Charles Henry Gillbard ,
John Thomas Gillbard ,
Sabine Baring-Gould ,
Richard Gregg ,
Jacob Grigg ,
Charles Reginald Gerveys Grylls ,
Charles Gurney ,
Thomas Chandler Haliburton ,
Captain James Ham ,
Olver C. G. Harris ,
Maurice Hart ,
J. Harvey ,
Hayman Family ,
Hender Family ,
Thomas Brooks Hender ,
Herbert Holman Hender ,
Wyndham Finch Hender ,
Alfred Walter Hicks ,
Edward Hicks ,
Fanny Fry Hicks ,
Reuben Lewis Hicks ,
Thomas Hicks ,
James Hine ,
Parr Cunningham Hockin ,
Edward Augustine Hore , John Guylor Horne ,
Herbert Hoskin ,
Jim Hughes
Surnames J to P
Thomas Jasper , Frank Jordan , Kathleen Agnes Keast , Philip Gidley King , John Kittow , Horace Kittow , Charles Baskerville Langdon , The Family Lawrence , Richard Lenn , Edward Galton Baron Lethbridge , Mary Francis Vivian Lobb , Richard Martin , Joseph Maunder , Harriet Maynard , Cuthbert Mayne , Alexander McCracken , Edwin Issac Medland , George Melhuish , William Miller , Millman Family , William Thomas Mills , Stan Mincher , Roger Moore , Sir William Morice , Douglas Mounce , Marion Nicholls , Thomas Henry Nicholls , Anne Retallick Nicholls , The 2nd Duke of Northumberland , The 3rd Duke of Northumberland , Richard William Pearse , William Derry Pearse , Richard Penwarden Senior , Richard Penwarden junior , Richard Peter of Carboth , Richard Peter , Claude Peter , Gerald Peter , Otho Peter , Stuart Luttrell Peter , Peter Family , Edward Pethybridge , John Ley Pethybridge , William Hampton Pethybridge , Bert Pike , Sir Hugh Piper , William Lydra Powell , Agnes Prest , William Prockter , Maurice Prout , Prout Family
Surnames Q to Z
Jesse Sketchley Raddall , Claude Raddall , Benjamin Ralph , Jack Denis Rashley , John Rawling , John Reed , Nathaniel Reed , Thomas Charles Reed , Joan Rendell , Samuel Robins , Cecil Henry Robins , Richard Robbins , Sir Alfred Robbins , Sir Edmund Robbins , Francis Rashleigh Rodd , Coryndon Rowe , James Ruse , Thomas James Sandercock , Charles Beddoes Shuker , Charles Orchard Sharp , Elsie Ruth Sleeman , John Beckley Smith , Rev. W. Steer , William Henry Symons , Charles Lillicrapp Symons , Dr. David Thompson , Dr. William Fookes Thompson , Daniel Carey Tolchard , Arthur Henry Tottle , Sir Henry Trecarell , John Simmons Tregoning , James Treleaven senior , James Treleaven junior , Richard B. Treleaven MBE SWA , Arthur Trewin , Thomas Pomeroy Trood , George Edward Trood , Henry Spencer Toy , Arthur Bray Venning , Haughton Vivian , Charles Vosper , William Sympson Walters , Alfred Webber , Weighell Family , Cecil Westlake , Robert Whale , George Graham White , George Graham White junior , Frederick Wicks , Alfred Martyn Williams C.B.E. Charles Pearce Wise , Ernest Wise M.S.A. , William Wise , George William Witham , James Wooldridge , Charles Henry Wroth ,
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